外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 12 期, 页码:63 - 70
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[7]Christopoulos D C.Relational attributes of political entrepre-neurs:A network perspective[J].Journal of European Public Policy,2006,13(5):757-778.
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[10]Faccio M.Differences between politically connected and noncon-nected firms:A cross-country analysis[J].Financial Manage-ment,2010,39(3):905-928.
[11]Fan J P H,et al.Politically connected CEOs,corporate gover-nance and post-IPO performance of China’s newly partially priva-tized firms[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2007,84(2):330-357.
[12]Farashahi M and Hafsi T.Strategy of firms in unstable insti-tutional environments[J].Asia Pacific Journal of Manage-ment,2009,26(4):643-666.
[13]Fisman R.Estimating the value of political connections[J].American Economic Review,2001,91(4):1095-1102.
[14]Francis B B,et al.Political connections and the process of goingpublic:Evidence from China[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2009,28(4):696-719.
[15]Goldman E,et al.Do politically connected boards affect firm value?[J].Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(6):2331-2360.
[16]Hillman A J,et al.Corporate political activity:A review and research agenda[J].Journal of Management,2004,30(6):837-857.
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[18]Khwaja A I and Mian A.Do lenders favor politically connected firms?Rent provision in an emerging financial market[J].Quar-terly Journal of Economics,2005,120(4):1371-1411.
[19]Leuz C and Oberholzer-Gee F.Political relationships,global fi-nancing,and corporate transparency:Evidence from Indonesia[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,81(2):411-439.
[20]Muller A and Whiteman G.Exploring the geography of corpo-rate philanthropic disaster response of Fortune Global500firms[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2009,84(4):589-603.
[21]Okhmatovskiy I.Performance implications of ties to the gov-ernment and SOEs:A political embeddedness perspective[J].Journal of Management Studies,2010,47(6):1020-1047.
[22]Pfeffer J and Salancik G R.The external control of organiza-tions:A resource dependence perspective[M].New York:Harper&Row,1978.
[23]Siegel J.Contingent political capital and international alliances:Evidence from South Korea[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2007,52(4):621-666.
[24]Wei L-Q,et al.Political skill,supervisor-subordinate Guanxi and career prospects in Chinese firms[J].Journal of Management Studies,2010,47(3):437-454.
[2]Bartels L and Brady H.Economic behavior in political context[J].American Economic Review,2003,93(2):156-161.
[3]Bertrand M,et al.Politically connected CEOs and corporate outcomes:Evidence from France[R].Working Paper,Uni-versity of Chicago,2004.
[4]Boubakri N,et al.Political connections of newly privatized firms[J].Journal of Corporate Finance,2008,14(5):654-673.
[5]Braendle U C,et al.Corporate governance in China-Is eco-nomic growth potential hindered by Guanxi?[J].Business and Society Review,2005,110(4):389-405.
[6]Chaney P K,et al.The quality of accounting information in politically connected firms[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2011,51(1/2):58-76.
[7]Christopoulos D C.Relational attributes of political entrepre-neurs:A network perspective[J].Journal of European Public Policy,2006,13(5):757-778.
[8]Claessens S,et al.Political connections and preferential ac-cess to finance:The role of campaign contributions[J].Jour-nal of Financial Economics,2008,88(3):554-580.
[9]Faccio M.Politically connected firms[J].American Economic Review,2006,96(1):369-386.
[10]Faccio M.Differences between politically connected and noncon-nected firms:A cross-country analysis[J].Financial Manage-ment,2010,39(3):905-928.
[11]Fan J P H,et al.Politically connected CEOs,corporate gover-nance and post-IPO performance of China’s newly partially priva-tized firms[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2007,84(2):330-357.
[12]Farashahi M and Hafsi T.Strategy of firms in unstable insti-tutional environments[J].Asia Pacific Journal of Manage-ment,2009,26(4):643-666.
[13]Fisman R.Estimating the value of political connections[J].American Economic Review,2001,91(4):1095-1102.
[14]Francis B B,et al.Political connections and the process of goingpublic:Evidence from China[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2009,28(4):696-719.
[15]Goldman E,et al.Do politically connected boards affect firm value?[J].Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(6):2331-2360.
[16]Hillman A J,et al.Corporate political activity:A review and research agenda[J].Journal of Management,2004,30(6):837-857.
[17]Krueger A O.The political economy of the rent-seeking society[J].American Economic Review,1974,64(3):291-303.
[18]Khwaja A I and Mian A.Do lenders favor politically connected firms?Rent provision in an emerging financial market[J].Quar-terly Journal of Economics,2005,120(4):1371-1411.
[19]Leuz C and Oberholzer-Gee F.Political relationships,global fi-nancing,and corporate transparency:Evidence from Indonesia[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,81(2):411-439.
[20]Muller A and Whiteman G.Exploring the geography of corpo-rate philanthropic disaster response of Fortune Global500firms[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2009,84(4):589-603.
[21]Okhmatovskiy I.Performance implications of ties to the gov-ernment and SOEs:A political embeddedness perspective[J].Journal of Management Studies,2010,47(6):1020-1047.
[22]Pfeffer J and Salancik G R.The external control of organiza-tions:A resource dependence perspective[M].New York:Harper&Row,1978.
[23]Siegel J.Contingent political capital and international alliances:Evidence from South Korea[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2007,52(4):621-666.
[24]Wei L-Q,et al.Political skill,supervisor-subordinate Guanxi and career prospects in Chinese firms[J].Journal of Management Studies,2010,47(3):437-454.
封思贤, 蒋伏心, 肖泽磊. 企业政治关联行为研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(12): 63–70.