财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 04 期, 页码:27 - 36
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[2]Brander J A,Spencer B J.Export subsidies and international market share rivalry[J].Journal of International Economics,1985,18:83~100.
[3]Cheng Leonard K,Tao Zhigang.The impact of public policies on innovation and imita-tion:The role of R&D technology in growth models[J].International Economic Re-view,1999,40:187~207.
[4]Dinopoulos E,Segerstrom P.A theory of North-South trade and globalization[R].Stockholm School of Economics Working Paper,Center for Economic Policy ResearchDiscussion Paper,2003,No.4140.
[5]Eaton J,Grossman G.Optimal trade and industrial policy under oligopoly[J].QuarterlyJournal of Economics,1986,101:383~406.
[6]Feenstra R,Judd K.Tariffs,technology transfer and welfare[J].Journal of Political E-conomy,1982,90:1142~1165.
[7]Grossman G,Helpman E.Innovation and growth in the global economy[M].Cam-bridge,Mass:MIT Press,1991a.
[8]Grossman G,Helpman E.Quality ladders in the theory of growth[J].Review of Eco-nomic Studies,1991b,58:43~61.
[9]Grossman G,Helpman E.Quality ladders and product cycles[J].Quarterly Journal ofEconomics,1991c,106:557~586.
[10]Grossman G,Helpman E.Endogenous product cycles[J].Economic Journal,1991b,101:1214~1229.
[11]Helpman E.Innovation,Imitation and intellectual property rights[J].Econometrica,1993,61:1247~1280.
[12]Li Chol-Won.On the policy implications of endogenous technological progress[J].TheEconomic Journal,2001,111:164~179.
[13]Krugman P R.Increasing returns,monopolistic competition and international trade[J].Journal of International Economics,1979,9:469~479.
[14]Krugman P R.Rethinking international trade[M].Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology,1990.
[15]Markusen J,Venables A.Trade policy with increasing returns and imperfect competi-tion:Contradictory results from competing assumptions[J].Journal of International E-conomics,1998,24:299~316.
[16]Rivera-Batiz L A,Romer P.Economic integration and endogenous growth[J].Quarter-ly Journal of Economics,1991,106:530~555.
[17]Taylor M.Quality ladders ad ricardian trade[J].Journal of International Economics,1993,34:225~243.
[18]Tayor M.TRIPs,trade and growth[J].International Economic Review,1994,35:361~381.
[19]Vernon R.International investment and international trade in the product cycle[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1966,80:190~207.
[20]Yang G,Maskus K.Intellectual property rights,licensing and innovation in an endog-enous product-cycle model[J].Journal of International Economics,2001,53:169~187.
殷德生, 唐海燕. 内生技术进步、南北贸易与干预政策[J]. 财经研究, 2006, 32(4): 27–36.