In this study, the influence of justice climate on voice climate is studied from the angle of process climate and strategic climate for the first time, and the influence of procedural, distributive, interpersonal and informational climate on group voice behavior and the mediating effect of voice climate are studied on the group level for the first time. Meanwhile, the measurement of organizational justice climate is adjusted on the basis of former researches. Data comes from 392 employees constituting 77 groups of a large new energy private enterprise in China, and the method of Hierarchical Regression Modeling is used to test our hypothesis. Results are shown as follows: Firstly, organizational justice climate which includes procedural, distributive, interpersonal and informational justice climate has a positive effect on group voice behavior. The stronger justice climate in the group is, the fewer injustice results come from the failure of voice. So, employees are more apt to speak up. Secondly, organizational justice climate has a positive effect on group voice climate. A positive justice climate is beneficial for a group to formulate guidelines and policies which encourage employees to speak up, for leaders to judge employees fairly and reasonably, and for other employees to speak up. Based on these guidelines and policies, leader behaviors, and other employees’ voice behaviors, employees have their own psychological perception of the extent to which the group encourages speaking up, and then group voice climate emerges. Thirdly, voice climate has a full or partial mediate function between organizational justice climate and group voice behavior. A positive organizational justice climate can enhance employees’ psychological perception of voice behavior. The group voice climate which comes from all or most employees of a group when they have the same psychological perception of voice behavior can further influence the voice behaviors of employees in the group. In this study, a partial mediate function of voice climate between interpersonal justice climate and group voice behavior is founded, which means there may be other variables between them. This paper has some theoretical significance. Firstly, the study on the effect of justice climate on voice behavior on the group-level is an expansion for the studies on organizational justice and voice. Secondly, it is for the first time that the effect of justice climate on voice climate and the mediate function of voice climate based on the theory of process climate and strategic climate is studied. Thirdly, the measurement of justice climate which is revised based on a former scale may be useful to future researches. This paper also has some practical significance. Firstly, organizations and leaders should attach importance to employees’ voice behaviors which are very important to organizations. Secondly, a positive justice climate can promote group voice behavior, so organizations should pay attention to not only justice of distributive results, but also justice of policies and process about these distributive results in deciding and performing. Meanwhile, leaders should show employees respect and trust, and frequently explain to them for the policies, process and results. Thirdly, justice climate is good for the formation of a positive voice climate, and then enhance group voice behavior.

Foreign Economics & Management
LiZengquan, Editor-in-Chief
ZhengChunrong, Vice Executive Editor-in-Chief
YinHuifang HeXiaogang LiuJianguo, Vice Editor-in-Chief
How Does Organizational Justice Motivate the Organization? A Group-Level Study on the Influence and Its Mechanisms of Justice Climate on Group Voice Behavior
Foreign Economics & Management Vol. 40, Issue 06, pp. 116 - 128 (2018) DOI:10.16538/j.cnki.fem.2018.06.009
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Cite this article
Zhang Xiaoyi, Wang Yunfeng. How Does Organizational Justice Motivate the Organization? A Group-Level Study on the Influence and Its Mechanisms of Justice Climate on Group Voice Behavior[J]. Foreign Economics & Management, 2018, 40(6): 116-128.
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