财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 09 期, 页码:86 - 96
[10]Adrian T,Rosenberg J.Stock returns and volatility:Pricing the short-run and long-run components of market risk[J].Journal of Finance,2008,63(6):2997-3030.
[11]Akerlof G A.The market for“Lemons”:Quality uncertainty and the market mechanism[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1970,84(3):488-500.
[12]Black F.Towards a fully automated exchange:PartⅠ[J].Financial Analyst Journal,1971,27(4):29-34.
[13]Biktimirov E N.The effect of demand on stock prices:Evidence from index fund rebalancing[J].Financial Review,2004,39(3):455-472.
[14]Brav A,Gompers P A.The role of lockups in initial public offerings[J].Review of Financial Studies,2003,16(1):1-29.
[15]Chaffe D B.Option pricing as a proxy for discount for lack of marketability in private company valuations[J].Business Valuation Review,1993,12(4):182-188.
[16]Field L C,Hanka G.The expiration of IPO share lockups[J].Journal of Finance,2001,56(2):471-500.
[17]Finnerty J D.The impact of stock transfer restrictions on the private placement discount[J].Financial Management,2013,42(3):575-609.
[18]Jiang G,Lee C,Zhang Y.Information uncertainty and expected returns[J].Review of Accounting Studies,2005,10(2):185-221.
[19]Kahl M,Liu J,Longstaff F A.Paper millionaires:How valuable is stock to a stockholder who is restricted from selling it?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2003,67(3):385-410.
[20]Keasler T R.Underwriter lock-up releases,initial public offerings and after-market performance[J].Financial Review,2001,36(2):1-20.
[21]Longstaff F A.How much can marketability affect security values?[J].Journal of Finance,1995,50(5):1767-1774.
[22]Longstaff F A.Optimal portfolio choice and the valuation of illiquid securities[J].Review of Financial Studies,2001,14(2):407-431.
[23]Margrabe W.The value of an option to exchange one asset for another[J].Journal of Finance,1978,33(1):177-186.
[24]Odean T.Are investors reluctant to realize their losses?[J].Journal of Finance,1998,53(5):1775-1798.
[25]Ritchken P,Sankarasubramanian L,Vijh A M.The valuation of path dependent contracts on the average[J].Management Science,1993,39(10):1202-1213.
[26]Scholes M S.The market for securities:Substitution versus price pressure and the effects of information on share prices[J].Journal of Business,1972,45(2):179-211.
[27]Shefrin H,Statman M.The disposition to sell winners too early and ride losers too long:Theory and evidence[J].Journal of Finance,1985,40(3):779-790.
[28]Silber W L.Discounts on restricted stock:The impact of illiquidity on stock prices[J].Financial Analysts Journal,1991,47(4):60-64.
[10]Adrian T,Rosenberg J.Stock returns and volatility:Pricing the short-run and long-run components of market risk[J].Journal of Finance,2008,63(6):2997-3030.
[11]Akerlof G A.The market for“Lemons”:Quality uncertainty and the market mechanism[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1970,84(3):488-500.
[12]Black F.Towards a fully automated exchange:PartⅠ[J].Financial Analyst Journal,1971,27(4):29-34.
[13]Biktimirov E N.The effect of demand on stock prices:Evidence from index fund rebalancing[J].Financial Review,2004,39(3):455-472.
[14]Brav A,Gompers P A.The role of lockups in initial public offerings[J].Review of Financial Studies,2003,16(1):1-29.
[15]Chaffe D B.Option pricing as a proxy for discount for lack of marketability in private company valuations[J].Business Valuation Review,1993,12(4):182-188.
[16]Field L C,Hanka G.The expiration of IPO share lockups[J].Journal of Finance,2001,56(2):471-500.
[17]Finnerty J D.The impact of stock transfer restrictions on the private placement discount[J].Financial Management,2013,42(3):575-609.
[18]Jiang G,Lee C,Zhang Y.Information uncertainty and expected returns[J].Review of Accounting Studies,2005,10(2):185-221.
[19]Kahl M,Liu J,Longstaff F A.Paper millionaires:How valuable is stock to a stockholder who is restricted from selling it?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2003,67(3):385-410.
[20]Keasler T R.Underwriter lock-up releases,initial public offerings and after-market performance[J].Financial Review,2001,36(2):1-20.
[21]Longstaff F A.How much can marketability affect security values?[J].Journal of Finance,1995,50(5):1767-1774.
[22]Longstaff F A.Optimal portfolio choice and the valuation of illiquid securities[J].Review of Financial Studies,2001,14(2):407-431.
[23]Margrabe W.The value of an option to exchange one asset for another[J].Journal of Finance,1978,33(1):177-186.
[24]Odean T.Are investors reluctant to realize their losses?[J].Journal of Finance,1998,53(5):1775-1798.
[25]Ritchken P,Sankarasubramanian L,Vijh A M.The valuation of path dependent contracts on the average[J].Management Science,1993,39(10):1202-1213.
[26]Scholes M S.The market for securities:Substitution versus price pressure and the effects of information on share prices[J].Journal of Business,1972,45(2):179-211.
[27]Shefrin H,Statman M.The disposition to sell winners too early and ride losers too long:Theory and evidence[J].Journal of Finance,1985,40(3):779-790.
[28]Silber W L.Discounts on restricted stock:The impact of illiquidity on stock prices[J].Financial Analysts Journal,1991,47(4):60-64.
刘娥平, 唐舜. 可交易性折扣、价值转移与限售股解禁[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(9): 86–96.