外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 05 期, 页码:
[1]Agnihotri R,Adam R and Trainor K.Understanding the role of information communication in buyerseller exchange process:Antecedents and outcomes[J].Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing,2009,24(7):474-486.
[2]Agnihotri R and Kothandaraman K.Bringing “social” into sales:The impact of salespeople’s social media use on service behaviors and value creation[J].Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management,2012,32(3):333-348.
[3]Ahearne M and Douglas E H.Why sales reps should welcome information technology:Measuring the impact of CRMbased it on sales effectiveness[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2007,24(4):336-349.
[4]Barney J B.Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage[J].Journal of Marketing,1991,17(3):99-120.
[5]Beneria L.Reproduction,production and the sexual division of labour[J].Cambridge Journal of Economics,1979,3(3):203-225.
[6]Berger P L and Luckmann T.The social construction of reality:A treatise in the sociology of knowledge[M].London:Penguin,1967.
[7]Blumer H.Symbolic interactionism:Perspective and method[M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice Hall,1969.
[8]Burt R S.Structural holes and good ideas[J].American Journal of Sociology,2004,110(7):49-99.
[9]Colton C W.Leisure,recreation,tourism:A symbolic interactionism view[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1987,14(3):345-360.
[10]Constantin J A and Lusch R F.Understanding resource management[M].Oxford,OH:The Planning Forum,1994.
[11]Deighton J and Grayson K.Marketing and seduction:Building exchange relationships by managing social consensus[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1995,21(4):660-676.
[12]Edvardsson B,Tronwoll B and Gruber T.Expanding understanding of service exchange and value cocreation:A social construction approach[J].Journal of the Academic Marketing Science,2011,39(10):327-339.
[13]Flint D J.Innovation,symbolic interaction and customer valuing:Thoughts stemming from a servicedominant logic of marketing[J].Marketing Theory,2006,6(3):349-362.
[14]Giddens A.The constitution of society:Outline of the theory of structuration[M].Cambridge:Polity,1984.
[15]Gopal A and Pushkala P.Understanding GDSS in Symbolic context:Shifting the focus from technology to interaction[J].MIS Quarterly,2000,24(3):509-546.
[16]Granovetter M S.Getting a job[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1974.
[17]Gronroos C and Voima P.Critical service logic:Making sense of value creation and cocreation[J].Journal of Academic Marketing Science,2013,41(7):133-150.
[18]Gummesson E.Many to many marketing as grand theory[M].Armonk:M E Sharpe,2006:339-353.
[19]Heinonen K,Strandvik T and Mickeleeson K.Rethinking service companies’ business logic:Do we need a customerdominant logic as a guideline?[R].Working Paper No 546,Hanken School of Economics,2009.
[20]Hoffman L.Constructing realities:An art of lenses[J].Family Process,1990,29(1):1-12.
[21]Howard J A.Social psychology of identities[J].Annual Review of Psychology,2000,26(1):367-393.
[22]Kaplan B and Maxwell J A.Qualitative research methods for evaluating computer information systems[M].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,1994:45-68.
[23]Keller K L.Building customerbased brand equity[J].Marketing Management,2001,10(2):14-19.
[24]Lin B O and Hock H T.Consumer value cocreation in a hybird commerce servicedelivery system[J].International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2010,14(3):35-62.
[25]Lin N.Social captical:A theory of social structure and action[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.
[26]Lockwood M.Fertility and household labour in Tanzania:Demography,economy,and society in Rufiji District[M].Oxford:Claredon,1998.
[27]Lusch R F,Vargo S L and O’Brien M.Competing through service:Insights form servicedominant logic[J].Journal of Retailing,2007,83(1):5-18.
[28]Lusch R F,Vargo S L and Wessels G.Toward a conceptual foundation for service science:Contributions from servicedominant logic[J].IBM Systems Journal,2008,47(1):5-14.
[29]Mannheim K.Ideology and Utopia:An introduction to the sociology of knowledge[M].London:Routledge & Kegan Pual,1936.
[30]Novani S and Kijima K.Value cocreation by customertocustomer communication:Social media and facetoface for case of airline service selection[J].Journal of Service Science and Management,2012,5(1):101-109.
[31]Novani S and Kijima K.Efficiency and effectiveness of C2C interactions and mutual learning for value cocreation:Agentbased simulation approach[J].International Journal of Business and Management,2013,8(9):50-62.
[32]Pels J,Moller K and Saren M.Do we really understand business marketing? Getting beyond the RM and BM matrimony[J].Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing,2009,24(5):322-336.
[33]Radcliffe B A and Forde D.African systems of kinship and marriage[M].London:Oxford University Press,1950.
[34]Reid D A,Ellen B P and Plank R E.The impact of purchase situation on salesperson communication behaviors in business marketing[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2002,31(3):205-213.
[35]Schooler C.Cultural and social structural explanations of crossnational psychological differences[J].Annual Review of Sociology,1996,22(1):323-349.
[36]Sheth J N,Newman B I and Gross B L.Why we buy what we buy:A theory of consumption values[J].Journal of Business Research,1991,(22):159-170.
[37]Shirky C. Here comes everybody:The power of organizing without organizations[M].London:The Penguin Press,2008.
[38]Thurau H T and Walsch G.Electronic wordofmouth:Motives for and consequences of reading customer articulations on the internet[J].International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2003,8(2):51-74.
[39]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2004,68(1):1-17.
[40]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Servicedominant logic:What it is,what it is not,what it might be[A].in R F Lusch and S L Vargo(Eds.).The service dominant logic of marketing:Dialog,debate and directions[C].New York:M E Sharpe,2006.
[41]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.From goods to service(s):Divergences and convergences of logics[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2008,37(3):254-259.
[2]Agnihotri R and Kothandaraman K.Bringing “social” into sales:The impact of salespeople’s social media use on service behaviors and value creation[J].Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management,2012,32(3):333-348.
[3]Ahearne M and Douglas E H.Why sales reps should welcome information technology:Measuring the impact of CRMbased it on sales effectiveness[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2007,24(4):336-349.
[4]Barney J B.Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage[J].Journal of Marketing,1991,17(3):99-120.
[5]Beneria L.Reproduction,production and the sexual division of labour[J].Cambridge Journal of Economics,1979,3(3):203-225.
[6]Berger P L and Luckmann T.The social construction of reality:A treatise in the sociology of knowledge[M].London:Penguin,1967.
[7]Blumer H.Symbolic interactionism:Perspective and method[M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice Hall,1969.
[8]Burt R S.Structural holes and good ideas[J].American Journal of Sociology,2004,110(7):49-99.
[9]Colton C W.Leisure,recreation,tourism:A symbolic interactionism view[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1987,14(3):345-360.
[10]Constantin J A and Lusch R F.Understanding resource management[M].Oxford,OH:The Planning Forum,1994.
[11]Deighton J and Grayson K.Marketing and seduction:Building exchange relationships by managing social consensus[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1995,21(4):660-676.
[12]Edvardsson B,Tronwoll B and Gruber T.Expanding understanding of service exchange and value cocreation:A social construction approach[J].Journal of the Academic Marketing Science,2011,39(10):327-339.
[13]Flint D J.Innovation,symbolic interaction and customer valuing:Thoughts stemming from a servicedominant logic of marketing[J].Marketing Theory,2006,6(3):349-362.
[14]Giddens A.The constitution of society:Outline of the theory of structuration[M].Cambridge:Polity,1984.
[15]Gopal A and Pushkala P.Understanding GDSS in Symbolic context:Shifting the focus from technology to interaction[J].MIS Quarterly,2000,24(3):509-546.
[16]Granovetter M S.Getting a job[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1974.
[17]Gronroos C and Voima P.Critical service logic:Making sense of value creation and cocreation[J].Journal of Academic Marketing Science,2013,41(7):133-150.
[18]Gummesson E.Many to many marketing as grand theory[M].Armonk:M E Sharpe,2006:339-353.
[19]Heinonen K,Strandvik T and Mickeleeson K.Rethinking service companies’ business logic:Do we need a customerdominant logic as a guideline?[R].Working Paper No 546,Hanken School of Economics,2009.
[20]Hoffman L.Constructing realities:An art of lenses[J].Family Process,1990,29(1):1-12.
[21]Howard J A.Social psychology of identities[J].Annual Review of Psychology,2000,26(1):367-393.
[22]Kaplan B and Maxwell J A.Qualitative research methods for evaluating computer information systems[M].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,1994:45-68.
[23]Keller K L.Building customerbased brand equity[J].Marketing Management,2001,10(2):14-19.
[24]Lin B O and Hock H T.Consumer value cocreation in a hybird commerce servicedelivery system[J].International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2010,14(3):35-62.
[25]Lin N.Social captical:A theory of social structure and action[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.
[26]Lockwood M.Fertility and household labour in Tanzania:Demography,economy,and society in Rufiji District[M].Oxford:Claredon,1998.
[27]Lusch R F,Vargo S L and O’Brien M.Competing through service:Insights form servicedominant logic[J].Journal of Retailing,2007,83(1):5-18.
[28]Lusch R F,Vargo S L and Wessels G.Toward a conceptual foundation for service science:Contributions from servicedominant logic[J].IBM Systems Journal,2008,47(1):5-14.
[29]Mannheim K.Ideology and Utopia:An introduction to the sociology of knowledge[M].London:Routledge & Kegan Pual,1936.
[30]Novani S and Kijima K.Value cocreation by customertocustomer communication:Social media and facetoface for case of airline service selection[J].Journal of Service Science and Management,2012,5(1):101-109.
[31]Novani S and Kijima K.Efficiency and effectiveness of C2C interactions and mutual learning for value cocreation:Agentbased simulation approach[J].International Journal of Business and Management,2013,8(9):50-62.
[32]Pels J,Moller K and Saren M.Do we really understand business marketing? Getting beyond the RM and BM matrimony[J].Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing,2009,24(5):322-336.
[33]Radcliffe B A and Forde D.African systems of kinship and marriage[M].London:Oxford University Press,1950.
[34]Reid D A,Ellen B P and Plank R E.The impact of purchase situation on salesperson communication behaviors in business marketing[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2002,31(3):205-213.
[35]Schooler C.Cultural and social structural explanations of crossnational psychological differences[J].Annual Review of Sociology,1996,22(1):323-349.
[36]Sheth J N,Newman B I and Gross B L.Why we buy what we buy:A theory of consumption values[J].Journal of Business Research,1991,(22):159-170.
[37]Shirky C. Here comes everybody:The power of organizing without organizations[M].London:The Penguin Press,2008.
[38]Thurau H T and Walsch G.Electronic wordofmouth:Motives for and consequences of reading customer articulations on the internet[J].International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2003,8(2):51-74.
[39]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2004,68(1):1-17.
[40]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Servicedominant logic:What it is,what it is not,what it might be[A].in R F Lusch and S L Vargo(Eds.).The service dominant logic of marketing:Dialog,debate and directions[C].New York:M E Sharpe,2006.
[41]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.From goods to service(s):Divergences and convergences of logics[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2008,37(3):254-259.
郑 凯, 王新新. 互联网条件下顾客独立创造价值理论研究综述[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(5): 0.