财经研究 2009 年 第 35 卷第 08 期, 页码:50 - 60
[8]Acs Z J,Audretsch D B.Innovation in large firms:An empirical analysis[J.]AmericanEconomic Review,1988,78(4):678-690.
[9]Alan S Dunk,Alan Kilgore.Top management involvement in R&D budget setting:The importance of financial factors,budget targets,and R&D performance evaluation[J].Advances in Management Accounting,2003,(11):191-206.
[10]Cefis E,Orsenigo L.The persistence of innovative activities:A cross country andcross-sectors comparative analysis[J].Research Policy,2001,30:1139-1158.
[11]G Samid.Estimating R&D schedule and cost:All the reasons not to,and one reasonto do it anyway[R].Portland International Conference on Management and Technology,1997.
[12]Huang Haizhou,Xu Chenggang.Soft budget constraint and the optimal choices of re-search and development projects financing[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,1998,26:62-79.
[13]J L Enos.Petroleum progress and profits:A history of process innovation[M].TheMIT Press,Cambridge MA,1962.
[14]Jerry A Hausman,Bronwyn H Hall,Zvi Griliches.Econometric models for count da-ta with an application to the patents-R&D relationship[J].Econometrica,1984,52(4):909-938.
[15]Kurt Heidenberger,Alexander Schillinger,Christian Stummer.Budgeting for re-search and development:A dynamic financial simulation approach[J].Socio-EconomicPlanning Sciences,2003,37:15-27.
[16]McLean,Ian W,David K.Round,research and product innovation in Australianmanufacturing industries[J].Journal of Industrial Economics,1978,27(1):1-12.
[17]N R Baker,W E Souder,C R Shumway.A budget allocation model for large hierar-chical R&D orgations[J].Management Science,1976,23:59-70.
[18]Prajit K Dutta.Optimal management of an R&D budget[J].Journal of Economic Dy-namics and Control,1997,21:575-602.
[19]R Rothwell,C Freeman,A HorLsey,et al.SAPPHO undated-project SAPPHOphaseⅡ[J].Research Policy,1974,(3):258-291.
[20]S K Ethiraj,Prashant Kale,M S Krishnan,et al.Where do capabilities come fromand how do they matter?A study in the software services industry[J].Strategic Man-agement Journal,2005,26(1):25-45.
[21]Thomas A Marschak.Centralized versus decentralized resource allocation:The Yugo-slav“Laboratory”[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1968,82(4):561-587.
①数据来源:中华人民共和国2002-2007年国民经济和社会发展统计公报。2007年中国研发投入总额达到了3 664亿元。
[8]Acs Z J,Audretsch D B.Innovation in large firms:An empirical analysis[J.]AmericanEconomic Review,1988,78(4):678-690.
[9]Alan S Dunk,Alan Kilgore.Top management involvement in R&D budget setting:The importance of financial factors,budget targets,and R&D performance evaluation[J].Advances in Management Accounting,2003,(11):191-206.
[10]Cefis E,Orsenigo L.The persistence of innovative activities:A cross country andcross-sectors comparative analysis[J].Research Policy,2001,30:1139-1158.
[11]G Samid.Estimating R&D schedule and cost:All the reasons not to,and one reasonto do it anyway[R].Portland International Conference on Management and Technology,1997.
[12]Huang Haizhou,Xu Chenggang.Soft budget constraint and the optimal choices of re-search and development projects financing[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,1998,26:62-79.
[13]J L Enos.Petroleum progress and profits:A history of process innovation[M].TheMIT Press,Cambridge MA,1962.
[14]Jerry A Hausman,Bronwyn H Hall,Zvi Griliches.Econometric models for count da-ta with an application to the patents-R&D relationship[J].Econometrica,1984,52(4):909-938.
[15]Kurt Heidenberger,Alexander Schillinger,Christian Stummer.Budgeting for re-search and development:A dynamic financial simulation approach[J].Socio-EconomicPlanning Sciences,2003,37:15-27.
[16]McLean,Ian W,David K.Round,research and product innovation in Australianmanufacturing industries[J].Journal of Industrial Economics,1978,27(1):1-12.
[17]N R Baker,W E Souder,C R Shumway.A budget allocation model for large hierar-chical R&D orgations[J].Management Science,1976,23:59-70.
[18]Prajit K Dutta.Optimal management of an R&D budget[J].Journal of Economic Dy-namics and Control,1997,21:575-602.
[19]R Rothwell,C Freeman,A HorLsey,et al.SAPPHO undated-project SAPPHOphaseⅡ[J].Research Policy,1974,(3):258-291.
[20]S K Ethiraj,Prashant Kale,M S Krishnan,et al.Where do capabilities come fromand how do they matter?A study in the software services industry[J].Strategic Man-agement Journal,2005,26(1):25-45.
[21]Thomas A Marschak.Centralized versus decentralized resource allocation:The Yugo-slav“Laboratory”[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1968,82(4):561-587.
①数据来源:中华人民共和国2002-2007年国民经济和社会发展统计公报。2007年中国研发投入总额达到了3 664亿元。
梁莱歆, 马如飞. R&D资金管理与企业自主创新——基于我国信息技术类上市公司的实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2009, 35(8): 50–60.