外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 04 期, 页码:3 - 14
[1]Abdallah W and Goergen M.Does corporate control determine the cross-listing location?[J].Journal of Corporate Finance,2008,14(3):183-199.
[2]Aggarwal R,et al.ADR holdings of US-based emerging market funds[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2007,31(6):1649-1667.
[3]Arping S and Sautner Z.Did SOX Section 404make firms less opaque:Evidence from cross-Listed firms[J].Contemporary Accounting Research,2013,Forthcoming.
[4]Bailey W,et al.The economic consequences of increased disclosure:Evidence from international cross-Listing[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,81(1):175-213.
[5]Boubakri N,et al.The choice of ADRs[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2010,34(9):2077-2095.
[6]Bradshaw M T,et al.Accounting choice,home bias,and U.S.investment in non-U.S.firms[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2004,42(5):795-841.
[7]Burns N,et al.Cross-listing and legal bonding:Evidence from mergers and acquisitions[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2007,31(4):1003-1031.
[8]Chan K and Hameed A.Stock price synchronicity and analyst coverage in emerging markets[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80(1):115-147.
[9]Charitou A,et al.Cross-listing,bonding hypothesis and corporate governance[J].Journal of Business Finance&Accounting,2007,34(7-8):1281-1306.
[10]Charitou A and Louca C.Cross-listing and operating performance:Evidence from exchange-listed American depositary receipts[J].Journal of Business Finance&Accounting,2009,36(1-2):99-129.
[11]Chemmanur T J and Fulghieri P.Competition and cooperation among exchanges:A theory of cross-listing and endogenous listing standards[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,82(2):455-489.
[12]Choi J,et al.Cross-listing audit fee premiums:Theory and evidence[J].The Accounting Review,2009,84(5):1429-1463.
[13]Coffee J C.The future as history:The prospects for global convergence in corporate governance and its implications[J].Northwes-tern Law Review,1999,93:641-707.
[14]Coffee J C.Racing towards the top?The impact of cross-listings and stock market competition on international corporate governance[J].Columbia Law Review,2002,102(7):1757-1831.
[15]Coffee J C.Law and the market the impact of enforcement[J].University of Pennsylvania Law Review,2007,156:229-311.
[16]Diamond D W.Monitoring and reputation:The choice between bank loans and directly placed debt[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1991,99(4):689-721.
[17]Doidge C,et al.Why are foreign firms listed in the US worth more?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2004,71(2):205-238.
[18]Doidge C,et al.Private benefits of control,ownership,and the cross-listing decision[J].The Journal of Finance,2009,64(1):425-466.
[19]Doidge C,et al.Has New York become less competitive than London in global markets?Evaluating foreign listing choices overtime[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2009,91(3):253-277.
[20]Eng L L,et al.Cross-listing,information environment,and market value:Evidence from U.S.firms that list on foreign stock exchanges[J].Journal of International Accounting Research,2008,7(2):25-41.
[21]Fernandes N,et al.Escape from New York:The market impact of loosening disclosure requirements[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2010,95(2):129-147.
[22]Fernandes N and Ferreira M A.Does international cross-listing improve the information environment[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2008,88(2):216-244.
[23]Foucault T and Gehrig T.Stock price informativeness,cross-listings,and investment decisions[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2008,88(1):146-168.
[24]Fre.sard L and Salva C.The value of excess cash and corporate governance:Evidence from US cross-listings[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2010,98(2):359-384.
[25]Gande A and Miller D P.Why do U.S.securities laws matter to non-U.S.firms?Evidence from private class-action lawsuits[J].Working Paper(Southern Methodist University),2011.
[26]Goto S,et al.Strategic disclosure and stock returns:Theory and evidence from US cross-listing[J].The Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(4):1585-1620.
[27]Hail L and Leuz C.Cost of capital effects and changes in growth expectations around U.S.cross-listings[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2009,93(3):428-454.
[28]He H.Are changes in cross-listing in the U.S.from the pre-to post-Sarbanes-Oxley period associated with shareholder protection in foreign firms’home countries?[J].Journal of International Accounting Research,2008,7(2):65-84.
[29]Hope O,et al.Bonding to the improved disclosure environment in the United States:Firms’listing choices and their capital market consequences[J].Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics,2007,3(1):1-33.
[30]Huang Y,et al.Investor protection and cash holdings:Evidence from US cross-listing[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2013,37(3):937-951.
[31]Khanna T,et al.Disclosure practices of foreign companies interacting with US markets[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2004,42(2):475-508.
[32]La Porta R,et al.Law and finance[J].Journal of Political Economy,1998,106(6):1113-1155.
[33]La Porta R,et al.Corporate ownership around the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(2):471-517.
[34]Lang M H,et al.ADRs,analysts,and accuracy:Does cross listing in the United States improve a firm's information environment and increase market value?[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2003,41(2):317-345.
[35]Lang M H,et al.Concentrated control,analyst following,and valuation:Do analysts matter most when investors are protected least[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2004,42(3):589-623.
[36]Lang M H and Lundholm R J.Corporate disclosure policy and analyst behavior[J].The Accounting Review,1996,71(4):467-492.
[37]Lel U and Miller D P.International cross-listing,firm performance,and top management turnover:A test of the bonding hypothesis[J].The Journal of Finance,2008,63(4):1897-1937.
[38]Leuz C,et al.Do foreigners invest less in poorly governed firms?[J].The Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(8):3245-3285.
[39]Licht A N.Cross-listing and corporate governance:Bonding or avoiding?[J].Chicago Journal of International Law,2003,4(3):141-152.
[40]Luo Y,et al.The overseas listing puzzle:Post-IPO performance of Chinese stocks and ADRs in the U.S.market[J].Journal of Multinational Financial Management,2012,22(5):193-211.
[41]Nowland J and Simon A.The effect of a change in analyst composition on analyst forecast accuracy:Evidence from U.S.cross-listings[J].Journal of International Accounting Research,2010,9(1):23-38.
[42]O’Connor T G.Cross-listing in the US and domestic investor protection[J].The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,2006,46(3):413-436.
[43]Petrasek L.Do transparent firms pay out more cash to shareholders?Evidence from international cross-listings[J].Financial Man-agement,2012,41(3):615-636.
[44]Piotroski J D and Roulstone D T.The influence of analysts,institutional investors and insiders on the incorporation of market,industry and firm-specific information into stock prices[J].The Accounting Review,2004,79(4):1119-1151.
[45]Reese W A and Weisbach M S.Protection of minority shareholder interests,cross-listings in the United States,and subsequent equity offerings[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,66(1):65-104.
[46]Roulstone D T.Analyst following and market liquidity[J].Contemporary Accounting Research,2003,20(3):1-27.
[47]Siegel J.Can foreign firms bond themselves effectively by renting U.S.securities laws?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2005,75(2):319-359.
[48]Stulz R M.Globalization of equity markets and the cost of capital[J].Applied Corporate Finance,1999,12:8-25.
[49]Stulz R M.Globalization,corporate finance,and the cost of capital[J].Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,1999,12(3):8-25.
[50]Stulz R M.Managerial discretion and optimal financing policies[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1990,26(1):3-27.
[51]Wójcik D,et al.Corporate governance and cross-listing:Evidence from european companies[J].Working Paper(University of Oxford),2005.
①由于美国具有较好的投资者保护体制(包括证券法律法规,证券交易委员会的监管以及证券分析师、机构投资者、审计师等声誉媒介的监督等),大部分学者以海外公司在美交叉上市作为研究主题。因此,本文所梳理的文献主题主要为“海外公司在美国交叉上市”。另外,本文所梳理文献主要为来源于“The Journal of Finance”“Journal of Financial Economics”“Journal of Accounting Research”等国际顶尖期刊的70余篇文献。
[2]Aggarwal R,et al.ADR holdings of US-based emerging market funds[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2007,31(6):1649-1667.
[3]Arping S and Sautner Z.Did SOX Section 404make firms less opaque:Evidence from cross-Listed firms[J].Contemporary Accounting Research,2013,Forthcoming.
[4]Bailey W,et al.The economic consequences of increased disclosure:Evidence from international cross-Listing[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,81(1):175-213.
[5]Boubakri N,et al.The choice of ADRs[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2010,34(9):2077-2095.
[6]Bradshaw M T,et al.Accounting choice,home bias,and U.S.investment in non-U.S.firms[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2004,42(5):795-841.
[7]Burns N,et al.Cross-listing and legal bonding:Evidence from mergers and acquisitions[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2007,31(4):1003-1031.
[8]Chan K and Hameed A.Stock price synchronicity and analyst coverage in emerging markets[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80(1):115-147.
[9]Charitou A,et al.Cross-listing,bonding hypothesis and corporate governance[J].Journal of Business Finance&Accounting,2007,34(7-8):1281-1306.
[10]Charitou A and Louca C.Cross-listing and operating performance:Evidence from exchange-listed American depositary receipts[J].Journal of Business Finance&Accounting,2009,36(1-2):99-129.
[11]Chemmanur T J and Fulghieri P.Competition and cooperation among exchanges:A theory of cross-listing and endogenous listing standards[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,82(2):455-489.
[12]Choi J,et al.Cross-listing audit fee premiums:Theory and evidence[J].The Accounting Review,2009,84(5):1429-1463.
[13]Coffee J C.The future as history:The prospects for global convergence in corporate governance and its implications[J].Northwes-tern Law Review,1999,93:641-707.
[14]Coffee J C.Racing towards the top?The impact of cross-listings and stock market competition on international corporate governance[J].Columbia Law Review,2002,102(7):1757-1831.
[15]Coffee J C.Law and the market the impact of enforcement[J].University of Pennsylvania Law Review,2007,156:229-311.
[16]Diamond D W.Monitoring and reputation:The choice between bank loans and directly placed debt[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1991,99(4):689-721.
[17]Doidge C,et al.Why are foreign firms listed in the US worth more?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2004,71(2):205-238.
[18]Doidge C,et al.Private benefits of control,ownership,and the cross-listing decision[J].The Journal of Finance,2009,64(1):425-466.
[19]Doidge C,et al.Has New York become less competitive than London in global markets?Evaluating foreign listing choices overtime[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2009,91(3):253-277.
[20]Eng L L,et al.Cross-listing,information environment,and market value:Evidence from U.S.firms that list on foreign stock exchanges[J].Journal of International Accounting Research,2008,7(2):25-41.
[21]Fernandes N,et al.Escape from New York:The market impact of loosening disclosure requirements[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2010,95(2):129-147.
[22]Fernandes N and Ferreira M A.Does international cross-listing improve the information environment[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2008,88(2):216-244.
[23]Foucault T and Gehrig T.Stock price informativeness,cross-listings,and investment decisions[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2008,88(1):146-168.
[24]Fre.sard L and Salva C.The value of excess cash and corporate governance:Evidence from US cross-listings[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2010,98(2):359-384.
[25]Gande A and Miller D P.Why do U.S.securities laws matter to non-U.S.firms?Evidence from private class-action lawsuits[J].Working Paper(Southern Methodist University),2011.
[26]Goto S,et al.Strategic disclosure and stock returns:Theory and evidence from US cross-listing[J].The Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(4):1585-1620.
[27]Hail L and Leuz C.Cost of capital effects and changes in growth expectations around U.S.cross-listings[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2009,93(3):428-454.
[28]He H.Are changes in cross-listing in the U.S.from the pre-to post-Sarbanes-Oxley period associated with shareholder protection in foreign firms’home countries?[J].Journal of International Accounting Research,2008,7(2):65-84.
[29]Hope O,et al.Bonding to the improved disclosure environment in the United States:Firms’listing choices and their capital market consequences[J].Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics,2007,3(1):1-33.
[30]Huang Y,et al.Investor protection and cash holdings:Evidence from US cross-listing[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,2013,37(3):937-951.
[31]Khanna T,et al.Disclosure practices of foreign companies interacting with US markets[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2004,42(2):475-508.
[32]La Porta R,et al.Law and finance[J].Journal of Political Economy,1998,106(6):1113-1155.
[33]La Porta R,et al.Corporate ownership around the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(2):471-517.
[34]Lang M H,et al.ADRs,analysts,and accuracy:Does cross listing in the United States improve a firm's information environment and increase market value?[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2003,41(2):317-345.
[35]Lang M H,et al.Concentrated control,analyst following,and valuation:Do analysts matter most when investors are protected least[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2004,42(3):589-623.
[36]Lang M H and Lundholm R J.Corporate disclosure policy and analyst behavior[J].The Accounting Review,1996,71(4):467-492.
[37]Lel U and Miller D P.International cross-listing,firm performance,and top management turnover:A test of the bonding hypothesis[J].The Journal of Finance,2008,63(4):1897-1937.
[38]Leuz C,et al.Do foreigners invest less in poorly governed firms?[J].The Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(8):3245-3285.
[39]Licht A N.Cross-listing and corporate governance:Bonding or avoiding?[J].Chicago Journal of International Law,2003,4(3):141-152.
[40]Luo Y,et al.The overseas listing puzzle:Post-IPO performance of Chinese stocks and ADRs in the U.S.market[J].Journal of Multinational Financial Management,2012,22(5):193-211.
[41]Nowland J and Simon A.The effect of a change in analyst composition on analyst forecast accuracy:Evidence from U.S.cross-listings[J].Journal of International Accounting Research,2010,9(1):23-38.
[42]O’Connor T G.Cross-listing in the US and domestic investor protection[J].The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,2006,46(3):413-436.
[43]Petrasek L.Do transparent firms pay out more cash to shareholders?Evidence from international cross-listings[J].Financial Man-agement,2012,41(3):615-636.
[44]Piotroski J D and Roulstone D T.The influence of analysts,institutional investors and insiders on the incorporation of market,industry and firm-specific information into stock prices[J].The Accounting Review,2004,79(4):1119-1151.
[45]Reese W A and Weisbach M S.Protection of minority shareholder interests,cross-listings in the United States,and subsequent equity offerings[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,66(1):65-104.
[46]Roulstone D T.Analyst following and market liquidity[J].Contemporary Accounting Research,2003,20(3):1-27.
[47]Siegel J.Can foreign firms bond themselves effectively by renting U.S.securities laws?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2005,75(2):319-359.
[48]Stulz R M.Globalization of equity markets and the cost of capital[J].Applied Corporate Finance,1999,12:8-25.
[49]Stulz R M.Globalization,corporate finance,and the cost of capital[J].Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,1999,12(3):8-25.
[50]Stulz R M.Managerial discretion and optimal financing policies[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1990,26(1):3-27.
[51]Wójcik D,et al.Corporate governance and cross-listing:Evidence from european companies[J].Working Paper(University of Oxford),2005.
①由于美国具有较好的投资者保护体制(包括证券法律法规,证券交易委员会的监管以及证券分析师、机构投资者、审计师等声誉媒介的监督等),大部分学者以海外公司在美交叉上市作为研究主题。因此,本文所梳理的文献主题主要为“海外公司在美国交叉上市”。另外,本文所梳理文献主要为来源于“The Journal of Finance”“Journal of Financial Economics”“Journal of Accounting Research”等国际顶尖期刊的70余篇文献。
徐建, 李维安. 交叉上市约束效应研究述评与未来展望——基于法律约束和声誉约束视角[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(4): 3–14.