财经研究 2009 年 第 35 卷第 12 期, 页码:120 - 130
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[8]Cordella T,Yeyati E L.Public disclosure and bank failures[R].Working Paper,CEPR,1998.
[9]Flannery MJ.The faces of market discipline[J].Journal of Financial Services Re-search,2001,20:107-119.
[10]Goodhart C A E,Huang H Z.The lender of last resort[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2005,29:1059-1082.
[11]Gropp R,Vesala J,Vulpes G.Equity and bond market signals as leading indicators of bank fragility[R].Working Paper,European Central Bank,2002.
[12]Hamalainen P,Hall M,Howcroft B.Aframework for market discipline in bank regu-latory design[J].Journal of Business Finance&Accounting,2005,32:183-209.
[13]Jordan J S,Peek J,Rosengren E S.The impact of greater bank disclosure amidst a banking crisis[R].Working Paper,Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,1999.
[14]Lindgren C J,Garcia G,Saal M.Bank soundness and macroeconomic policy[R].Working Paper,I MF,1996.
[15]Llewellyn D T.Some lessons for regulation fromrecent bank crises[J].Open Econo-mies Review,2000,11(1):69-109.
[16]Nier E,Baumann U.Market discipline,disclosure and moral hazard in banking[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,2006,15:332-361.
[17]Herring RJ.The subordinated debts alternative to Basel II[J].Journal of Financial Stability,2004,1:137-155.
[5]Baltagi B H.Econometric analysis of panel data[M].John Wiley&Sons Ltd,2005.
[6]Basel Committee on Banking Supervision(BCBS).The new basel capital accord[Z].Consultative Document,Bank for International Settlements,2004.
[7]Bhattacharya S,Boot A WA,Thakor A V.The economics of bank regulation[J].Jour-nal of Money,Credit and Banking,1998,30:745-770.
[8]Cordella T,Yeyati E L.Public disclosure and bank failures[R].Working Paper,CEPR,1998.
[9]Flannery MJ.The faces of market discipline[J].Journal of Financial Services Re-search,2001,20:107-119.
[10]Goodhart C A E,Huang H Z.The lender of last resort[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2005,29:1059-1082.
[11]Gropp R,Vesala J,Vulpes G.Equity and bond market signals as leading indicators of bank fragility[R].Working Paper,European Central Bank,2002.
[12]Hamalainen P,Hall M,Howcroft B.Aframework for market discipline in bank regu-latory design[J].Journal of Business Finance&Accounting,2005,32:183-209.
[13]Jordan J S,Peek J,Rosengren E S.The impact of greater bank disclosure amidst a banking crisis[R].Working Paper,Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,1999.
[14]Lindgren C J,Garcia G,Saal M.Bank soundness and macroeconomic policy[R].Working Paper,I MF,1996.
[15]Llewellyn D T.Some lessons for regulation fromrecent bank crises[J].Open Econo-mies Review,2000,11(1):69-109.
[16]Nier E,Baumann U.Market discipline,disclosure and moral hazard in banking[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,2006,15:332-361.
[17]Herring RJ.The subordinated debts alternative to Basel II[J].Journal of Financial Stability,2004,1:137-155.
许友传. 信息披露、市场约束与银行风险承担行为[J]. 财经研究, 2009, 35(12): 120–130.