余光胜. 一种全新的企业理论(下)——企业知识理论[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2000, 22(3): 10–13.
外国经济与管理 2000 年 第 22 卷第 03 期, 页码:10 - 13
2 Ikujiro Nonaka.The Knowledge- creating Company [J].H arvard Business Review ,1 991 (1 1 - 1 2 ) ,96- 1 0 4 .
3迈克尔 E·波特 .《竞争优势》IMI.北京 :中国财政经济出版社 ,1 988年 1 1月版 ,第 3 41页。
4 R.Nelson and S.Winter,In Search of a U seful Theory of Innovations,Research Policy,1 997,Vol.6(1 ) ,3 6- 77
[1 ]Ikujiro N onaka.The Knowledge- Creating Company [J].Harvard Business Review,1 991 (1 1 - 1 2 ) .
[2 ]Andrew C.Inkpen.Creating Knowledge through Collaboration[J].California Managem ent Review,1 996,Vol.3 9(1 )Fall.
[3 ]W.M.Cohen and D.A.L evinthal.Absorptive Capacity:A New Perspective on L earning and Innovation [J].Administra-tive Science Q uarterly,1 990 ,Vol.3 5 :1 2 8- 1 5 2
[4 ]Anoop Madhok.Cost,Value and Foreign Market Entry Mode:The Transaction and The Firm[J].Strategic ManagementJournal,1 997,Vol.1 8:3 9- 61 .
[5 ]Raghu Garud and Parveen R.Nayar.Transformative Capacity:Continual Structuring by Intertem poral TechnologyTransfer [J].Strategic Management Journal,1 994 ,Vol.1 5 :3 65 - 3 85 .
[6]Robert M.Grant.Toward a Knowledge- based Theory of the Firm[J].Strategic Managem ent Journal,1 996,Vol.1 7(Win-ter Special Issue) :1 0 9- 1 2 2 .
3迈克尔 E·波特 .《竞争优势》IMI.北京 :中国财政经济出版社 ,1 988年 1 1月版 ,第 3 41页。
4 R.Nelson and S.Winter,In Search of a U seful Theory of Innovations,Research Policy,1 997,Vol.6(1 ) ,3 6- 77
[1 ]Ikujiro N onaka.The Knowledge- Creating Company [J].Harvard Business Review,1 991 (1 1 - 1 2 ) .
[2 ]Andrew C.Inkpen.Creating Knowledge through Collaboration[J].California Managem ent Review,1 996,Vol.3 9(1 )Fall.
[3 ]W.M.Cohen and D.A.L evinthal.Absorptive Capacity:A New Perspective on L earning and Innovation [J].Administra-tive Science Q uarterly,1 990 ,Vol.3 5 :1 2 8- 1 5 2
[4 ]Anoop Madhok.Cost,Value and Foreign Market Entry Mode:The Transaction and The Firm[J].Strategic ManagementJournal,1 997,Vol.1 8:3 9- 61 .
[5 ]Raghu Garud and Parveen R.Nayar.Transformative Capacity:Continual Structuring by Intertem poral TechnologyTransfer [J].Strategic Management Journal,1 994 ,Vol.1 5 :3 65 - 3 85 .
[6]Robert M.Grant.Toward a Knowledge- based Theory of the Firm[J].Strategic Managem ent Journal,1 996,Vol.1 7(Win-ter Special Issue) :1 0 9- 1 2 2 .