财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 01 期, 页码:80 - 91
[4]Abadie A,Imbens G.On the failure of the bootstrap for matching estimators[R].Mimeo,Harvard University,2005.
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[7]Gilligan D O,Hoddionott J.Using community targeting to provide drought relief:Evi-dence from Ethiopia[R].International Food Policy Research Institute,2006.
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[11]Smith J,Todd P.Does matching overcome Lalonde’s critique of nonexperimental esti-mators?[J].Journal of Econometrics,2005a,125:305-353.
[12]Smith J,Todd P.Rejoinder[J].Journal of Econometrics,2005b,125:365-375.
[4]Abadie A,Imbens G.On the failure of the bootstrap for matching estimators[R].Mimeo,Harvard University,2005.
[5]Blundell R,Costa Dias.Evaluation methods for non-experimental data[J].Fiscal Stud-ies,2000,109:367-398.
[6]Dinardo J,Tobias J.Nonparametric density and regression estimation[J].Journal of E-conomic Perspectives,2001,15:11-28.
[7]Gilligan D O,Hoddionott J.Using community targeting to provide drought relief:Evi-dence from Ethiopia[R].International Food Policy Research Institute,2006.
[8]Heckman J,Ichimura H,Smith J,Todd P.Matching as an econometric evaluation es-timator:Evidence from evaluating a job training programme[J].Review of EconomicStudies,1997,64:605-654.
[9]Rosenbaum P,Rubin D.Constructing a control group using a multivariate matchedsampling method that incorporates the propensity score[J].American Statistician,1985,39:33-38.
[10]Rosenbaum P,Rubin D.The central role of the propensity score in observational stud-ies for causal effects[J].Biometrika,1983,70:41-50.
[11]Smith J,Todd P.Does matching overcome Lalonde’s critique of nonexperimental esti-mators?[J].Journal of Econometrics,2005a,125:305-353.
[12]Smith J,Todd P.Rejoinder[J].Journal of Econometrics,2005b,125:365-375.
邵敏, 包群. 企业退出出口市场行为与企业的经营表现——基于倾向评分匹配的经验分析[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(1): 80–91.