外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 06 期, 页码:25 - 32
[1]Ambrose M L and Arnaud A.Distributive and procedural jus-tice:Construct distinctiveness,construct interdependence,and overall justice[A].Greenberg J and Colquitt J(Eds.).The handbook of organizational justice[C].New Jersey(Mahwah):Erlbaum,2005:59-84.
[2]Ambrose M L and Schminke M.The role of overall justice judgments in organizational justice research:A test of media-tion[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(2):491-500.
[3]Barsky A,et al.Just feelings?The role of affect in the forma-tion of organizational fairness judgments[J].Journal of Management,2011,37(1):248-279.
[4]Brockner J.Why it’s so hard to be fair[J].Harvard Business Review,2006,84(3):122-129.
[5]Choi J.Event justice perceptions and employees’reactions:Perceptions of social entity justice as a moderator[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2008,93(3):513-528.
[6]Choi J and Chen C C.The relationships of distributive justice and compensation system fairness to employee attitudes in in-ternational joint ventures[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2007,28(6):687-703.
[7]Colquitt J A and Shaw J C.How should organizational justice be measured?[A].Greenberg J and Colquitt J(Eds.).Hand-book of organizational justice[C].New Jersey(Mahwah):Erl-baum,2005:589-619.
[8]Colquitt J A.On the dimensionality of organizational justice:A construct validation of a measure[J].Journal of Applied Psy-chology,2001,86(3):386-400.
[9]Cropanzano R,et al.Moral virtues,fairness heuristics,social entities,and other denizens of organizational justice[J].Jour-nal of Vocational Behavior,2001,58(2):164-209.
[10]Eisenberger R,et al.Perceived supervisor support:Contribu-tions to perceived organizational support and employee reten-tion[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2002,87(3):565-573.
[11]Fassina N E,et al.Meta-analytic tests of relationships be-tween organizational justice and citizenship behavior:Testing agent-system and shared variance models[J].Journal of Or-ganizational Behavior,2008,29(6):805-828.
[12]Folger R and Cropanzano R.Fairness theory:Justice as ac-countability[A].Greenberg J and Cropanzano R(Eds.).Ad-vances in organizational justice[C].California(Stanford):Stanford University Press,2001:1-55.
[13]George J M and Jones G R.The role of time in theory and theory building[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(4):657-684.
[14]Greenberg J.Studying organizational justice cross-culturally:Fundamental challenges[J].International Journal of Conflict Management,2001,12(4):365-375.
[15]Hauenstein N M T,et al.A meta-analysis of the relationship between procedural justice and distributive justice:Implica-tions for justice research[J].Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal,2001,13(1):39-56.
[16]Holtz B C and Harold C M.Fair today,fair tomorrow?A longitudinal investigation of overall justice perceptions[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(5):1185-1199.
[17]Jones D A and Martens M L.The mediating role of overall fairness and the moderating role of trust certainty in justice-criteria relationships:The formation and use of fairness heu-ristics in the workplace[J].Journal of Organizational Beha-vior,2009,30(8):1025-1051.
[18]Kim TY and Leung K.Forming and reacting to overall fair-ness:A cross-cultural comparison[J].Organizational Beha-vior and Human Decision Processes,2007,104(1):83-95.
[19]Kray L J and Lind E A.The injustices of others:Social re-ports and the integration of others’experiences in organiza-tional justice judgments[J].Organizational Behavior and Hu-man Decision Processes,2002,89(1):906-924.
[20]Lavelle J J,et al.Taking a multifoci approach to the study of justice,social exchange,and citizenship behavior:The target similarity model[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(6):841-866.
[21]Lind E A.Fairness heuristic theory:Justice judgments as pi-votal cognitions in organizational relations[A].Greenberg J and Cropanzano(Eds.).Advances in organizational justice[C].California(Stanford):Stanford University Press,2001:56-88.
[22]Lord C G,et al.Houses built on shifting sand:Effects of exemplar stability on resistance to attitude change[J].Jour-nal of Personality and Social Psychology,2004,87(6):733-749.
[23]Rhoades L,et al.Affective commitment to the organization:The contribution of perceived organizational support[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86(5):825-836.
[24]Ritter B A,et al.Implicit and explicit expectations of justice as a function of manager and subordinate race[J].Human Relations,2005,58(12):1501-1521.
[25]Scott B A,et al.Justice as a dependent variable:Subordinate charisma as a predictor of interpersonal and informational justice perceptions[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(6):1597-1609.
[26]Shapiro D.The death of justice theory is likely if theorists neglect the“wheels”already invented and the voices of the injustice victims[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2001,58(2):235-242.
[27]Tornblom K Y and Vermunt R.An integrative perspective on social justice:Distributive and procedural fairness evaluations of positive and negative outcome allocations[J].Social Justice Research,1999,12(1):39-64.
[28]Van Dijke M,et al.The role of authority power in explaining procedural fairness effects[J].Journal of Applied Psycho-logy,2010,95(3):488-502.
[2]Ambrose M L and Schminke M.The role of overall justice judgments in organizational justice research:A test of media-tion[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(2):491-500.
[3]Barsky A,et al.Just feelings?The role of affect in the forma-tion of organizational fairness judgments[J].Journal of Management,2011,37(1):248-279.
[4]Brockner J.Why it’s so hard to be fair[J].Harvard Business Review,2006,84(3):122-129.
[5]Choi J.Event justice perceptions and employees’reactions:Perceptions of social entity justice as a moderator[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2008,93(3):513-528.
[6]Choi J and Chen C C.The relationships of distributive justice and compensation system fairness to employee attitudes in in-ternational joint ventures[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2007,28(6):687-703.
[7]Colquitt J A and Shaw J C.How should organizational justice be measured?[A].Greenberg J and Colquitt J(Eds.).Hand-book of organizational justice[C].New Jersey(Mahwah):Erl-baum,2005:589-619.
[8]Colquitt J A.On the dimensionality of organizational justice:A construct validation of a measure[J].Journal of Applied Psy-chology,2001,86(3):386-400.
[9]Cropanzano R,et al.Moral virtues,fairness heuristics,social entities,and other denizens of organizational justice[J].Jour-nal of Vocational Behavior,2001,58(2):164-209.
[10]Eisenberger R,et al.Perceived supervisor support:Contribu-tions to perceived organizational support and employee reten-tion[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2002,87(3):565-573.
[11]Fassina N E,et al.Meta-analytic tests of relationships be-tween organizational justice and citizenship behavior:Testing agent-system and shared variance models[J].Journal of Or-ganizational Behavior,2008,29(6):805-828.
[12]Folger R and Cropanzano R.Fairness theory:Justice as ac-countability[A].Greenberg J and Cropanzano R(Eds.).Ad-vances in organizational justice[C].California(Stanford):Stanford University Press,2001:1-55.
[13]George J M and Jones G R.The role of time in theory and theory building[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(4):657-684.
[14]Greenberg J.Studying organizational justice cross-culturally:Fundamental challenges[J].International Journal of Conflict Management,2001,12(4):365-375.
[15]Hauenstein N M T,et al.A meta-analysis of the relationship between procedural justice and distributive justice:Implica-tions for justice research[J].Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal,2001,13(1):39-56.
[16]Holtz B C and Harold C M.Fair today,fair tomorrow?A longitudinal investigation of overall justice perceptions[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(5):1185-1199.
[17]Jones D A and Martens M L.The mediating role of overall fairness and the moderating role of trust certainty in justice-criteria relationships:The formation and use of fairness heu-ristics in the workplace[J].Journal of Organizational Beha-vior,2009,30(8):1025-1051.
[18]Kim TY and Leung K.Forming and reacting to overall fair-ness:A cross-cultural comparison[J].Organizational Beha-vior and Human Decision Processes,2007,104(1):83-95.
[19]Kray L J and Lind E A.The injustices of others:Social re-ports and the integration of others’experiences in organiza-tional justice judgments[J].Organizational Behavior and Hu-man Decision Processes,2002,89(1):906-924.
[20]Lavelle J J,et al.Taking a multifoci approach to the study of justice,social exchange,and citizenship behavior:The target similarity model[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(6):841-866.
[21]Lind E A.Fairness heuristic theory:Justice judgments as pi-votal cognitions in organizational relations[A].Greenberg J and Cropanzano(Eds.).Advances in organizational justice[C].California(Stanford):Stanford University Press,2001:56-88.
[22]Lord C G,et al.Houses built on shifting sand:Effects of exemplar stability on resistance to attitude change[J].Jour-nal of Personality and Social Psychology,2004,87(6):733-749.
[23]Rhoades L,et al.Affective commitment to the organization:The contribution of perceived organizational support[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86(5):825-836.
[24]Ritter B A,et al.Implicit and explicit expectations of justice as a function of manager and subordinate race[J].Human Relations,2005,58(12):1501-1521.
[25]Scott B A,et al.Justice as a dependent variable:Subordinate charisma as a predictor of interpersonal and informational justice perceptions[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(6):1597-1609.
[26]Shapiro D.The death of justice theory is likely if theorists neglect the“wheels”already invented and the voices of the injustice victims[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2001,58(2):235-242.
[27]Tornblom K Y and Vermunt R.An integrative perspective on social justice:Distributive and procedural fairness evaluations of positive and negative outcome allocations[J].Social Justice Research,1999,12(1):39-64.
[28]Van Dijke M,et al.The role of authority power in explaining procedural fairness effects[J].Journal of Applied Psycho-logy,2010,95(3):488-502.
王宇清, 周浩. 组织公正感研究新趋势——整体公正感研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(6): 25–32.