外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 02 期, 页码:43 - 49
[1]Cameron K S and Caza A.Organizational and leadership vir-tues and the role of forgiveness[J].Journal of Leadership&Organizational Studies,2002,9(1):33-48.
[2]Cameron K S and Caza A.Contributions to the discipline of positive organizational scholarship[J].American Behavioral Scientist,2004,47(6):731-739.
[3]Cameron K S,et al.Exploring the relationships between virtu-ousness and performance[J].American Behavioral Scientist,2004,47(6):766-790.
[4]Caza A,et al.Ethics and ethos:The buffering and amplifying effects of ethical behavior and virtuousness[J].Journal of Bus-iness Ethics,2004,52(2):169-178.
[5]Chun R A.A corporate’s responsibility to employees during a merger:Organizational virtue and employee loyalty[J].Corpo-rate Governance,2009,9(4):473-483.
[6]Chun R.Ethical character and virtue of organizations:An em-pirical assessment and strategic implications[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2005,57(3):269-284.
[7]Klein S.Is a moral organization possible?[J].Business and Professional Ethics Journal,1988,7(1):51-73.
[8]Moore G.Corporate character:Modern virtue ethics and the virtuous corporation[J].Business Ethics Quarterly,2005,15(4):659-685.
[9]Moore G and Beadle R.In search of organizational virtue in business:Agents,goods,practices,institutions and environ-ments[J].Organization Studies,2006,27(3):369-389.
[10]Murphy P E.Character and virtue ethics in international marketing:An agenda for managers,researchers,and educa-tors[J].Journal of Business Ethics,1999,18(1):107-124.
[11]Payne G T,et al.Organizational virtue orientation and family firms[J].Business Ethics Quarterly,2011,21(2):257-285.
[12]Peterson C and Park N.Character strengths in organizations[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2006,27(8):1149-1154.
[13]Peterson C and Seligman M E P.Character strengths and vir-tues:A handbook and classification[M].New York:Oxford University Press/Washington,D.C.:American Psychological Association,2004.
[14]Rego A,et al.Perceptions of organizational virtuousness and happiness as predictors of organizational citizenship behaviors[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2010,93(2):215-235.
[15]Searle T P and Barbuto J E.Servant leadership,hope,and or-ganizational virtuousness:A framework exploring positive micro and macro behaviors and performance impact[J].Jour-nal of Leadership&Organizational Studies,2011,18(1):107-117.
[16]Seligman M E P and Csikszentmihalyi M.Positive psychol-ogy:An introduction[J].American Psychologist,2000,55(1):5-14.
[17]Shanahan K J and Hyman M R.The development of a virtue ethics scale[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2003,42(2):197-208.
[18]Solomon R.Ethics and excellence:Cooperation and integrity in business[M].New York,NY:Oxford University Press,1992.
[19]Whetstone J T.A framework for organizational virtue:The interrelationship of mission,culture and leadership[J].Busi-ness Ethics:A European Review,2005,14(4):367-378.
[20]Wright T A and Goodstein J.Character is not“dead”in man-agement research:A review of individual character and or-ganizational-level virtue[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(6):928-958.
[2]Cameron K S and Caza A.Contributions to the discipline of positive organizational scholarship[J].American Behavioral Scientist,2004,47(6):731-739.
[3]Cameron K S,et al.Exploring the relationships between virtu-ousness and performance[J].American Behavioral Scientist,2004,47(6):766-790.
[4]Caza A,et al.Ethics and ethos:The buffering and amplifying effects of ethical behavior and virtuousness[J].Journal of Bus-iness Ethics,2004,52(2):169-178.
[5]Chun R A.A corporate’s responsibility to employees during a merger:Organizational virtue and employee loyalty[J].Corpo-rate Governance,2009,9(4):473-483.
[6]Chun R.Ethical character and virtue of organizations:An em-pirical assessment and strategic implications[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2005,57(3):269-284.
[7]Klein S.Is a moral organization possible?[J].Business and Professional Ethics Journal,1988,7(1):51-73.
[8]Moore G.Corporate character:Modern virtue ethics and the virtuous corporation[J].Business Ethics Quarterly,2005,15(4):659-685.
[9]Moore G and Beadle R.In search of organizational virtue in business:Agents,goods,practices,institutions and environ-ments[J].Organization Studies,2006,27(3):369-389.
[10]Murphy P E.Character and virtue ethics in international marketing:An agenda for managers,researchers,and educa-tors[J].Journal of Business Ethics,1999,18(1):107-124.
[11]Payne G T,et al.Organizational virtue orientation and family firms[J].Business Ethics Quarterly,2011,21(2):257-285.
[12]Peterson C and Park N.Character strengths in organizations[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2006,27(8):1149-1154.
[13]Peterson C and Seligman M E P.Character strengths and vir-tues:A handbook and classification[M].New York:Oxford University Press/Washington,D.C.:American Psychological Association,2004.
[14]Rego A,et al.Perceptions of organizational virtuousness and happiness as predictors of organizational citizenship behaviors[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2010,93(2):215-235.
[15]Searle T P and Barbuto J E.Servant leadership,hope,and or-ganizational virtuousness:A framework exploring positive micro and macro behaviors and performance impact[J].Jour-nal of Leadership&Organizational Studies,2011,18(1):107-117.
[16]Seligman M E P and Csikszentmihalyi M.Positive psychol-ogy:An introduction[J].American Psychologist,2000,55(1):5-14.
[17]Shanahan K J and Hyman M R.The development of a virtue ethics scale[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2003,42(2):197-208.
[18]Solomon R.Ethics and excellence:Cooperation and integrity in business[M].New York,NY:Oxford University Press,1992.
[19]Whetstone J T.A framework for organizational virtue:The interrelationship of mission,culture and leadership[J].Busi-ness Ethics:A European Review,2005,14(4):367-378.
[20]Wright T A and Goodstein J.Character is not“dead”in man-agement research:A review of individual character and or-ganizational-level virtue[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(6):928-958.
刘云. 组织德性研究回顾与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(2): 43–49.