外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 06 期, 页码:33 - 40
[1]DeChurch L A.Teams leading teams:Examining the role of leadership in multi-team systems[D].Florida International U-niversity,2002.
[2]DeChurch L A,Burke C S,Shuffler M,Lyons R,Doty D and Salas E.A historiometric analysis of leadership in mission cri-tical multi-team environments[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(1):152-169.
[3]DeChurch L A and Haas C D.Examining team planning through an episodic lens:Effects of deliberate,contingency,and reactive planning on team effectiveness[J].Small Group Research,2008,39(5):542-568.
[4]DeChurch L A and Marks M A.Leadership in multi-team sys-tems[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2006,91(2):311-329.
[5]DeChurch L A and Zaccaro S J.Perspectives:Teams won’t solve this problem[J].Journal of the Human Factors and Er-gonomics Society,2010,52(2):329-334.
[6]Gist M E,Locke E A and Taylor M S.Organizational behavior:Group structure,process,and effectiveness[J].Jour-nal of Management,1987,13(3):252-253.
[7]Healey P M,Hodgkinson P G and Teo S.Responding effec-tively to civil emergencies:The role of transactive memory in the performance of multi-team systems[R].The9th Interna-tional Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making,2009.
[8]Hoegl M and Weinkauf K.Managing task interdependencies in multi-team projects:A longitudinal study[J].Journal of Management Studies,2005,42(6):1287-1288.
[9]Hoegl M,Weinkauf K and Gemuenden H G.Inter-team coor-dination,project commitment,and teamwork in multi-team R&D projects:A longitudinal study[J].Organization Science,2004,15(1):38-55.
[10]Hogg M A and Terry D J.Social identity and self-categoriza-tion processes in organizational contexts[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(2):121-140.
[11]Humphrey W S.TSP-coaching development teams[M].Lon-don:Prentice Hall,2007:313-327.
[12]Ilgen D R,Hollenbeck J R,Johnson M and Jundt D.Teams in organizations:From I-P-O models to IMOI models[J].Annu-al Review of Psychology,2005,56(3):517-543.
[13]Jarvenpaa S L and Leidner D E.Communication and trust in global virtual teams[J].Organization Science,1999,10(7):791-815.
[14]Liu Y and Simaan M A.Non-inferior nash strategies for multi-team systems[J].Journal of Optimization Theory and Appli-cations,2004,120(1):29-51.
[15]Marks M A,DeChurch L A,Mathieu J E,Panzer F J and Alonso A A.Teamwork in multi-team systems[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2005,90(5):964-971.
[16]Marks M A,Mathieu J E and Zaccaro S J.Using scaled world to study multi-team systems[A].Schiflett S G,et al(Eds.).Scaled worlds:Development,validation,and applications[C].Aldershot:Ashgate Publishing,Ltd.,2004:49-66.
[17]Mathieu J E,Marks M A and Zaccaro S J.Multi-team sys-tems[A].Anderson N,Ones D S,Sinangiland H K and Viswesvaran C(Eds.).Organizational psychology:Handbook of industrial work and organizational psychology[C].Lon-don:Sage,2001,2:289-313.
[18]Mathieu J E,Maynard T M,Rapp T and Gilson L.Team effectiveness1997-2009:A review of recent advancements and a glimpse into the future[J].Journal of Management,2008,34(3):410-476.
[19]Mathieu J E and Schulze W.The influence of team knowledge and formal plans on episodic team process-performance rela-tionships[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(3):605-619.
[20]McGrath J E,Arrow H and Berdahl J L.Small groups as complex systems:Formation,coordination,development and adaption[M].Thousand Oaks:Sage Publication,Inc.,2000.
[21]Millen D R and Fontaine M A.Multi-team facilitation of very large-scale distributed meetings[R].The Eighth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work,2003.
[22]Millikin J P,Hom P W and Manz C C.Self-management com-petencies in self-managing teams:Their impact on multi-team system productivity[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(1):687-702.
[23]O’Sullivan A.Dispersed collaboration in a multi-firm,multi-team product-development project[J].Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,2003,20(1):93-116.
[24]Saavedra R,Earley P C and Van D L.Complex interdepen-dence in task-performing groups[J].Journal of Applied Psy-chology,1993,78(2):61-72.
[25]Salas E,Dickinson T L,Converse S A and Tannenbaum S.Toward an understanding of team performance and training[A].Swezey R W and Salas E(Eds.).Teams:Their training and performance[C].Stamford,CT:Ablex,1992:3-29.
[26]Wageman R.Interdependence and group effectiveness[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1995,40(5):145-180.
[27]Xiao Yuchun and Geng Kehua.Multi-team system theory and its application in modern management[R].The2010Interna-tional Conference on Information Electronic and Computer Science,2010.
[28]Xiao Yuchun,Tan Bo and Tao Lingxue.The research on en-terprise’s multi-team synergy mechanism based on MTS theory:In the perspective of enterprise’s ecological charac-teristics[R].The International Conference on E-Product,E-Service and E-Entertainment,2010.
[2]DeChurch L A,Burke C S,Shuffler M,Lyons R,Doty D and Salas E.A historiometric analysis of leadership in mission cri-tical multi-team environments[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(1):152-169.
[3]DeChurch L A and Haas C D.Examining team planning through an episodic lens:Effects of deliberate,contingency,and reactive planning on team effectiveness[J].Small Group Research,2008,39(5):542-568.
[4]DeChurch L A and Marks M A.Leadership in multi-team sys-tems[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2006,91(2):311-329.
[5]DeChurch L A and Zaccaro S J.Perspectives:Teams won’t solve this problem[J].Journal of the Human Factors and Er-gonomics Society,2010,52(2):329-334.
[6]Gist M E,Locke E A and Taylor M S.Organizational behavior:Group structure,process,and effectiveness[J].Jour-nal of Management,1987,13(3):252-253.
[7]Healey P M,Hodgkinson P G and Teo S.Responding effec-tively to civil emergencies:The role of transactive memory in the performance of multi-team systems[R].The9th Interna-tional Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making,2009.
[8]Hoegl M and Weinkauf K.Managing task interdependencies in multi-team projects:A longitudinal study[J].Journal of Management Studies,2005,42(6):1287-1288.
[9]Hoegl M,Weinkauf K and Gemuenden H G.Inter-team coor-dination,project commitment,and teamwork in multi-team R&D projects:A longitudinal study[J].Organization Science,2004,15(1):38-55.
[10]Hogg M A and Terry D J.Social identity and self-categoriza-tion processes in organizational contexts[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(2):121-140.
[11]Humphrey W S.TSP-coaching development teams[M].Lon-don:Prentice Hall,2007:313-327.
[12]Ilgen D R,Hollenbeck J R,Johnson M and Jundt D.Teams in organizations:From I-P-O models to IMOI models[J].Annu-al Review of Psychology,2005,56(3):517-543.
[13]Jarvenpaa S L and Leidner D E.Communication and trust in global virtual teams[J].Organization Science,1999,10(7):791-815.
[14]Liu Y and Simaan M A.Non-inferior nash strategies for multi-team systems[J].Journal of Optimization Theory and Appli-cations,2004,120(1):29-51.
[15]Marks M A,DeChurch L A,Mathieu J E,Panzer F J and Alonso A A.Teamwork in multi-team systems[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2005,90(5):964-971.
[16]Marks M A,Mathieu J E and Zaccaro S J.Using scaled world to study multi-team systems[A].Schiflett S G,et al(Eds.).Scaled worlds:Development,validation,and applications[C].Aldershot:Ashgate Publishing,Ltd.,2004:49-66.
[17]Mathieu J E,Marks M A and Zaccaro S J.Multi-team sys-tems[A].Anderson N,Ones D S,Sinangiland H K and Viswesvaran C(Eds.).Organizational psychology:Handbook of industrial work and organizational psychology[C].Lon-don:Sage,2001,2:289-313.
[18]Mathieu J E,Maynard T M,Rapp T and Gilson L.Team effectiveness1997-2009:A review of recent advancements and a glimpse into the future[J].Journal of Management,2008,34(3):410-476.
[19]Mathieu J E and Schulze W.The influence of team knowledge and formal plans on episodic team process-performance rela-tionships[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(3):605-619.
[20]McGrath J E,Arrow H and Berdahl J L.Small groups as complex systems:Formation,coordination,development and adaption[M].Thousand Oaks:Sage Publication,Inc.,2000.
[21]Millen D R and Fontaine M A.Multi-team facilitation of very large-scale distributed meetings[R].The Eighth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work,2003.
[22]Millikin J P,Hom P W and Manz C C.Self-management com-petencies in self-managing teams:Their impact on multi-team system productivity[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(1):687-702.
[23]O’Sullivan A.Dispersed collaboration in a multi-firm,multi-team product-development project[J].Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,2003,20(1):93-116.
[24]Saavedra R,Earley P C and Van D L.Complex interdepen-dence in task-performing groups[J].Journal of Applied Psy-chology,1993,78(2):61-72.
[25]Salas E,Dickinson T L,Converse S A and Tannenbaum S.Toward an understanding of team performance and training[A].Swezey R W and Salas E(Eds.).Teams:Their training and performance[C].Stamford,CT:Ablex,1992:3-29.
[26]Wageman R.Interdependence and group effectiveness[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1995,40(5):145-180.
[27]Xiao Yuchun and Geng Kehua.Multi-team system theory and its application in modern management[R].The2010Interna-tional Conference on Information Electronic and Computer Science,2010.
[28]Xiao Yuchun,Tan Bo and Tao Lingxue.The research on en-terprise’s multi-team synergy mechanism based on MTS theory:In the perspective of enterprise’s ecological charac-teristics[R].The International Conference on E-Product,E-Service and E-Entertainment,2010.
肖余春, 李伟阳. 团队管理研究新视野——MTS理论研究综述[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(6): 33–40.