外国经济与管理 2006 年 第 28 卷第 01 期, 页码:30 - 38
领导者—成员交换(leader-member exchange,LMX)理论是一种系统描述领导者—成员关系本质及其影响效应的理论。本文在回顾研究文献的基础上,从LMX关系的理论基础和发展阶段、形成过程、结构与测量、影响因素及其影响效应等方面,对国内外LMX关系的研究进行了归纳和概括,指出了该研究领域存在的问题,并提出了一些具体的改善建议。
[1]Liden R C,Maslyn J.Multidimensionality of leader-member exchange:an empirical assessment through scale develop-ment[J].Journal of Management,1998,24:43-72.
[2]Schriesheim C H,Castro S T,Cogliser C C.Leader-member exchange(LMX)research:a comprehensive review of theo-ry,measurement,and data analytic practices[J].Leadership Quarterly,1999,10(1):63-113.
[3]Allinson C W,Armstrong S J,Hayes J.The effects of cognitive style on the leader-member exchange:a study of manag-er subordinate dyads[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2001,74:201-220.
[4]Townsend J C,Da Silva N,Mueller L,Curtin P,Tetrick L E.Attribution complexity:a link between training,job com-plexity,decision latitude,leader-member exchange,and performance[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2002,32(1):207-222.
[5]Janssen O,Van Yperen N W.Employees’goal orientations,the quality of leader-member exchange,and the outcomes ofjob performance and job satisfaction[J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,47:368-384.
[6]Chiaburu D S.The effects of instrumentality on the relationship between goal orientation and leader-member exchange[J].The Journal of Social Psychology,2005,145(3):365-367.
[7]Green S G,Anderson S E,Shivers S L.Demographic and organizational influences on leader-member exchange andrelated work attitudes[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1996,66:203-214
[8]Lee J.Leader-member exchange,perceived organizational justice,and cooperative communication[J].ManagementCommunication Quarterly,2001,14(4):574-589.
[9]Hackett R D,Farh J L,Song L J,Lapierre L M.LMX and organizational citizenship behavior:examinationing the linkswithin and across Western and Chinese samples[A].In G Graen(ed.).Dealing with diversity:LMX leadership-theseries[C].Greenwich,CT:Information Age,2003,1:219-263.
[10]Krishnan V R.Impact of transformational leadership on followers’influence strategies[J].Leadership and Organiza-tion Development Journal,2004,25(1):58-72.
[11]Krishnan V R.Leader-member exchange,transformational leadership,and value system[J].Electronic Journal of Bus-iness Ethics and Organization Studies,2005,10(1):14-21.
[12]Dasborough M T.Ashkanasy N M.Emotion and attribution of intentionality in leader-member relationships[J].Lead-ership Quarterly,2002,13(5):615-634.
[13]Janssen O,van Yperen N W.Employees’goal orientations,the quality of leader-member exchange,and the outcomesof job performance and job satisfaction[J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,47:368-384.
[14]Martin R.Thomas G,Charles K,Epitropaki O,McNamara R.The role of leader-member exchanges in mediating therelationship between locus of control and work reactions[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2005,78:141-147.
[15]Hui W,Law K S,Hackett R D,Duanxu W,Zhengxiong C.Leader-member exchange as a mediator of the relationshipbetween transformational leadership and followers’performance and organizational citizenship behavior[J].The Acade-my of Management Journal,2005,48(3):420-432.
[2]Schriesheim C H,Castro S T,Cogliser C C.Leader-member exchange(LMX)research:a comprehensive review of theo-ry,measurement,and data analytic practices[J].Leadership Quarterly,1999,10(1):63-113.
[3]Allinson C W,Armstrong S J,Hayes J.The effects of cognitive style on the leader-member exchange:a study of manag-er subordinate dyads[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2001,74:201-220.
[4]Townsend J C,Da Silva N,Mueller L,Curtin P,Tetrick L E.Attribution complexity:a link between training,job com-plexity,decision latitude,leader-member exchange,and performance[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2002,32(1):207-222.
[5]Janssen O,Van Yperen N W.Employees’goal orientations,the quality of leader-member exchange,and the outcomes ofjob performance and job satisfaction[J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,47:368-384.
[6]Chiaburu D S.The effects of instrumentality on the relationship between goal orientation and leader-member exchange[J].The Journal of Social Psychology,2005,145(3):365-367.
[7]Green S G,Anderson S E,Shivers S L.Demographic and organizational influences on leader-member exchange andrelated work attitudes[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1996,66:203-214
[8]Lee J.Leader-member exchange,perceived organizational justice,and cooperative communication[J].ManagementCommunication Quarterly,2001,14(4):574-589.
[9]Hackett R D,Farh J L,Song L J,Lapierre L M.LMX and organizational citizenship behavior:examinationing the linkswithin and across Western and Chinese samples[A].In G Graen(ed.).Dealing with diversity:LMX leadership-theseries[C].Greenwich,CT:Information Age,2003,1:219-263.
[10]Krishnan V R.Impact of transformational leadership on followers’influence strategies[J].Leadership and Organiza-tion Development Journal,2004,25(1):58-72.
[11]Krishnan V R.Leader-member exchange,transformational leadership,and value system[J].Electronic Journal of Bus-iness Ethics and Organization Studies,2005,10(1):14-21.
[12]Dasborough M T.Ashkanasy N M.Emotion and attribution of intentionality in leader-member relationships[J].Lead-ership Quarterly,2002,13(5):615-634.
[13]Janssen O,van Yperen N W.Employees’goal orientations,the quality of leader-member exchange,and the outcomesof job performance and job satisfaction[J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,47:368-384.
[14]Martin R.Thomas G,Charles K,Epitropaki O,McNamara R.The role of leader-member exchanges in mediating therelationship between locus of control and work reactions[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2005,78:141-147.
[15]Hui W,Law K S,Hackett R D,Duanxu W,Zhengxiong C.Leader-member exchange as a mediator of the relationshipbetween transformational leadership and followers’performance and organizational citizenship behavior[J].The Acade-my of Management Journal,2005,48(3):420-432.
王雁飞, 朱瑜. 组织领导与成员交换理论研究现状与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2006, 28(1): 30–38.