财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 07 期, 页码:
[21]Arellano M, Bond S. Some tests of specification for panel data: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations[J]. Review of Economic Studies, 1991, 58(2):277-297.
[22]Blundell R, Bond S. Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models [J]. Journal of Econometrics, 1998, 87(1):115-143.
[23]Bradford D F, Oates W E. The analysis of revenue sharing in a new approach to collective fiscal decisions [J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1971, 85(3):416-439.
[24]Brandt L,Holz C A. Spatial price differences in China: Estimates and implications [J]. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2006, 55(1):43-86.
[25]Hines J R, Thaler R H. Anomalies: The Flypaper Effect [J]. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1995, 9(4):217-226.
[26]Koethenbuerger M. How do local governments decide on public policy in fiscal federalism? Tax vs.expenditure optimization [J]. Journal of Public Economics, 2011, 95(11-12):1516-1522.
[27]Leith C, Lewis S W. Fiscal sustainability in a New Keynesian model [J]. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2013, 45(8):1477-1516.
[28]Li H, Zhou L. Political turnover and economic performance: The incentive role of personnel control in China [J]. Journal of Public Economics, 2005, 89(9): 1743-1762.
[29]Qian Y, Weingast B. China’s transition to markets: Marketpreserving federalism, Chinese style [J]. Journal of Policy Reform, 1996, 1(2):149-185.
[30]Rodden J,Eskeland G,Litvack. Fisal Decentralization and the challenge of hard budget constraints [M]. MA:MIT Press, 2003.
[31]Rodrik D. Why do more open economies have bigger governments? [J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1998,106(5):997-1032.
[32]Smart M. The incentive effects of grants[A].Boadway R W,Shah A(eds.) Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers[C]. Washington:Banco Mundial,2007.
[33]Tsui K. Local tax system, intergovernmental transfers and China’s local fiscal disparities [J]. Journal of Comparative Economics, 2005, 33(1):173-196.
[34]Zodrow G R, Mieszkowski P.Pigou,Tibout, property taxation, and the under provision of local public goods [J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 1986,19(3):356-370.
[21]Arellano M, Bond S. Some tests of specification for panel data: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations[J]. Review of Economic Studies, 1991, 58(2):277-297.
[22]Blundell R, Bond S. Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models [J]. Journal of Econometrics, 1998, 87(1):115-143.
[23]Bradford D F, Oates W E. The analysis of revenue sharing in a new approach to collective fiscal decisions [J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1971, 85(3):416-439.
[24]Brandt L,Holz C A. Spatial price differences in China: Estimates and implications [J]. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2006, 55(1):43-86.
[25]Hines J R, Thaler R H. Anomalies: The Flypaper Effect [J]. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1995, 9(4):217-226.
[26]Koethenbuerger M. How do local governments decide on public policy in fiscal federalism? Tax vs.expenditure optimization [J]. Journal of Public Economics, 2011, 95(11-12):1516-1522.
[27]Leith C, Lewis S W. Fiscal sustainability in a New Keynesian model [J]. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2013, 45(8):1477-1516.
[28]Li H, Zhou L. Political turnover and economic performance: The incentive role of personnel control in China [J]. Journal of Public Economics, 2005, 89(9): 1743-1762.
[29]Qian Y, Weingast B. China’s transition to markets: Marketpreserving federalism, Chinese style [J]. Journal of Policy Reform, 1996, 1(2):149-185.
[30]Rodden J,Eskeland G,Litvack. Fisal Decentralization and the challenge of hard budget constraints [M]. MA:MIT Press, 2003.
[31]Rodrik D. Why do more open economies have bigger governments? [J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1998,106(5):997-1032.
[32]Smart M. The incentive effects of grants[A].Boadway R W,Shah A(eds.) Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers[C]. Washington:Banco Mundial,2007.
[33]Tsui K. Local tax system, intergovernmental transfers and China’s local fiscal disparities [J]. Journal of Comparative Economics, 2005, 33(1):173-196.
[34]Zodrow G R, Mieszkowski P.Pigou,Tibout, property taxation, and the under provision of local public goods [J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 1986,19(3):356-370.
杨龙见, 徐琰超, 尹 恒. 转移支付形式会影响地方政府的收支行为吗?——理论研究和经验分析[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(7): 0.