财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 01 期, 页码:40 - 51
[4]Alesina Alberto,Alexander F Wagner.Choosing[and reneging on]exchange rate re-gi mes[J].Journal of European Economic Association,2006,4[4]:770~799.
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[6]Calvo Guillermo,Carmen Reinhart,Fear of floating[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2002,117:379~408.
[7]Ghosh Atish,Anne-Marie Gulde,Jonathan Ostry,Holger Wolf.Does the nominal ex-change rate regi me matter?[R].NBER Working Paper,No.5874,1997.
[8]Hausmann Ricardo,Ugo Panizza,Ernesto Stein.Why do countries float the way they float?[J].Journal of Development Economics,2001,66:387~414.
[9]Lahiri Amartya,Carlos Vegh.Living with the fear of floating:An opti mal policy per-spective[A].Sebastian Edwards,Jeffrey Frankel.Preventing currency crises in emerging markets[C].University of Chicago Press,2001.
[10]Reinhart Carmen,Kenneth Rogoff.The modern history of exchange rate arrange-ments:Areinterpretation[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2004,119:1~48.
[11]Train Kenneth.Discrete choice methods with si mulation[M].Cambridge University Press,2002.
[4]Alesina Alberto,Alexander F Wagner.Choosing[and reneging on]exchange rate re-gi mes[J].Journal of European Economic Association,2006,4[4]:770~799.
[5]Bhat U Narayan.Elements of applied stochastic processes[M].New York:Wiley,1972.
[6]Calvo Guillermo,Carmen Reinhart,Fear of floating[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2002,117:379~408.
[7]Ghosh Atish,Anne-Marie Gulde,Jonathan Ostry,Holger Wolf.Does the nominal ex-change rate regi me matter?[R].NBER Working Paper,No.5874,1997.
[8]Hausmann Ricardo,Ugo Panizza,Ernesto Stein.Why do countries float the way they float?[J].Journal of Development Economics,2001,66:387~414.
[9]Lahiri Amartya,Carlos Vegh.Living with the fear of floating:An opti mal policy per-spective[A].Sebastian Edwards,Jeffrey Frankel.Preventing currency crises in emerging markets[C].University of Chicago Press,2001.
[10]Reinhart Carmen,Kenneth Rogoff.The modern history of exchange rate arrange-ments:Areinterpretation[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2004,119:1~48.
[11]Train Kenneth.Discrete choice methods with si mulation[M].Cambridge University Press,2002.
周继忠, 金洪飞. 发展中国家汇率制度安排的名与实——对法定汇率制度与事实汇率制度之差异的经验分析[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(1): 40–51.