财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 09 期, 页码:124 - 134
[6]Anson S,Turner K.Rebound and disinvestment effects in refined oil consumption and supply resulting from an increase in energy efficiency in the Scottish commercial trans-port sector[J].Energy Policy,2009,37:3608-3620.
[7]Berkhout P H G,Muskens J C,Velthuijsen J W.Defining the rebound effect[J].En-ergy Policy,2000,28:425-432.
[8]Cleveland C J,Costanza R,Hall C A S,et al.Energy and the US economy:A bio-physical perspective[J].Science,1984,225:890-897.
[9]Freire-González J.Methods to empirically estimate direct and indirect rebound effect of energy-saving technological changes in households[J].Ecological Modelling,2011,223:32-40.
[10]Glomsrd S,Wei T.Coal cleaning:A viable strategy for reduced carbon emissions and improved environment in China?[J].Energy Policy,2005,33:525-542.
[11]Jin S H.The effectiveness of energy efficiency improvement in a developing country:rebound effect of residential electricity use in South Korea[J].Energy Policy,2007,35:5622-5629.
[12]Madlener R,Alcott B.Energy rebound and economic growth:A review of the main issues and research needs[J].Energy,2009,34:370-376.
[13]Pedroni P.Critical value for cointegration tests in heterogeneous panels with multiple regressors[J].Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,1999,61:653-670.
[14]Pesaran M H.A simple panel unit root rest in the presence of cross-section depen-dance[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2007,22:265-312.
[15]Saunders H D.The Khazzoom-Brookes postulate and neoclassical growth[J].Energy Journal,1992,13:131-148.
[16]Semboja H.The effects of energy taxes on the Kenyan economy:A CGE analysis[J].Energy Economics,1994,16(3):205-215.
[17]Wei T.Impact of energy efficiency gains on output and energy use with Cobb-Douglasproduction function[J].Energy Policy,2007,35:2023-2030.
[18]Tinbergen J.Shaping the world ewnomy:Suggestions for an international economic policy[M].New York:Twentieth Century Fund,1962.
[19]Yuan C,Liu S,Wu J.Research on energy-saving effect of technological progress based on Cobb-Douglas production function[J].Energy Policy,2009,37:2842-2846.
[6]Anson S,Turner K.Rebound and disinvestment effects in refined oil consumption and supply resulting from an increase in energy efficiency in the Scottish commercial trans-port sector[J].Energy Policy,2009,37:3608-3620.
[7]Berkhout P H G,Muskens J C,Velthuijsen J W.Defining the rebound effect[J].En-ergy Policy,2000,28:425-432.
[8]Cleveland C J,Costanza R,Hall C A S,et al.Energy and the US economy:A bio-physical perspective[J].Science,1984,225:890-897.
[9]Freire-González J.Methods to empirically estimate direct and indirect rebound effect of energy-saving technological changes in households[J].Ecological Modelling,2011,223:32-40.
[10]Glomsrd S,Wei T.Coal cleaning:A viable strategy for reduced carbon emissions and improved environment in China?[J].Energy Policy,2005,33:525-542.
[11]Jin S H.The effectiveness of energy efficiency improvement in a developing country:rebound effect of residential electricity use in South Korea[J].Energy Policy,2007,35:5622-5629.
[12]Madlener R,Alcott B.Energy rebound and economic growth:A review of the main issues and research needs[J].Energy,2009,34:370-376.
[13]Pedroni P.Critical value for cointegration tests in heterogeneous panels with multiple regressors[J].Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,1999,61:653-670.
[14]Pesaran M H.A simple panel unit root rest in the presence of cross-section depen-dance[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2007,22:265-312.
[15]Saunders H D.The Khazzoom-Brookes postulate and neoclassical growth[J].Energy Journal,1992,13:131-148.
[16]Semboja H.The effects of energy taxes on the Kenyan economy:A CGE analysis[J].Energy Economics,1994,16(3):205-215.
[17]Wei T.Impact of energy efficiency gains on output and energy use with Cobb-Douglasproduction function[J].Energy Policy,2007,35:2023-2030.
[18]Tinbergen J.Shaping the world ewnomy:Suggestions for an international economic policy[M].New York:Twentieth Century Fund,1962.
[19]Yuan C,Liu S,Wu J.Research on energy-saving effect of technological progress based on Cobb-Douglas production function[J].Energy Policy,2009,37:2842-2846.
冯烽, 叶阿忠. 技术溢出视角下技术进步对能源消费的回弹效应研究——基于空间面板数据模型[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(9): 124–134.