财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 12 期, 页码:65 - 75
[9]Bolhaar J,Lindeboom M,van der Klaauw B.A dynamic analysis of the demand for health insurance and health care[J].European Economic Review,2012,56(3-4):669-690.
[10]Brown J,R,Finkelstein A.The interaction of public and private insurance:Medicaid and the long-term care insurance market[J].American Economic Review,2008,98(3):1083-1102.
[11]Card D,Dobkin C,Maestas N.The impact of nearly universal insurance coverage on health care utilization:Evidence from medicare[J].American Economic Review,2008,98(5):2242-2258.
[12]Chen Y,Jin G Z.Does health insurance coverage lead to better health and educational outcomes?Evidence from rural China[J].Journal of Health Economics,2012,31(1):1-14.
[13]Chou S Y,Grossman M,Liu J T.The impact of national health insurance on birth outcomes:a natural experiment in Taiwan[J].NBER Working Paper No.16811,2011.
[14]Finkelstein A,McKnight R.What did Medicare do?The initial impact of medicare on mortality and out of pocket medical spending[J].Journal of Public Economics,2008,92(7):1644-1668.
[15]Finkelstein A,Taubman S,Wright B,et al.The Oregon health insurance experiment:Evidence from the first year[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,2012,27(3):1057-1106.
[16]Gruber J.Massachusetts health care reform:The view from one year out[J].Risk Management and Insurance Review,2008,11(1):51-63.
[17]Hackmann M B,Jonathan T K,Amanda E K.Health reform,health insurance,and selection:Estimating selection into health insurance using the massachusetts Health Reform[J].American Economic Review,2012,102(3):498-501.
[18]Keng S,Sheu S.The effect of national health insurance on mortality and the SES-health gradient:Evidence from the elderly in Taiwan[J].Health Economics,2013,22(1):52-72.
[19]Mwalili S M,Lesaffre E,Declerck D.The zero-inflated negative binomial regression model with correction for misclassification:An example in caries research[J].Statistical Methods in Medical Research,2008,17(2):123-139.
[20]Mellor J,Milyo J.Income inequality and health status in the United States:Evidence from the current population survey[J].Journal of Human Resource,2002,37(3):510-539.
[21]Sun X,Jackson S,Carmichael G,et al.Catastrophic medical payment and financial protection in rural China:Evidence from the new cooperative medical scheme In Shandong province[J].Health Economics,2009,18(1):103-119.
[22]Wagstaff A,Lindelow M,Gao J,et al.Extending health insurance to the rural population:An impact evaluation of China’s new cooperative medical scheme[J].Journal of Health Economics,2009,28(1):1-19.
[23]Worthington A C.Frontier efficiency measurement in health care:A review of empirical techniques and selected applications[J].Medical Care Research and Review,2004,61(2):135-170.
[9]Bolhaar J,Lindeboom M,van der Klaauw B.A dynamic analysis of the demand for health insurance and health care[J].European Economic Review,2012,56(3-4):669-690.
[10]Brown J,R,Finkelstein A.The interaction of public and private insurance:Medicaid and the long-term care insurance market[J].American Economic Review,2008,98(3):1083-1102.
[11]Card D,Dobkin C,Maestas N.The impact of nearly universal insurance coverage on health care utilization:Evidence from medicare[J].American Economic Review,2008,98(5):2242-2258.
[12]Chen Y,Jin G Z.Does health insurance coverage lead to better health and educational outcomes?Evidence from rural China[J].Journal of Health Economics,2012,31(1):1-14.
[13]Chou S Y,Grossman M,Liu J T.The impact of national health insurance on birth outcomes:a natural experiment in Taiwan[J].NBER Working Paper No.16811,2011.
[14]Finkelstein A,McKnight R.What did Medicare do?The initial impact of medicare on mortality and out of pocket medical spending[J].Journal of Public Economics,2008,92(7):1644-1668.
[15]Finkelstein A,Taubman S,Wright B,et al.The Oregon health insurance experiment:Evidence from the first year[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,2012,27(3):1057-1106.
[16]Gruber J.Massachusetts health care reform:The view from one year out[J].Risk Management and Insurance Review,2008,11(1):51-63.
[17]Hackmann M B,Jonathan T K,Amanda E K.Health reform,health insurance,and selection:Estimating selection into health insurance using the massachusetts Health Reform[J].American Economic Review,2012,102(3):498-501.
[18]Keng S,Sheu S.The effect of national health insurance on mortality and the SES-health gradient:Evidence from the elderly in Taiwan[J].Health Economics,2013,22(1):52-72.
[19]Mwalili S M,Lesaffre E,Declerck D.The zero-inflated negative binomial regression model with correction for misclassification:An example in caries research[J].Statistical Methods in Medical Research,2008,17(2):123-139.
[20]Mellor J,Milyo J.Income inequality and health status in the United States:Evidence from the current population survey[J].Journal of Human Resource,2002,37(3):510-539.
[21]Sun X,Jackson S,Carmichael G,et al.Catastrophic medical payment and financial protection in rural China:Evidence from the new cooperative medical scheme In Shandong province[J].Health Economics,2009,18(1):103-119.
[22]Wagstaff A,Lindelow M,Gao J,et al.Extending health insurance to the rural population:An impact evaluation of China’s new cooperative medical scheme[J].Journal of Health Economics,2009,28(1):1-19.
[23]Worthington A C.Frontier efficiency measurement in health care:A review of empirical techniques and selected applications[J].Medical Care Research and Review,2004,61(2):135-170.
王新军, 郑超. 医疗保险对老年人医疗支出与健康的影响[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(12): 65–75.