外国经济与管理 2011 年 第 33 卷第 10 期, 页码:42 - 51
[1]Donna L Hoffman,and Thomas P Novak.Marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments:Conceptual foundations[J].Journal of Marketing,1996,60(3):50-68.
[2]Susan Rose,Neil Hair,and Moira Clark.Online customer experience:A review of the business-to-consumer online purchase con-text[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2011,13(1):24-39.
[3]Thomas P Novak,Donna L Hoffman,and Yiu-Fai Yung.Measuring the customer experience in online environments:A structuralmodeling approach[J].Marketing Science,2000,19(1):22-42.
[4]Jari Takatalo,Gote Nyman,and Leif Laaksonen.Components of human experience in virtual environments[J].Computers in Hu-man Behavior,2008,24(1):1-15.
[5]Donna L Hoffman,and Thomas P Novak.Flow online:Lessons learned and future prospects[J].Journal of Interactive Market-ing,2009,23(1):23-34.
[6]Heather Lynn O’Brien.The influence of hedonic and utilitarian motivations on user engagement:The case of online shopping ex-periences[J].Interacting with Computers,2010,22(5):344-352.
[7]Anne Mollen,and Hugh Wilson.Engagement,telepresence and interactivity in online consumer experience:Reconciling scholasticand managerial perspectives[J].Journal of Business Research,2010,63(9/10):919-925.
[8]So Won Jeong,Ann Marie Fiore,Linda S Niehm,and Frederick O Lorenz.The role of experiential value in online shopping:Theimpacts of product presentation on consumer responses towards an apparel web site[J].Internet Research,2009,19(1):105-124.
[9]Francoise Simon.The experiential aspects of online search information for new customers to a website[J].Canadian Journal ofAdministrative Sciences,2010,27(4):292-305.
[10]Kun Song,Ann Marie Fiore,and Jihye Park.Telepresence and fantasy in online apparel shopping experience[J].Journal ofFashion Marketing and Management,2007,11(4):553-570.
[11]Jashen Chen,Russell K H Ching,Margaret Meiling Luo,and Chu-Chi Liu.Virtual experiential marketing on online customer in-tentions and loyalty[R].Paper presented at the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,2008.
[12]Mary Wolfinbarger,and Mary C Gilly.Shopping online for freedom,control,and fun[J].California Management Review,2001,43(2):34-55.
[13]Lynda Andrews,Geoffrey Kiel,Judy Drennan,Maree V Boyle,and Jay Weerawardena.Gendered perceptions of experiential val-ue in using web-based retail channels[J].European Journal of Marketing,2007,41(5/6):640-658.
[14]Catherine Demangeot,and Amanda J Broderick.Exploring the experiential intensity of online shopping environments[J].Qualitative Market Research:An International Journal,2006,9(4):325-351.
[15]Catherine Demangeot,and Amanda J Broderick.Conceptualizing consumer behaviour in online shopping environments[J].Inter-national Journal of Retail&Distribution Management,2007,35(11):878-894.
[16]Yongjian Wang,Michael S Minor,and Jie Wei.Aesthetics and the online shopping environment:Understanding consumer re-sponses[J].Journal of Retailing,2011,87(1):46-58.
[17]Khaled Hassanein,and Milena Head.Manipulating perceived social presence through the web interface and its impact on attitude towards online shopping[J].International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,2007,65(8):689-708.
[18]Bela Florenthal,and Aviv Shoham.Four-mode channel interactivity concept and channel preferences[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2010,24(1):29-41.
[19]Nichaya Suntornpithug,and Joseph Khamalah.Machine and person interactivity:The driving forces behind influences on con-sumers’willingness to purchase online[J].Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,2010,11(4):299-325.
[2]Susan Rose,Neil Hair,and Moira Clark.Online customer experience:A review of the business-to-consumer online purchase con-text[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2011,13(1):24-39.
[3]Thomas P Novak,Donna L Hoffman,and Yiu-Fai Yung.Measuring the customer experience in online environments:A structuralmodeling approach[J].Marketing Science,2000,19(1):22-42.
[4]Jari Takatalo,Gote Nyman,and Leif Laaksonen.Components of human experience in virtual environments[J].Computers in Hu-man Behavior,2008,24(1):1-15.
[5]Donna L Hoffman,and Thomas P Novak.Flow online:Lessons learned and future prospects[J].Journal of Interactive Market-ing,2009,23(1):23-34.
[6]Heather Lynn O’Brien.The influence of hedonic and utilitarian motivations on user engagement:The case of online shopping ex-periences[J].Interacting with Computers,2010,22(5):344-352.
[7]Anne Mollen,and Hugh Wilson.Engagement,telepresence and interactivity in online consumer experience:Reconciling scholasticand managerial perspectives[J].Journal of Business Research,2010,63(9/10):919-925.
[8]So Won Jeong,Ann Marie Fiore,Linda S Niehm,and Frederick O Lorenz.The role of experiential value in online shopping:Theimpacts of product presentation on consumer responses towards an apparel web site[J].Internet Research,2009,19(1):105-124.
[9]Francoise Simon.The experiential aspects of online search information for new customers to a website[J].Canadian Journal ofAdministrative Sciences,2010,27(4):292-305.
[10]Kun Song,Ann Marie Fiore,and Jihye Park.Telepresence and fantasy in online apparel shopping experience[J].Journal ofFashion Marketing and Management,2007,11(4):553-570.
[11]Jashen Chen,Russell K H Ching,Margaret Meiling Luo,and Chu-Chi Liu.Virtual experiential marketing on online customer in-tentions and loyalty[R].Paper presented at the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,2008.
[12]Mary Wolfinbarger,and Mary C Gilly.Shopping online for freedom,control,and fun[J].California Management Review,2001,43(2):34-55.
[13]Lynda Andrews,Geoffrey Kiel,Judy Drennan,Maree V Boyle,and Jay Weerawardena.Gendered perceptions of experiential val-ue in using web-based retail channels[J].European Journal of Marketing,2007,41(5/6):640-658.
[14]Catherine Demangeot,and Amanda J Broderick.Exploring the experiential intensity of online shopping environments[J].Qualitative Market Research:An International Journal,2006,9(4):325-351.
[15]Catherine Demangeot,and Amanda J Broderick.Conceptualizing consumer behaviour in online shopping environments[J].Inter-national Journal of Retail&Distribution Management,2007,35(11):878-894.
[16]Yongjian Wang,Michael S Minor,and Jie Wei.Aesthetics and the online shopping environment:Understanding consumer re-sponses[J].Journal of Retailing,2011,87(1):46-58.
[17]Khaled Hassanein,and Milena Head.Manipulating perceived social presence through the web interface and its impact on attitude towards online shopping[J].International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,2007,65(8):689-708.
[18]Bela Florenthal,and Aviv Shoham.Four-mode channel interactivity concept and channel preferences[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2010,24(1):29-41.
[19]Nichaya Suntornpithug,and Joseph Khamalah.Machine and person interactivity:The driving forces behind influences on con-sumers’willingness to purchase online[J].Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,2010,11(4):299-325.
贺和平, 周志民, 刘雁妮. 在线购物体验研究前沿述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2011, 33(10): 42–51.