财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 02 期, 页码:54 - 65
[10]Arellano M,Bover O.Another look at the instrumental variable esti mation of error component models[J].Journal of Econometrics,1995,(68):29-51.
[11]Blundell R,Bond S.Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models[C].University College London Discussion Paper1997.
[12]Carroll C,J Overland,D Weil.Saving and growth with habit formation[J].The A-merican Economic Review,2000,90,(3):341-355.
[13]Kraay A.Household savingin China[J].World Bank Economic Review,2000,14(3):545-570.
[14]Kuijs L.Investment and savingin China[C].World Bank Research Working Paper,2005.
[15]Loayza N,KSchmidt-Hebbel,L Serven.What drives private saving across the world?[J].Reviewof Economics&Statistics,2000,82,(1):165-181.
[16]Modigliani F,Cao Shi Larry.The Chinese saving puzzle and the life-cycle hypothesis[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2004,42,(1):145-170.
[17]Seckin A.Consumption with liquidity constraint and habit formation[C].CIRANO Scientific Series,2000.
[10]Arellano M,Bover O.Another look at the instrumental variable esti mation of error component models[J].Journal of Econometrics,1995,(68):29-51.
[11]Blundell R,Bond S.Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models[C].University College London Discussion Paper1997.
[12]Carroll C,J Overland,D Weil.Saving and growth with habit formation[J].The A-merican Economic Review,2000,90,(3):341-355.
[13]Kraay A.Household savingin China[J].World Bank Economic Review,2000,14(3):545-570.
[14]Kuijs L.Investment and savingin China[C].World Bank Research Working Paper,2005.
[15]Loayza N,KSchmidt-Hebbel,L Serven.What drives private saving across the world?[J].Reviewof Economics&Statistics,2000,82,(1):165-181.
[16]Modigliani F,Cao Shi Larry.The Chinese saving puzzle and the life-cycle hypothesis[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2004,42,(1):145-170.
[17]Seckin A.Consumption with liquidity constraint and habit formation[C].CIRANO Scientific Series,2000.
汪伟. 中国居民储蓄率的决定因素——基于1995-2005年省际动态面板数据的分析[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(2): 54–65.