外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 07 期, 页码:23 - 34
[1]Akerlof G A.A theory of social custom,of which unemploy-ment may be one consequence[J].Quarterly Journal of Eco-nomics,1980,94(4):749-775.
[2]Anderson G M.Mr.Smith and the preachers:The economics of religion in the wealth of nations[J].Journal of Political E-conomy,1988,96(5):1066-1088.
[3]Audretsch D B,et al.Religion and entrepreneurship[R].Working Paper,Max-Planck Institute of Economics,2007.
[4]Azzi C and Ehrenber R G.Household allocation of time and church attendance[J].Journal of Political Economy,1975,83(1):27-56.
[5]Benjamin D J,et al.Religious identity and economic behavior[R].Working Paper,National Bureau of Economic Re-search,2012.
[6]Berle A and Means G.The modern corporation and private property[M].New York:MacMillan,1932
[7]Callen J L,et al.Do culture and religion mitigate earnings mana-gement?Evidence from a cross-country analysis[J].Journal of Dis-closure and Governance,2011,8(2):103-121.
[8]Carlin I B and Simon G.Work ethic,employment contracts,and firm value[J].Journal of Finance,2009,64(2):785-821.
[9]Carr J L and Landa J T.The economics of symbols,clan names,and religion[J].Journal of Legal Study,1983,12(1):135-56.
[10]Conroy S J and Emerson T L N.Business ethics and religion:Reli-giosity as predicator of ethical awareness among students[J].Jour-nal of Business Ethics,2004,50(4):383-396.
[11]Dyreng S,et al.Religious social norms and corporate finan-cial reporting[R].Working Paper,Duke University,2010.
[12]Finke R and Stark R.Religious economies and sacred cano-pies:Religious mobilization in American cities,1906[J].A-merican Sociological Review,1988,53(1):41-49.
[13]Ghoul S E,et al.Does religion matter to equity pricing[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2012,111(4):491-518.
[14]Grullon G,et al.Religion and Corporate(mis)behavior[R].Working Paper,Rice University,2010.
[15]Hilary G and Hui K-W.Does religion matter in corporate deci-sion-making in America[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2009,93(3):455-473.
[16]Kaplow L and Shavell S.Moral rules,the moral sentiments,and Behavior:Towards a theory of an optimal moral system[J].Journal of Political Economy,2007,115(3):494-514.
[17]Kenneth E B.Beyond economics:Essays on society,reli-gion,and ethics[M].Ann Arbor,MI:Ann Arbor Paper-backs,1970.
[18]Kumar A,et al.Religious beliefs,gambling attitudes,and financial market outcomes[J].Journal of Financial Econo-mics,2011,102(3):671-708.
[19]La Porta R,et al.Trust in large organization[J].American Economic Review,1997,87(2):333-338.
[20]La Porta R,et al.Law and finance[J].Journal of Political Economy,1998,106(6):1113-1155.
[21]La Porta R,et al.The quality of government[J].Journal of Law,Economics,and Organization,1999,15(1):222-279.
[22]La Porta R,et al.Investor protection and corporate valua-tion[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(3):1147-1170.
[23]Li N.Religion,opportunism,and international market entry via non-equity alliances or joint ventures[J].Journal of Busi-ness Ethics,2008,80(4):771-789.
[24]Longenecker J G,et al.Religious intensity,evangelical christianity,and business ethics:An empirical study[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2004,55(4):371-384.
[25]McGuire S T,et al.The impact of religion on financial re-porting irregularities[J].Accounting Review,2012,87(2):645-673.
[26]Omer T C,et al.Do local religious norms affect auditors going concern decisions?[R].Working Paper,Texas A&M University,2010.
[27]Putnam R.Making democracy work:Civic tradition in modernIt-aly[M].Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1993.
[28]Shleifer A and Vishny R A.A survey of corporate gover-nance[J].Journal of Finance,1997,52(2):737-783.
[29]Shu T,et al.Local religious beliefs and organizational risk-taking behaviors[J].Working Paper,University of Georgia,2010.
[30]Smith A.The theory of moral sentiments[M].(6th Ed.).Oxford:Oxford University Press,1976.
[31]Stulz R M and Williamson R.Culture,openness,and finance[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2003,70(3):313-349.
[32]Sunstein C R.Social norms and social roles[J].Columbia Law Review,1996,96(4):903-968.
[33]Tomes N.The effects of religion and denomination on ear-nings and returns to human capital[J].Journal of Human Re-source,1984,19(4):472-488.
[34]Tomes N.Religion and the earnings function[J].American Economic Review,1985,75(2):245-250.
[35]Waterman A M C.Economists on the relation between political economy and christian theology:A preliminary survey[J].In-ternational Journal of Sociological Economy,1987,14(6):46-68.
[36]Weaver G R,et al.Religiosity and ethical behavior in organi-zations:A symbolic interactionist perspective[J].Academy of Management Review,2002,27(1):77-97.
[37]Weber M.The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism[M].London:Allen&Unwin,1905.
[1]Akerlof G A.A theory of social custom,of which unemploy-ment may be one consequence[J].Quarterly Journal of Eco-nomics,1980,94(4):749-775.
[2]Anderson G M.Mr.Smith and the preachers:The economics of religion in the wealth of nations[J].Journal of Political E-conomy,1988,96(5):1066-1088.
[3]Audretsch D B,et al.Religion and entrepreneurship[R].Working Paper,Max-Planck Institute of Economics,2007.
[4]Azzi C and Ehrenber R G.Household allocation of time and church attendance[J].Journal of Political Economy,1975,83(1):27-56.
[5]Benjamin D J,et al.Religious identity and economic behavior[R].Working Paper,National Bureau of Economic Re-search,2012.
[6]Berle A and Means G.The modern corporation and private property[M].New York:MacMillan,1932
[7]Callen J L,et al.Do culture and religion mitigate earnings mana-gement?Evidence from a cross-country analysis[J].Journal of Dis-closure and Governance,2011,8(2):103-121.
[8]Carlin I B and Simon G.Work ethic,employment contracts,and firm value[J].Journal of Finance,2009,64(2):785-821.
[9]Carr J L and Landa J T.The economics of symbols,clan names,and religion[J].Journal of Legal Study,1983,12(1):135-56.
[10]Conroy S J and Emerson T L N.Business ethics and religion:Reli-giosity as predicator of ethical awareness among students[J].Jour-nal of Business Ethics,2004,50(4):383-396.
[11]Dyreng S,et al.Religious social norms and corporate finan-cial reporting[R].Working Paper,Duke University,2010.
[12]Finke R and Stark R.Religious economies and sacred cano-pies:Religious mobilization in American cities,1906[J].A-merican Sociological Review,1988,53(1):41-49.
[13]Ghoul S E,et al.Does religion matter to equity pricing[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2012,111(4):491-518.
[14]Grullon G,et al.Religion and Corporate(mis)behavior[R].Working Paper,Rice University,2010.
[15]Hilary G and Hui K-W.Does religion matter in corporate deci-sion-making in America[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2009,93(3):455-473.
[16]Kaplow L and Shavell S.Moral rules,the moral sentiments,and Behavior:Towards a theory of an optimal moral system[J].Journal of Political Economy,2007,115(3):494-514.
[17]Kenneth E B.Beyond economics:Essays on society,reli-gion,and ethics[M].Ann Arbor,MI:Ann Arbor Paper-backs,1970.
[18]Kumar A,et al.Religious beliefs,gambling attitudes,and financial market outcomes[J].Journal of Financial Econo-mics,2011,102(3):671-708.
[19]La Porta R,et al.Trust in large organization[J].American Economic Review,1997,87(2):333-338.
[20]La Porta R,et al.Law and finance[J].Journal of Political Economy,1998,106(6):1113-1155.
[21]La Porta R,et al.The quality of government[J].Journal of Law,Economics,and Organization,1999,15(1):222-279.
[22]La Porta R,et al.Investor protection and corporate valua-tion[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(3):1147-1170.
[23]Li N.Religion,opportunism,and international market entry via non-equity alliances or joint ventures[J].Journal of Busi-ness Ethics,2008,80(4):771-789.
[24]Longenecker J G,et al.Religious intensity,evangelical christianity,and business ethics:An empirical study[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2004,55(4):371-384.
[25]McGuire S T,et al.The impact of religion on financial re-porting irregularities[J].Accounting Review,2012,87(2):645-673.
[26]Omer T C,et al.Do local religious norms affect auditors going concern decisions?[R].Working Paper,Texas A&M University,2010.
[27]Putnam R.Making democracy work:Civic tradition in modernIt-aly[M].Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1993.
[28]Shleifer A and Vishny R A.A survey of corporate gover-nance[J].Journal of Finance,1997,52(2):737-783.
[29]Shu T,et al.Local religious beliefs and organizational risk-taking behaviors[J].Working Paper,University of Georgia,2010.
[30]Smith A.The theory of moral sentiments[M].(6th Ed.).Oxford:Oxford University Press,1976.
[31]Stulz R M and Williamson R.Culture,openness,and finance[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2003,70(3):313-349.
[32]Sunstein C R.Social norms and social roles[J].Columbia Law Review,1996,96(4):903-968.
[33]Tomes N.The effects of religion and denomination on ear-nings and returns to human capital[J].Journal of Human Re-source,1984,19(4):472-488.
[34]Tomes N.Religion and the earnings function[J].American Economic Review,1985,75(2):245-250.
[35]Waterman A M C.Economists on the relation between political economy and christian theology:A preliminary survey[J].In-ternational Journal of Sociological Economy,1987,14(6):46-68.
[36]Weaver G R,et al.Religiosity and ethical behavior in organi-zations:A symbolic interactionist perspective[J].Academy of Management Review,2002,27(1):77-97.
[37]Weber M.The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism[M].London:Allen&Unwin,1905.
朱国泓, 张璐芳. 宗教的公司治理作用机制和影响效应研究述评与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(7): 23–34.