财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 01 期, 页码:52 - 62
[1]Barth J R,G Caprio,R Levine.Bank regulation and supervision:What works best?[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation2004,13:205~248.
[2]Blum J.Do capital adequacy requirements reduce risks in banking?[J].Journal of Banking&Finance1999,23:755~771.
[3]Calem P S,R Rob.The i mpact of capital-based regulation on bank risk-taking[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,1999,8:317~352.
[4]Furlong F T,MC Keeley.Capital regulation and bank risk-taking:Anote[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1989,13:883~891.
[5]Godlewski C J.Capital regulation and credit risk taking empirical:Evidence frombanks in emerging market economics[J].Journal of Banking Regulation,2005,6:128~145.
[6]Jacques K,P Nigro.Risk-based capital,portfolio risk,and bank capital:Asi multane-ous equations approach[J].Journal of Economics and Business,1997,49:533~547.
[7]Kahane Y.Capital adequacy and the regulation of financial intermediaries[J].Journal of Banking and Finance1997,1:207~218.
[8]Keeley MC,F T Furlong.Areexamination of mean-variance analysis of bank capital regulation[J].Journal of Banking and Finance1990,14:69~84.
[9]Ki m D,A MSantomero.Riskin banking and capital regulation[J].Journal of Finance,1988,43:1219~1233.
[10]Koehn M,A MSantomero.Regulation of bank capital and portfolio risk[J].Journal of Finance,1980,35:1235~1244.
[11]Marcus AJ.The bank capital decision:Ati me series cross-section analysis[J].Jour-nal of Finance,1983,38:1217~1232.
[12]Peltzman S.Capital invest ment in commercial banking and its relationship to portfolio regulation[J].Journal of Political Economy,1970,78:1~26.
[13]Ri me B.Capital requirements and bank behaviour:Empirical evidence for Switzerland[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2001,25:789~805.
[14]Shrieves R,D Dahl.The relationship between risk and capital in commercial banks[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1992,16:439~457.
[2]Blum J.Do capital adequacy requirements reduce risks in banking?[J].Journal of Banking&Finance1999,23:755~771.
[3]Calem P S,R Rob.The i mpact of capital-based regulation on bank risk-taking[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,1999,8:317~352.
[4]Furlong F T,MC Keeley.Capital regulation and bank risk-taking:Anote[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1989,13:883~891.
[5]Godlewski C J.Capital regulation and credit risk taking empirical:Evidence frombanks in emerging market economics[J].Journal of Banking Regulation,2005,6:128~145.
[6]Jacques K,P Nigro.Risk-based capital,portfolio risk,and bank capital:Asi multane-ous equations approach[J].Journal of Economics and Business,1997,49:533~547.
[7]Kahane Y.Capital adequacy and the regulation of financial intermediaries[J].Journal of Banking and Finance1997,1:207~218.
[8]Keeley MC,F T Furlong.Areexamination of mean-variance analysis of bank capital regulation[J].Journal of Banking and Finance1990,14:69~84.
[9]Ki m D,A MSantomero.Riskin banking and capital regulation[J].Journal of Finance,1988,43:1219~1233.
[10]Koehn M,A MSantomero.Regulation of bank capital and portfolio risk[J].Journal of Finance,1980,35:1235~1244.
[11]Marcus AJ.The bank capital decision:Ati me series cross-section analysis[J].Jour-nal of Finance,1983,38:1217~1232.
[12]Peltzman S.Capital invest ment in commercial banking and its relationship to portfolio regulation[J].Journal of Political Economy,1970,78:1~26.
[13]Ri me B.Capital requirements and bank behaviour:Empirical evidence for Switzerland[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2001,25:789~805.
[14]Shrieves R,D Dahl.The relationship between risk and capital in commercial banks[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1992,16:439~457.
吴俊, 康继军, 张宗益. 中国经济转型期商业银行资本与风险行为研究——兼论巴塞尔协议在我国的实施效果[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(1): 52–62.