外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 07 期, 页码:53 - 60
[1]Anderson C and Galinsky A D.Power,optimism,and risk-taking[J].European Journal of Social Psychology,2006,36(4):511-536.
[2]Banerjee A V and Duflo E.The economic lives of the poor[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,2007,21(1):141-167.
[3]Brinol P,et al.The effects of message recipients’power before and after persuasion:A self-validation analysis[J].Journal of Per-sonality and Social Psychology,2007,93(6):1040-1053.
[4]Charles K K,et al.Conspicuous consumption and race[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2009,124(2):425-467.
[5]Dubois D,et al.The accentuation bias[J].Social Psychologi-cal and Personality Science,2010,1(3):199-205.
[6]Dubois D,et al.Dynamic effects of power on possessions,preferences,and desires[R].Working Paper,Northwestern University,2011.
[7]Dubois D,et al.Super size me:Product size as a signal of sta-tus[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2012,38(6):1047-1062.
[8]Galinsky A D,et al.Power reduces the press of the situation:Implications for creativity,conformity,and dissonance[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2008,95(6):1450-1466.
[9]Galinsky A D,et al.Power and perspectives not taken[J].Psychological Science,2006,17(12):1068-1074.
[10]Guinote A.In touch with your feelings:Power increases re-liance on bodily information[J].Social Cognition,2010,28(1):110-121
[11]Inesi M E,et al.Power and choice[J].Psychological Sci-ence,2011,22(8):1042-1048.
[12]Lammers J,et al.Power increases social distance[J].Social Psychological and Personality Science,2011,in press.
[13]Magee J C and Galinsky A D.Social hierarchy:The self-rein-forcing nature of power and status[J].Academy of Manage-ment Annals,2008,2(1):351-398.
[14]Piff P K,et al.Having less,giving more:The influence of so-cial class on prosocial behavior[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2010,99(5):771-784.
[15]Rucker D D and Galinsky A D.Desire to acquire:Powerless-ness and compensatory consumption[J].Journal of Consu-mer Research,2008,35(2):257-267.
[16]Rucker D D and Galinsky A D.Conspicuous consumption versus utilitarian ideals:How different levels of power shape consumer behavior[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psy-chology,2009,45(3):549-555.
[17]Rucker D D,et al.Generous paupers and stingy princes:Power drives consumer spending on self versus others[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2011a,37(6):1015-1029.
[18]Rucker D D,et al.Status as a salve for a loss of power[R].Working Paper,Northwestern University,2011b.
[19]Rucker D D,et al.Power and consumer behavior:How po-wer shapes who and what consumers value[J].Journal of Consumer Psychology,2011c,in press.
[20]Smith P K and Trope Y.You focus on the forest when you’re in charge of the trees:Power priming and abstract infor-mation processing[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psy-chology,2006,90(4):578-596.
[21]Snyder M and Debono K.Appeals to image and claims about quality:Understanding the psychology of advertising[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1985,49(3):586-597.
[22]Torelli C J and Shavitt S.The impact of power on informa-tion processing depends on cultural orientation[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2011,47(5):959-967.
[23]Trope Y and Liberman N.Temporal construal[J].Psycho-logical Review,2003,110(3):403-421.
[24]Trope Y and Liberman N.Construal-level theory of psycho-logical distance[J].Psychological Review,2010,117(2):440-463.
[25]Wong J and Shavitt S.Be rude to me and I will buy a Rolex:Effects of cultural orientation on responses to power threat in a service setting[R].Paper presented at the Society for Con-sumer Psychology conference,Tampa,FL,2010.
[2]Banerjee A V and Duflo E.The economic lives of the poor[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,2007,21(1):141-167.
[3]Brinol P,et al.The effects of message recipients’power before and after persuasion:A self-validation analysis[J].Journal of Per-sonality and Social Psychology,2007,93(6):1040-1053.
[4]Charles K K,et al.Conspicuous consumption and race[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2009,124(2):425-467.
[5]Dubois D,et al.The accentuation bias[J].Social Psychologi-cal and Personality Science,2010,1(3):199-205.
[6]Dubois D,et al.Dynamic effects of power on possessions,preferences,and desires[R].Working Paper,Northwestern University,2011.
[7]Dubois D,et al.Super size me:Product size as a signal of sta-tus[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2012,38(6):1047-1062.
[8]Galinsky A D,et al.Power reduces the press of the situation:Implications for creativity,conformity,and dissonance[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2008,95(6):1450-1466.
[9]Galinsky A D,et al.Power and perspectives not taken[J].Psychological Science,2006,17(12):1068-1074.
[10]Guinote A.In touch with your feelings:Power increases re-liance on bodily information[J].Social Cognition,2010,28(1):110-121
[11]Inesi M E,et al.Power and choice[J].Psychological Sci-ence,2011,22(8):1042-1048.
[12]Lammers J,et al.Power increases social distance[J].Social Psychological and Personality Science,2011,in press.
[13]Magee J C and Galinsky A D.Social hierarchy:The self-rein-forcing nature of power and status[J].Academy of Manage-ment Annals,2008,2(1):351-398.
[14]Piff P K,et al.Having less,giving more:The influence of so-cial class on prosocial behavior[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2010,99(5):771-784.
[15]Rucker D D and Galinsky A D.Desire to acquire:Powerless-ness and compensatory consumption[J].Journal of Consu-mer Research,2008,35(2):257-267.
[16]Rucker D D and Galinsky A D.Conspicuous consumption versus utilitarian ideals:How different levels of power shape consumer behavior[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psy-chology,2009,45(3):549-555.
[17]Rucker D D,et al.Generous paupers and stingy princes:Power drives consumer spending on self versus others[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2011a,37(6):1015-1029.
[18]Rucker D D,et al.Status as a salve for a loss of power[R].Working Paper,Northwestern University,2011b.
[19]Rucker D D,et al.Power and consumer behavior:How po-wer shapes who and what consumers value[J].Journal of Consumer Psychology,2011c,in press.
[20]Smith P K and Trope Y.You focus on the forest when you’re in charge of the trees:Power priming and abstract infor-mation processing[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psy-chology,2006,90(4):578-596.
[21]Snyder M and Debono K.Appeals to image and claims about quality:Understanding the psychology of advertising[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1985,49(3):586-597.
[22]Torelli C J and Shavitt S.The impact of power on informa-tion processing depends on cultural orientation[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2011,47(5):959-967.
[23]Trope Y and Liberman N.Temporal construal[J].Psycho-logical Review,2003,110(3):403-421.
[24]Trope Y and Liberman N.Construal-level theory of psycho-logical distance[J].Psychological Review,2010,117(2):440-463.
[25]Wong J and Shavitt S.Be rude to me and I will buy a Rolex:Effects of cultural orientation on responses to power threat in a service setting[R].Paper presented at the Society for Con-sumer Psychology conference,Tampa,FL,2010.
肖丽, 杜伟宇. 权力感知与消费行为研究综述与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(7): 53–60.