财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 02 期, 页码:20 - 31
[3]Asher Wolinsky.Prices as signals of product quality[J].Review of Economic Studies,1983,L:647~658.
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[6]Claude Fluet,Paolo G Garella.Advertising and prices signals of quality in a regime ofprice rivalry,[J].Internatinal journal of industrial orgnization,2002.20:907~930.
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[11]Kreps DM,Wilson,Robert.Reputation and imperfect information[J].Journal of E-conomic Theory 1982,27:253~279.
[12]Laurent Linnemer.Price and advertising as signals of quality when some consumersare informed[J].Internatinal journal of industrial organization,2002,20:931~947.
[13]Milgrom Paull,John Roberts.Price and advertising signals of product quality[J].Journal of political economy,1986 94(4):796~821.
[14]Nelson.Information and consumer behavior[J].Journal of Political Economy,1970,78(2):311~329.
[15]Nelson.Advertising and information[J].Journal of Political Economy,1974,82(4):729~754.
[16]Porter.Competitive strategy[M].Free Press,1980.
[17]Richard E Kihlstrom,Michale H Riordan.Advertising as a signal[J].Journal of Po-litical Economy,1984,92:427~471.
[18]Spence A Michale.Product differentiation and welfare[J].American Economic Re-view,1976,66(2):407~414.
[3]Asher Wolinsky.Prices as signals of product quality[J].Review of Economic Studies,1983,L:647~658.
[4]Bowley A L.The mathematical groundwork of economics[M].Oxford UniversityPress,1924.
[5]Bagwell K,Riordan M.High and declining prices signal product quality[J].AmericanEconomic Review,1991,81:224~239.
[6]Claude Fluet,Paolo G Garella.Advertising and prices signals of quality in a regime ofprice rivalry,[J].Internatinal journal of industrial orgnization,2002.20:907~930.
[7]Dixit Avinash.A model of duopoly suggesting a theory of entry barriers[J].Bell Jour-nal of Economics 1979,10(1):20~32.
[8]Dixit Avinash.The role of investment in entry-deterrence[J].Economic Journal,1980,90:95~106.
[9]Dasgupta P,E Maskin.The existence of equilibrium in discontinuous economic games,I:theory[J].Review of Economic Studies,1986,53:1~26.
[10]Jean Tirole.The theory of industrial organization[M].The MIT Press,1988:82~87.
[11]Kreps DM,Wilson,Robert.Reputation and imperfect information[J].Journal of E-conomic Theory 1982,27:253~279.
[12]Laurent Linnemer.Price and advertising as signals of quality when some consumersare informed[J].Internatinal journal of industrial organization,2002,20:931~947.
[13]Milgrom Paull,John Roberts.Price and advertising signals of product quality[J].Journal of political economy,1986 94(4):796~821.
[14]Nelson.Information and consumer behavior[J].Journal of Political Economy,1970,78(2):311~329.
[15]Nelson.Advertising and information[J].Journal of Political Economy,1974,82(4):729~754.
[16]Porter.Competitive strategy[M].Free Press,1980.
[17]Richard E Kihlstrom,Michale H Riordan.Advertising as a signal[J].Journal of Po-litical Economy,1984,92:427~471.
[18]Spence A Michale.Product differentiation and welfare[J].American Economic Re-view,1976,66(2):407~414.
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