财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 01 期, 页码:75 - 84
[5]Amiti M,Freund C.An anatomy of China’s trade growth[R].Paper Presented at the Trade Conference,IMF,2007.
[6]Amurgo-Pacheco A,Piérola M D.Patterns of export diversification in developing countries:Intensive and extensive margins[R].IHEID Working Paper,No.20-2007,2007.
[7]Anderson J E,van Wincoop E.Trade costs[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2004,42(3):691-751.
[8]Andersson M.Entry costs and adjustments on the extensive margin:An analysis of how familiarity breeds exports[R].CESIS Working Paper,No.81,2007.
[9]Bernard A B,Eaton J,Jensen J B,et al.Plants and productivity in international trade[J].American Economic Review,2003,93(4):1268-1290.
[10]Chaney T.Distorted gravity:The intensive and extensive margins of international trade[J].The American Economic Review,2008,98(4):1707-1721.
[11]Eaton J,Kortum S,Kramarz F.Dissecting trade:Firms,industries,and export destinations[J].American Economic Review,2004,94(2):150-154.
[12]Evenett S J,Venables A J.Export growth in developing countries:Market entry and bilateral trade flows[R].University of Bern,Working Paper,2002.
[13]Felbermayr G J,Kohler W.Does WTO membership make a difference at the extensive margin of world trade?[R].CESifo Working Paper,No.1898,2007.
[14]Frensch R.Trade liberalisation and import margins[J].Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,2010,46(3):4-22.
[15]Hummels D,Klenow P.The variety and quality of a nation’s trade[R].CIBER Working Paper,No.8712,2002.
[16]Kancs A.Trade growth in a heterogeneous firm model:Evidence from south eastern Europe[J].The World Economy,2007,30(7):1139-1169.
[17]Kehoe T J,Ruhl K J.How important is the new goods margin in international trade?[R].Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Staff Report,No.324,2003.
[18]Lawless M.Deconstructing gravity:Trade costs and extensive and intensive margins[R].MRRA Paper,No.10230,2008.
[19]Melitz M J.The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J].Econometrica,2003,71(6):1695-1725.
①根据世界银行World Development Indicator计算得到。
[5]Amiti M,Freund C.An anatomy of China’s trade growth[R].Paper Presented at the Trade Conference,IMF,2007.
[6]Amurgo-Pacheco A,Piérola M D.Patterns of export diversification in developing countries:Intensive and extensive margins[R].IHEID Working Paper,No.20-2007,2007.
[7]Anderson J E,van Wincoop E.Trade costs[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2004,42(3):691-751.
[8]Andersson M.Entry costs and adjustments on the extensive margin:An analysis of how familiarity breeds exports[R].CESIS Working Paper,No.81,2007.
[9]Bernard A B,Eaton J,Jensen J B,et al.Plants and productivity in international trade[J].American Economic Review,2003,93(4):1268-1290.
[10]Chaney T.Distorted gravity:The intensive and extensive margins of international trade[J].The American Economic Review,2008,98(4):1707-1721.
[11]Eaton J,Kortum S,Kramarz F.Dissecting trade:Firms,industries,and export destinations[J].American Economic Review,2004,94(2):150-154.
[12]Evenett S J,Venables A J.Export growth in developing countries:Market entry and bilateral trade flows[R].University of Bern,Working Paper,2002.
[13]Felbermayr G J,Kohler W.Does WTO membership make a difference at the extensive margin of world trade?[R].CESifo Working Paper,No.1898,2007.
[14]Frensch R.Trade liberalisation and import margins[J].Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,2010,46(3):4-22.
[15]Hummels D,Klenow P.The variety and quality of a nation’s trade[R].CIBER Working Paper,No.8712,2002.
[16]Kancs A.Trade growth in a heterogeneous firm model:Evidence from south eastern Europe[J].The World Economy,2007,30(7):1139-1169.
[17]Kehoe T J,Ruhl K J.How important is the new goods margin in international trade?[R].Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Staff Report,No.324,2003.
[18]Lawless M.Deconstructing gravity:Trade costs and extensive and intensive margins[R].MRRA Paper,No.10230,2008.
[19]Melitz M J.The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J].Econometrica,2003,71(6):1695-1725.
①根据世界银行World Development Indicator计算得到。
史本叶, 张永亮. 中国对外贸易成本分解与出口增长的二元边际[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(1): 75–84.