外国经济与管理 2009 年 第 31 卷第 08 期, 页码: - 58
[1]Higgins,E T.Beyond pleasure and pain[J].American Psychologist,1997,52(12):1 280-1 300.
[2]Pham,T M,and Avnet,T.Ideals and oughts and the reliance on affect versus substance in persuasion[J].Journal of Consumer Re-search,2004,30(4):503-510.
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[5]Sengupta,J,and Zhou,R R.Understanding i mpulsive eaters’choice behaviors:The motivational influences of regulatory focus[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2007,44(2):297-308.
[6]Wang,J,and Lee,A Y.The role of regulatory focusin preference construction[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2006,43(1):28-38.
[7]Higgins,E T,Friedman,R S,Harlow,R E,Idson,L S,Ayduk,O,and Taylor,A.Achievement orientations fromsubjective histories ofsuccess:Promotion pride versus prevention pride[J].European Journal of Social Psychology,2001,31(1):3-23.
[8]Lockwood,P,Jordan,C H,and Kunda,Z.Motivation by positive or negative role models:Regulatoryfocus determines who will best in-spire us[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2002,83(4):854-864.
[9]Carver,C S,and White,T L.Behavioral inhibition,behavioral activation,and affective responses toi mpending reward and punishment:The BIS/BAS scales[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1994,67(2):319-333.
[10]Avnet,T,and Higgins,E T.Howregulatoryfit affects valuein consumer choices and opinions[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2006,43(1):1-10.
[11]Dholakia,U M,Gopinath,M,Bagozzi,R P,and Nataraajan,R.The role of regulatory focusin the experience and self-control of desirefor temptations[J].Journal of Consumer Psychology,2006,16(2):163-175.
[12]Eisend,M.Two-sided advertising:A meta-analysis[J].International Journal of Researchin Marketing,2006,23(2):187-198.
[13]Florack,A,Ineichen,S,and Bieri,R.Thei mpact of regulatoryfocus onthe effects of two-sidedadverting[J].Social Cognition,2009,27(1):37-56.
[14]Jain,S P,and Posavac,S.Valenced comparisons[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2004,41(1):46-58.
[15]Chang,C C,and Chou,YJ.Goal orientation and comparative valence in persuasion[J].Journal of Advertising,2008,37(1):73-78.
[16]Lee,A Y,and Aaker,J L.Bringing the frame into focus:The influence of regulatory fit on processing fluency and persuasion[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2004,86(2):205-218.
[17]Aaker,J L,and Lee,A Y.“I”seek pleasures and“we”avoid pains:The role of self-regulatory goals in information processing andpersuasion[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2001,28(6):33-49.
[18]Lee,A Y,Aaker,J L,and Gardner,WL.The pleasures and pains of distinct self-controls:The role of interdependence in regulatoryfocus[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2000,78(6):1 123-1 134.
[2]Pham,T M,and Avnet,T.Ideals and oughts and the reliance on affect versus substance in persuasion[J].Journal of Consumer Re-search,2004,30(4):503-510.
[4]Gray,J A.Brain systems that mediate both emotion and cognition[J].Cognition and Emotion,1990,4(3):269-288.
[5]Sengupta,J,and Zhou,R R.Understanding i mpulsive eaters’choice behaviors:The motivational influences of regulatory focus[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2007,44(2):297-308.
[6]Wang,J,and Lee,A Y.The role of regulatory focusin preference construction[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2006,43(1):28-38.
[7]Higgins,E T,Friedman,R S,Harlow,R E,Idson,L S,Ayduk,O,and Taylor,A.Achievement orientations fromsubjective histories ofsuccess:Promotion pride versus prevention pride[J].European Journal of Social Psychology,2001,31(1):3-23.
[8]Lockwood,P,Jordan,C H,and Kunda,Z.Motivation by positive or negative role models:Regulatoryfocus determines who will best in-spire us[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2002,83(4):854-864.
[9]Carver,C S,and White,T L.Behavioral inhibition,behavioral activation,and affective responses toi mpending reward and punishment:The BIS/BAS scales[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1994,67(2):319-333.
[10]Avnet,T,and Higgins,E T.Howregulatoryfit affects valuein consumer choices and opinions[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2006,43(1):1-10.
[11]Dholakia,U M,Gopinath,M,Bagozzi,R P,and Nataraajan,R.The role of regulatory focusin the experience and self-control of desirefor temptations[J].Journal of Consumer Psychology,2006,16(2):163-175.
[12]Eisend,M.Two-sided advertising:A meta-analysis[J].International Journal of Researchin Marketing,2006,23(2):187-198.
[13]Florack,A,Ineichen,S,and Bieri,R.Thei mpact of regulatoryfocus onthe effects of two-sidedadverting[J].Social Cognition,2009,27(1):37-56.
[14]Jain,S P,and Posavac,S.Valenced comparisons[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2004,41(1):46-58.
[15]Chang,C C,and Chou,YJ.Goal orientation and comparative valence in persuasion[J].Journal of Advertising,2008,37(1):73-78.
[16]Lee,A Y,and Aaker,J L.Bringing the frame into focus:The influence of regulatory fit on processing fluency and persuasion[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2004,86(2):205-218.
[17]Aaker,J L,and Lee,A Y.“I”seek pleasures and“we”avoid pains:The role of self-regulatory goals in information processing andpersuasion[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2001,28(6):33-49.
[18]Lee,A Y,Aaker,J L,and Gardner,WL.The pleasures and pains of distinct self-controls:The role of interdependence in regulatoryfocus[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2000,78(6):1 123-1 134.
熊素红, 景奉杰, 李四兰. 试析调节点理论及其对广告研究的深化作用[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2009, 31(8): 0–58.