财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 10 期, 页码:16 - 26
[1]Alexander Vaninsky.Efficiency of electric power generation in the United States:Anal-ysis and forecast based on data envelopment analysis[J].Energy Economics.2006,(28):326-338.
[2]Kemal Sarica Ilhan Or.Efficiency assessment of Turkish power plants using data envel-opment analysis[J].Energy,2007,32:1484-1499.
[3]Antonio Estachea,Beatriz Tovarc,Lourdes Trujillo.How efficient are African electrici-ty companies?Evidence from the Southern African countries[J].Energy Policy,2008,36:1969-1979.
[4]Kaoru Tonea,Miki Tsutsuia.Decomposition of cost efficiency and its application to Jap-anese-US electric utility comparisons.Socio-Economic Planning Sciences[J].2007,41:91-106.
[5]Pablo Arocena.Cost and quality gains from diversification and vertical integration in theelectricity industry:A DEA approach[J].Energy Economics,2008,(30):39-58.
[6]Pun-Lee Lam,Alice Shiu.A data envelopment analysis of the efficiency of China’s ther-mal power generation[J].Utilities Policy,2001,(2):75-83.
[7]Carlos Pestana Barros.Efficiency analysis of hydroelectric generating plants:A casestudy for Portugal[J].Energy Economics,2008,30:59-75.
[8]Toru Hattori.Relative performance of U.S.and Japanese electricity distribution:Anapplication of stochastic frontier analysis[J].Journal of Productivity Analysis,2002,18:269-284.
[9]Pekka J Korhonen,Mikulas Luptacik.Eco-efficiency analysis of power plants:An ex-tension of data envelopment analysis[J].European Journal of Operational Re-search.2004,154:437-446.
[10]H O Fried,C A K Lovell,S S Schmidt,S Yaisawarng.Accounting for environmentaleffects and statistical noise in data envelopment analysis[J].Journal of Productivity A-nalysis,2002,17:157-174.60-66.
[17]Simar L,Wilson P.Estimation and inference in two-stage,semi-parametric models ofproduction processes[J].Journal of Econometrics,2007,136:31-64.
[2]Kemal Sarica Ilhan Or.Efficiency assessment of Turkish power plants using data envel-opment analysis[J].Energy,2007,32:1484-1499.
[3]Antonio Estachea,Beatriz Tovarc,Lourdes Trujillo.How efficient are African electrici-ty companies?Evidence from the Southern African countries[J].Energy Policy,2008,36:1969-1979.
[4]Kaoru Tonea,Miki Tsutsuia.Decomposition of cost efficiency and its application to Jap-anese-US electric utility comparisons.Socio-Economic Planning Sciences[J].2007,41:91-106.
[5]Pablo Arocena.Cost and quality gains from diversification and vertical integration in theelectricity industry:A DEA approach[J].Energy Economics,2008,(30):39-58.
[6]Pun-Lee Lam,Alice Shiu.A data envelopment analysis of the efficiency of China’s ther-mal power generation[J].Utilities Policy,2001,(2):75-83.
[7]Carlos Pestana Barros.Efficiency analysis of hydroelectric generating plants:A casestudy for Portugal[J].Energy Economics,2008,30:59-75.
[8]Toru Hattori.Relative performance of U.S.and Japanese electricity distribution:Anapplication of stochastic frontier analysis[J].Journal of Productivity Analysis,2002,18:269-284.
[9]Pekka J Korhonen,Mikulas Luptacik.Eco-efficiency analysis of power plants:An ex-tension of data envelopment analysis[J].European Journal of Operational Re-search.2004,154:437-446.
[10]H O Fried,C A K Lovell,S S Schmidt,S Yaisawarng.Accounting for environmentaleffects and statistical noise in data envelopment analysis[J].Journal of Productivity A-nalysis,2002,17:157-174.60-66.
[17]Simar L,Wilson P.Estimation and inference in two-stage,semi-parametric models ofproduction processes[J].Journal of Econometrics,2007,136:31-64.
白雪洁, 宋莹. 中国各省火电行业的技术效率及其提升方向——基于三阶段DEA模型的分析[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(10): 16–26.