财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 03 期, 页码:106 - 115
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[10]Hansen B E.Threshold effects in non-dynamic panels:Estimation,testing and infer-ence[J].Journal of Econometrics,1999,93(2):345-368.
[11]Jeanneney S G,Kpodar K.Financial development and poverty reduction:Can there be abenefit without a cost?[J].Journal of Development Studies,2011,47(1):143-163.
[12]Maurer N,Haber S.Related lending and economic performance:Evidence fromMexico[J].Journal of Economic History,2007,67:551-581.
[13]Rodrik D.Has globalization gone too far[R].Institute for International Economics,Washington D C,1997.
[14]Townsend R M,Ueda K.Financial deepening,inequality and growth:A model-basedquantitative evaluation[J].Review of Economic Studies,2006,73(1):251-293.
[6]Beck T,Demirguc-Kunt A,Levine R.Finance,inequality and the poor[J].Journal ofEconomic Growth,2007,12(1):27-49.
[7]Clarke G,Xu L C,Zou H.Finance and income inequality:What do the data tell us?[J].Southern Economic Journal,2006,72(3):578-596.
[8]Galor O,Zeira J.Income distribution and macroeconomics[J].Review of Economic..studies,1993,60(1):35-52.
[9]Greenwood J,Jovanovic B.Financial development,growth and the distribution of income[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98(5):1076-1107.
[10]Hansen B E.Threshold effects in non-dynamic panels:Estimation,testing and infer-ence[J].Journal of Econometrics,1999,93(2):345-368.
[11]Jeanneney S G,Kpodar K.Financial development and poverty reduction:Can there be abenefit without a cost?[J].Journal of Development Studies,2011,47(1):143-163.
[12]Maurer N,Haber S.Related lending and economic performance:Evidence fromMexico[J].Journal of Economic History,2007,67:551-581.
[13]Rodrik D.Has globalization gone too far[R].Institute for International Economics,Washington D C,1997.
[14]Townsend R M,Ueda K.Financial deepening,inequality and growth:A model-basedquantitative evaluation[J].Review of Economic Studies,2006,73(1):251-293.
余玲铮, 魏下海. 金融发展加剧了中国收入不平等吗?——基于门槛回归模型的证据[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(3): 106–115.