财经研究 2007 年 第 33 卷第 03 期, 页码:135 - 144
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[12]Berle A,Means G.The modern corporation and private property[M].New York:Mac-milan,1932.
[13]Demsetz H.The structure of ownership and the theory of the firm[J].Journal of Lawand Economics,1983,(26):375~390.
[14]Fama E F,Jensen MC.Separation of ownership and contro1[J].Journal of Lawand E-conomics,1983,(26):301~325.
[15]Hermalin B E,Weibach MS.The effect of board composition on corporate performance[R].Working paper,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge,MA,1987.
[16]Jensen MC,Murphy KJ.CEOIncentives—It’s not how much you pay,but how[J].Harvard Business Review,1990,(68):138~153.
[17]Johnson S,Boone P,Breach A,et-al.Corporate governance in the Asian financial cri-sis1997~1998[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,(58):141~186.
[18]Morck R,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Managerial ownership and market valuation:An empir-ical analysis[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1988,(20):292~315.
[19]Shleifer A,Vishny R.Large shareholders and corporate control[J].Journal of PoliticalEconomy,1986,(94):461~488.
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