外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 04 期, 页码:
随着电子商务在中国的快速发展,网络上有关产品的客户评论日益增多,越来越多的产品评论使得买卖双方都无法快速定位最好的评论和了解产品质量。本文基于可达性—可诊断性模型和不确定性降低理论,构建了产品评论有用性影响因素模型,并以两种产品的1 238条在线评论数据对研究假设进行了检验。结果表明,体验型产品评论的感知有用性显著高于搜索型产品;产品类型在评分极端性对感知有用性的影响中起调节作用,相比于搜索型产品,体验型产品评分极端性对感知有用性的正向影响更强;产品类型在评论客观性对感知有用性的影响中起调节作用,体验型产品评论的客观性对感知有用性有显著的正向影响,而搜索型产品却无此效应。本研究不仅拓展了劝服理论和社会互动理论,对于网络零售商的客户互动管理也具有重要的实践意义。
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[2]Cao Q,Duan W and Gan QExploring determinants of voting for the “helpfulness” of online user reviews: A text mining approach[J]Decision Support Systems,2011,50(2): 511-521
[3]Chen C C and Tseng Y DQuality evaluation of product reviews using an information quality framework[J]Decision Support Systems,2011,50(4): 755-768
[4]Chen Y,Wang Q and Xie JOnline social interactions: A natural experiment on word of mouth versus observational learning[J]Journal of Marketing Research,2011,48(2): 238-254
[5]Cheung C M K,Matthew K,Lee O and Rabjohn NThe impact of electronic wordofmouth: The adoption of online opinions in online customer communities[J]Internet Research,2008,18(3): 229-247
[6]Chevalier J A and Mayzlin DThe effect of word of mouth on sales: Online book reviews[J]Journal of Marketing Research,2006,43(3): 345-354
[7]Eisend MTwosided advertising: A metaanalysis[J]International Journal of Research in Marketing,2006,2 (2):187-198
[8]Feldman J M and Lynch J GSelfgenerated validity and other effects of measurement on belief,attitude,intention,and behavior[J]Journal of Applied Psychology,1988,73(3): 421-435
[9]Forman C,Ghose A and Wiesenfeld BExamining the relationship between reviews and sales: The role of reviewer identity disclosure in electronic markets[J]Information Systems Research,2008,19(3): 291-313
[10]Ghose A and Ipeirotis P GEstimating the helpfulness and economic impact of product reviews: Mining text and reviewer characteristics[J]Knowledge and Data Engineering,IEEE Transactions on,2011,23(10):1498-1512
[11]Godes D,Mayzlin D,Chen Y,et alThe firm’s management of social interactions[J]Marketing Letters,2005,16(3): 415-428
[12]Herr P M,Kardes F R and Kim JEffects of wordofmouth and productattribute information of persuasion: An accessibilitydiagnosticity perspective[J]Journal of Consumer Research,1991,17(4): 454-462
[13]Holbrook M BBeyond attitude structure: Toward the informational determinants of attitude[J]Journal of Marketing Research,1978,15(4): 545-556
[14]Hu N,Liu L and Zhang J JDo online reviews affect product sales? The role of reviewer characteristics and temporal effects[J]Information Technology and Management,2008,9(3): 201-214
[15]Huang P,Lurie N H and Mitra SSearching for experience on the web: An empirical examination of consumer behavior for search and experience goods[J]Journal of Marketing,2009,73(2): 55-69
[16]Jacoby J,Jaccard J J,Currim I,et alTracing the impact of itembyitem information accessing on uncertainty reduction[J]Journal of Consumer Research,1994,21(2): 291-303
[17]Kim SM,Pantel P,Chklovski T and Pennacchiotti MAutomatically assessing review helpfulness[A]in Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing[C]Sydney,Australia: Association for Computational Linguistics,2006
[18]Li J and Zhan LOnline persuasion: How the written word drives WOM[J]Journal of Advertising Research,2011,51(1): 239-257
[19]Liu YWord of mouth for movies: Its dynamics and impact on box office revenue[J]Journal of Marketing,2006,70(3): 74-89
[20]Ludwig S,de Ruyter K,Friedman M,et alMore than words: The influence of affective content and linguistic style matches in online reviews on conversion rates[J]Journal of Marketing,2013,77(1): 87-103
[21]Mackiewicz JThe coconstruction of credibility in online product reviews[J]Technical Communication Quarterly,2010,19(4): 403-426
[22]Mudambi S M and Schuff DWhat makes a helpful online review? A study of customer reviews on Amazoncom[J]MIS Quarterly,2010,34(1): 185-200
[23]Nelson PAdvertising as information[J]Journal of Political Economy,1974,82(4): 729-754
[24]Pan Y and Zhang J QBorn unequal: A study of the helpfulness of usergenerated product reviews[J]Journal of Retailing,2011,87(4): 598-612
[25]Pornpitakpan CThe persuasiveness of source credibility: A critical review of five decades’ evidence[J]Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2004,34(2): 243-281
[26]Rieh S YJudgment of information quality and cognitive authority in the Web[J]Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,2002,53(2): 145-161
[27]Scholz M and Dorner VThe recipe for the perfect review? An investigation into the determinants of review helpfulness[J]Business & Information Systems Engineering,2013,5(3): 141-151
[28]Schwenk C RInformation,cognitive biases,and commitment to a course of action[J]Academy of Management Review,1986,11(2): 298-310
[29]Slater M D and Rouner DHow message evaluation and source attributes may influence credibility assessment and belief change[J]Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly,1996,73(4): 974-991
[30]Strahilevitz M and Myers J GDonations to charity as purchase incentives: How well they work may depend on what you are trying to sell[J]Journal of Consumer Research,1998,24(4): 434-446
[31]Trusov M,Bucklin R E and Pauwels KEffects of wordofmouth versus traditional marketing: Findings from an internet social networking site[J]Journal of Marketing,2009,73(5): 90-102
[32]Tversky A and Kahneman DJudgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases[J]Science,1974,185(4157): 1124-1131
[33]Wang R Y and Strong D MBeyond accuracy: What data quality means to data consumers[J]Journal of Management Information Systems,1996,12(4): 5-33
[34]Weathers D,Sharma S and Wood S LEffects of online communication practices on consumer perceptions of performance uncertainty for search and experience goods[J]Journal of Retailing,2007,83(4): 393-401
[35]Zhu F and Zhang XImpact of online consumer reviews on sales: The moderating role of product and consumer characteristics[J]Journal of Marketing,2010,74(2): 133-148
[36]包敦安,董大海.基于ELM的网络评论信息可信性影响因素研究[J]现代管理科学,2009,(11): 107-109
[37]龚诗阳,刘霞,刘洋,赵平.网络口碑决定产品命运吗——对线上图书评论的实证分析[J]南开管理评论,2007,15(4): 118-128
[38]郝媛媛,叶强,李一军.基于影评数据的在线评论有用性影响因素研究[J]管理科学学报,2010,13(8): 78-88
[39]金立印.网络口碑信息对消费者购买决策的影响: 一个实验研究[J]经济管理,2007,(22): 36-42
[40]卢向华,冯越.网络口碑的价值——基于在线餐馆点评的实证研究[J]管理世界,2009,(7): 126-132
[41]王平,代宝.消费者在线评论有用性影响因素实证研究[J]统计与决策,2012,(2): 118-120
[2]Cao Q,Duan W and Gan QExploring determinants of voting for the “helpfulness” of online user reviews: A text mining approach[J]Decision Support Systems,2011,50(2): 511-521
[3]Chen C C and Tseng Y DQuality evaluation of product reviews using an information quality framework[J]Decision Support Systems,2011,50(4): 755-768
[4]Chen Y,Wang Q and Xie JOnline social interactions: A natural experiment on word of mouth versus observational learning[J]Journal of Marketing Research,2011,48(2): 238-254
[5]Cheung C M K,Matthew K,Lee O and Rabjohn NThe impact of electronic wordofmouth: The adoption of online opinions in online customer communities[J]Internet Research,2008,18(3): 229-247
[6]Chevalier J A and Mayzlin DThe effect of word of mouth on sales: Online book reviews[J]Journal of Marketing Research,2006,43(3): 345-354
[7]Eisend MTwosided advertising: A metaanalysis[J]International Journal of Research in Marketing,2006,2 (2):187-198
[8]Feldman J M and Lynch J GSelfgenerated validity and other effects of measurement on belief,attitude,intention,and behavior[J]Journal of Applied Psychology,1988,73(3): 421-435
[9]Forman C,Ghose A and Wiesenfeld BExamining the relationship between reviews and sales: The role of reviewer identity disclosure in electronic markets[J]Information Systems Research,2008,19(3): 291-313
[10]Ghose A and Ipeirotis P GEstimating the helpfulness and economic impact of product reviews: Mining text and reviewer characteristics[J]Knowledge and Data Engineering,IEEE Transactions on,2011,23(10):1498-1512
[11]Godes D,Mayzlin D,Chen Y,et alThe firm’s management of social interactions[J]Marketing Letters,2005,16(3): 415-428
[12]Herr P M,Kardes F R and Kim JEffects of wordofmouth and productattribute information of persuasion: An accessibilitydiagnosticity perspective[J]Journal of Consumer Research,1991,17(4): 454-462
[13]Holbrook M BBeyond attitude structure: Toward the informational determinants of attitude[J]Journal of Marketing Research,1978,15(4): 545-556
[14]Hu N,Liu L and Zhang J JDo online reviews affect product sales? The role of reviewer characteristics and temporal effects[J]Information Technology and Management,2008,9(3): 201-214
[15]Huang P,Lurie N H and Mitra SSearching for experience on the web: An empirical examination of consumer behavior for search and experience goods[J]Journal of Marketing,2009,73(2): 55-69
[16]Jacoby J,Jaccard J J,Currim I,et alTracing the impact of itembyitem information accessing on uncertainty reduction[J]Journal of Consumer Research,1994,21(2): 291-303
[17]Kim SM,Pantel P,Chklovski T and Pennacchiotti MAutomatically assessing review helpfulness[A]in Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing[C]Sydney,Australia: Association for Computational Linguistics,2006
[18]Li J and Zhan LOnline persuasion: How the written word drives WOM[J]Journal of Advertising Research,2011,51(1): 239-257
[19]Liu YWord of mouth for movies: Its dynamics and impact on box office revenue[J]Journal of Marketing,2006,70(3): 74-89
[20]Ludwig S,de Ruyter K,Friedman M,et alMore than words: The influence of affective content and linguistic style matches in online reviews on conversion rates[J]Journal of Marketing,2013,77(1): 87-103
[21]Mackiewicz JThe coconstruction of credibility in online product reviews[J]Technical Communication Quarterly,2010,19(4): 403-426
[22]Mudambi S M and Schuff DWhat makes a helpful online review? A study of customer reviews on Amazoncom[J]MIS Quarterly,2010,34(1): 185-200
[23]Nelson PAdvertising as information[J]Journal of Political Economy,1974,82(4): 729-754
[24]Pan Y and Zhang J QBorn unequal: A study of the helpfulness of usergenerated product reviews[J]Journal of Retailing,2011,87(4): 598-612
[25]Pornpitakpan CThe persuasiveness of source credibility: A critical review of five decades’ evidence[J]Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2004,34(2): 243-281
[26]Rieh S YJudgment of information quality and cognitive authority in the Web[J]Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,2002,53(2): 145-161
[27]Scholz M and Dorner VThe recipe for the perfect review? An investigation into the determinants of review helpfulness[J]Business & Information Systems Engineering,2013,5(3): 141-151
[28]Schwenk C RInformation,cognitive biases,and commitment to a course of action[J]Academy of Management Review,1986,11(2): 298-310
[29]Slater M D and Rouner DHow message evaluation and source attributes may influence credibility assessment and belief change[J]Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly,1996,73(4): 974-991
[30]Strahilevitz M and Myers J GDonations to charity as purchase incentives: How well they work may depend on what you are trying to sell[J]Journal of Consumer Research,1998,24(4): 434-446
[31]Trusov M,Bucklin R E and Pauwels KEffects of wordofmouth versus traditional marketing: Findings from an internet social networking site[J]Journal of Marketing,2009,73(5): 90-102
[32]Tversky A and Kahneman DJudgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases[J]Science,1974,185(4157): 1124-1131
[33]Wang R Y and Strong D MBeyond accuracy: What data quality means to data consumers[J]Journal of Management Information Systems,1996,12(4): 5-33
[34]Weathers D,Sharma S and Wood S LEffects of online communication practices on consumer perceptions of performance uncertainty for search and experience goods[J]Journal of Retailing,2007,83(4): 393-401
[35]Zhu F and Zhang XImpact of online consumer reviews on sales: The moderating role of product and consumer characteristics[J]Journal of Marketing,2010,74(2): 133-148
[36]包敦安,董大海.基于ELM的网络评论信息可信性影响因素研究[J]现代管理科学,2009,(11): 107-109
[37]龚诗阳,刘霞,刘洋,赵平.网络口碑决定产品命运吗——对线上图书评论的实证分析[J]南开管理评论,2007,15(4): 118-128
[38]郝媛媛,叶强,李一军.基于影评数据的在线评论有用性影响因素研究[J]管理科学学报,2010,13(8): 78-88
[39]金立印.网络口碑信息对消费者购买决策的影响: 一个实验研究[J]经济管理,2007,(22): 36-42
[40]卢向华,冯越.网络口碑的价值——基于在线餐馆点评的实证研究[J]管理世界,2009,(7): 126-132
[41]王平,代宝.消费者在线评论有用性影响因素实证研究[J]统计与决策,2012,(2): 118-120
江晓东. 什么样的产品评论最有用?——在线评论数量特征和文本特征对其有用性的影响研究[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(4): 0.