财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 01 期, 页码:69 - 79
[1]Anderson J E,Van Wincoop E.Gravity with gravitas:A solution to the Border puzzle[J].American Economic Review,2003,93(1):170-192.
[2]Baier Scott L,Bergstrand Jeffrey H.Bonus vetus OLS:A simple method for approxi-mating international trade-cost effects using the gravity equation[J].Journal of Interna-tional Economics,2009,77:77-85.
[3]Doanh N K.Impacts of intellectual property rights on trade flows in ASEAN countries[J].Journal of International and Area Studies,2007,14(1):1-15.
[4]Head Keith,Mayer Thierry.Illusory border effects:Distance mismeasurement inflatesestimates of home bias in trade[R].CEPII Working,2002,(1).
[5]Inglehart R,Welzel C.Modernization,cultural change and democracy[M].New York:Cambridge University Press,2005.
[6]Kaufmann D,Kraay A,Mastruzzi M.Governance matters VIII-aggregate and individu-al governance indicators[R].Policy Research Working Paper,2009:49-78.
[7]Lall Sanjaya.The technological structure and performance of developing country manu-factured exports,1985-1998[J].Oxford Development Studies,2000,28(3):337-368.
[8]Liu Wen-Hsien,Lin Ya-Chi.Foreign patent rights and high-tech,exports:Evidencefrom Taiwan[J].Applied Economics,2005,37:1543-1555.
[9]Maskus K E,Penubarti M.How trade-related are intellectual property rights?[J].Journal of International Economics,1995,39:227-248.
[10]Olena Ivus.Do stronger intellectual property rights raise high-tech exports to the de-veloping world?[R].RePEc Workpaper,27,2008.
[11]Park Walter G.International patent protection:1960-2005[J].Research Policy,2008,37:761-766.
[12]Pradhan J P.Strengthening intellectual property rights globally:Impact on India’spharmaceutical exports[J].The Singapore Economic Review,2007,52(2):233-250.
[13]Rafiquzzaman M.The impact of patent rights on international trade:Evidence fromCanada[J].Canadian Journal of Economics,2002.35:307-330.
[14]Smith P J.Are weak patent rights a barrier to U.S.exports?[J].Journal of Interna-tional Economics,1999,48:151-177.
[15]Titus O Awokuse,Hong Yin.Does stronger intellectual property rights protection in-duce more bilateral trade?Evidence from China’s import[J].World Development,2010,38(8):1094-1104.
[16]Tinbergen J.Shaping the world economy:Suggestions for an international economicpolicy[M].New York:The Twentieth Century Fund,1962.
[17]Worz Julia.Skill intensity in foreign trade and economic growth[R].WIIW WorkingPaper,No 135,2004.
[2]Baier Scott L,Bergstrand Jeffrey H.Bonus vetus OLS:A simple method for approxi-mating international trade-cost effects using the gravity equation[J].Journal of Interna-tional Economics,2009,77:77-85.
[3]Doanh N K.Impacts of intellectual property rights on trade flows in ASEAN countries[J].Journal of International and Area Studies,2007,14(1):1-15.
[4]Head Keith,Mayer Thierry.Illusory border effects:Distance mismeasurement inflatesestimates of home bias in trade[R].CEPII Working,2002,(1).
[5]Inglehart R,Welzel C.Modernization,cultural change and democracy[M].New York:Cambridge University Press,2005.
[6]Kaufmann D,Kraay A,Mastruzzi M.Governance matters VIII-aggregate and individu-al governance indicators[R].Policy Research Working Paper,2009:49-78.
[7]Lall Sanjaya.The technological structure and performance of developing country manu-factured exports,1985-1998[J].Oxford Development Studies,2000,28(3):337-368.
[8]Liu Wen-Hsien,Lin Ya-Chi.Foreign patent rights and high-tech,exports:Evidencefrom Taiwan[J].Applied Economics,2005,37:1543-1555.
[9]Maskus K E,Penubarti M.How trade-related are intellectual property rights?[J].Journal of International Economics,1995,39:227-248.
[10]Olena Ivus.Do stronger intellectual property rights raise high-tech exports to the de-veloping world?[R].RePEc Workpaper,27,2008.
[11]Park Walter G.International patent protection:1960-2005[J].Research Policy,2008,37:761-766.
[12]Pradhan J P.Strengthening intellectual property rights globally:Impact on India’spharmaceutical exports[J].The Singapore Economic Review,2007,52(2):233-250.
[13]Rafiquzzaman M.The impact of patent rights on international trade:Evidence fromCanada[J].Canadian Journal of Economics,2002.35:307-330.
[14]Smith P J.Are weak patent rights a barrier to U.S.exports?[J].Journal of Interna-tional Economics,1999,48:151-177.
[15]Titus O Awokuse,Hong Yin.Does stronger intellectual property rights protection in-duce more bilateral trade?Evidence from China’s import[J].World Development,2010,38(8):1094-1104.
[16]Tinbergen J.Shaping the world economy:Suggestions for an international economicpolicy[M].New York:The Twentieth Century Fund,1962.
[17]Worz Julia.Skill intensity in foreign trade and economic growth[R].WIIW WorkingPaper,No 135,2004.
柒江艺, 许和连. 知识产权政策的进口贸易效应:扩张或垄断?——基于中国高技术产品进口贸易的实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(1): 69–79.