财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 05 期, 页码:37 - 47
[5]Aizenman J,Noy I.FDI and trade—Two-way linkages?[J].The Quarterly Reviewof Economics and Finance,2006,46(3):317-337.
[6]Arellano M,Bover O.Another look at the instrumental variable esti mation of error-components models[J].Journal of Econometrics,1995,68(1):29-51.
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[8]Blonigen B A.In search of substitution between foreign production and exports[J].Journal of International Economics,2001,53(1):81-104.
[9]Bosker M,Garretsen H.Trade costs in empirical new economic geography[J].Papersin Regional Science,2010,89(3):485-511.
[10]Egger P,Pfaffermayr M.Distance,trade and FDI:A Hausman-Taylor SUR ap-proach[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2004,19(2):227-246.
[11]Head K,Ries J.Overseas invest ment and firm exports[J].Review of InternationalEconomics,2001,9(1):108-122.
[12]Hein S.Trade strategy and the dependency hypothesis:Acomparison of policy,for-eigninvest ment,and economic growth in Latin America and East Asia[J].EconomicDevelopment and Cultural Change,1992,40(3):495-521.
[13]Markusen J R.The boundaries of multinational enterprises and the theory of interna-tional trade[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,1995,9(2):169-189.
[14]Mundell R A.International trade and factor mobility[J].The American Economic Re-view,1957,47(3):321-335.
[15]Pain N,Wakelin K.Export performance and the role of foreign direct invest ment[J].The Manchester School,1998,66(S):62-88.
[16]Pfluger M.A si mple,analytically solvable,chamberlinian agglomeration model[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,2004,34:565-573.
[5]Aizenman J,Noy I.FDI and trade—Two-way linkages?[J].The Quarterly Reviewof Economics and Finance,2006,46(3):317-337.
[6]Arellano M,Bover O.Another look at the instrumental variable esti mation of error-components models[J].Journal of Econometrics,1995,68(1):29-51.
[7]Amiti M,Wen M.Spatial distribution of manufacturing in China[A].Lloyd P J,Zhang X G.Modeling the Chinese economy[C].London:Edward Elgar,2001.
[8]Blonigen B A.In search of substitution between foreign production and exports[J].Journal of International Economics,2001,53(1):81-104.
[9]Bosker M,Garretsen H.Trade costs in empirical new economic geography[J].Papersin Regional Science,2010,89(3):485-511.
[10]Egger P,Pfaffermayr M.Distance,trade and FDI:A Hausman-Taylor SUR ap-proach[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2004,19(2):227-246.
[11]Head K,Ries J.Overseas invest ment and firm exports[J].Review of InternationalEconomics,2001,9(1):108-122.
[12]Hein S.Trade strategy and the dependency hypothesis:Acomparison of policy,for-eigninvest ment,and economic growth in Latin America and East Asia[J].EconomicDevelopment and Cultural Change,1992,40(3):495-521.
[13]Markusen J R.The boundaries of multinational enterprises and the theory of interna-tional trade[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,1995,9(2):169-189.
[14]Mundell R A.International trade and factor mobility[J].The American Economic Re-view,1957,47(3):321-335.
[15]Pain N,Wakelin K.Export performance and the role of foreign direct invest ment[J].The Manchester School,1998,66(S):62-88.
[16]Pfluger M.A si mple,analytically solvable,chamberlinian agglomeration model[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,2004,34:565-573.
安虎森, 颜银根. 贸易自由化、外商直接投资与出口贸易地区差异[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(5): 37–47.