外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 08 期, 页码:
[1]Akerlof G A and Kranton R E.Identity and the economics of organizations[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,2005,19(1): 9-32.
[2]Bass B M.Theory of transformational leadership redux[J].Leadership Quarterly,1995,6(4): 463-478.
[3]Bass B M,Avolio B J,Jung D and Berson Y.Predicting unit performance by assessing transformational and transactional leadership[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2003,88(2): 207-217.
[4]Bass B M and Riggio R E.Transformational leadership[M].Mahwah,NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,2006.
[5]Brewer M Band Gardner W.Who is this “we”? Levels of collective identity and self representations[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1996,71(1): 83-93.
[6]Chen G,Kirkman B L,Kanfer R,Allen D and Rosen B.A multilevel study of leadership,empowerment,and performance in teams[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(2): 331-345.
[7]Judge T A and Piccolo R F.Transformational and transactional leadership: A metaanalytic test of their relative validity[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2004,89(5): 755-768.
[8]Kark R and Shamir B.The dual effect of transformational leadership: Priming relational and collective selves and further effects on followers[A].in Avolio B J and Yammarino F J(Eds.).Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead[C].Amsterdam: JAI Press,2002: 6-94.
[9]Kark R,Shamir Band Chen G.The two faces of transformational leadership: Empowerment and dependency[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2003,88(2): 246-254.
[10]Kirkman B L,Chen G,Farh J L,Chen Z X and Lowe K B.Individual power distance orientation and follower reactions to transformational leaders: A crosslevel,crosscultural examination[J].Academy of Management Journal,2009,52(4): 744-764.
[11]Klein K J,Dansereau Fand Hall R J.Levels issues in theory development,data collection,and analysis[J].Academy of Management Review,1994,19(2): 195-229.
[12]LePine J A,Piccolo R F,Jackson C L,Mathieu J Eand Saul J R.A metaanalysis of teamwork processes: Tests of a multidimensional model and relationships with team effectiveness criteria[J].Personnel Psychology,2008,61(2): 273-307.
[13]Nielsen K and Daniels K.Does shared and differentiated transformational leadership predict followers’ working conditions and wellbeing?[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(3): 383-397.
[14]Podsakoff P M,MacKenzie S B,Moorman R H and Fetter R.Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers’ trust in leader,satisfaction,and organizational citizenship behaviors[J].Leadership Quarterly,1990,1(2): 107-142.
[15]Schriesheim C A,Wu J B and Scandura T A.A meso measure? Examination of the levels of analysis of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire(MLQ)[J].Leadership Quarterly,2009,20(4): 604-616.
[16]Sparrowe R T and Liden R C.Process and structure in leadermember exchange[J].Academy of Management Review,1997,22(2): 522-552.
[17]Tse H and Chiu C K.Transformational leadership and job Performance: A social identity perspective[J].Journal of Business Research,2014,67(1): 2827-2835.
[18]Wang H,Law K S,Hackett R D,Wang D and Chen Z X.Leadermember exchange as a mediator of the relationship between transformational leadership and followers’ performance and organizational citizenship behavior[J].Academy of Management Journal,2005,48(3): 420-432.
[19]Wang XH and Howell J M.Exploring the duallevel effects of transformational leadership on followers[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(6): 1134-1144.
[20]Wang XH and Howell J M.A multilevel study of transformational leadership,identification,and follower outcomes[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(5): 775-790.
[21]Wu J B,Tsui A S and Kinicki A J.Consequences of differentiated leadership in groups[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(1): 90-106.
[22]Yammarino F J and Bass M B.Transformational leadership and multiple levels of analysis[J].Human Relations,1990,43(10): 975-995.
[23]Yammarino F J,Dionne S D,Chun J U and Dansereau F.Leadership and levels of analysis: A stateofthescience review[J].Leadership Quarterly,2005,16(6): 879-919.
[24]Yammarino F J and Dansereau F.Multilevel nature of and multilevel approaches to leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2008,19(2): 135-141.
[25]Zhang X A,Li N,Ullrich J and van Dick R.Getting everyone on board:The effect of differentiated transformational leadership by CEOs on top management team effectiveness and leaderrated firm performance[J].Journal of Management,Published online on January 18,2013,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0149206312471387.
[26]蔡亚华,贾良定,尤树洋,张祎,陈艳露.差异化变革型领导对知识分享与团队创造力的影响: 社会网络机制的解释[J].心理学报,2013,45(5): 585-598.
[27]冯镜铭,刘善仕,吴坤津,王红椿.谦卑型领导研究探析[J].外国经济与管理,2014,36(3): 38-44.
[28]姜定宇,张寇真.华人差序式领导与部署效能[J].本土心理学研究,2010,32(6): 109-177.
[29]王震,仲理峰.领导—成员交换关系差异化研究评述与展望[J].心理科学进展,2011,19(7): 1037-1046.
[30]郑伯埙.差序格局与华人组织行为[J].本土心理学研究,1995,17(3): 142-219.
[2]Bass B M.Theory of transformational leadership redux[J].Leadership Quarterly,1995,6(4): 463-478.
[3]Bass B M,Avolio B J,Jung D and Berson Y.Predicting unit performance by assessing transformational and transactional leadership[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2003,88(2): 207-217.
[4]Bass B M and Riggio R E.Transformational leadership[M].Mahwah,NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,2006.
[5]Brewer M Band Gardner W.Who is this “we”? Levels of collective identity and self representations[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1996,71(1): 83-93.
[6]Chen G,Kirkman B L,Kanfer R,Allen D and Rosen B.A multilevel study of leadership,empowerment,and performance in teams[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(2): 331-345.
[7]Judge T A and Piccolo R F.Transformational and transactional leadership: A metaanalytic test of their relative validity[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2004,89(5): 755-768.
[8]Kark R and Shamir B.The dual effect of transformational leadership: Priming relational and collective selves and further effects on followers[A].in Avolio B J and Yammarino F J(Eds.).Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead[C].Amsterdam: JAI Press,2002: 6-94.
[9]Kark R,Shamir Band Chen G.The two faces of transformational leadership: Empowerment and dependency[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2003,88(2): 246-254.
[10]Kirkman B L,Chen G,Farh J L,Chen Z X and Lowe K B.Individual power distance orientation and follower reactions to transformational leaders: A crosslevel,crosscultural examination[J].Academy of Management Journal,2009,52(4): 744-764.
[11]Klein K J,Dansereau Fand Hall R J.Levels issues in theory development,data collection,and analysis[J].Academy of Management Review,1994,19(2): 195-229.
[12]LePine J A,Piccolo R F,Jackson C L,Mathieu J Eand Saul J R.A metaanalysis of teamwork processes: Tests of a multidimensional model and relationships with team effectiveness criteria[J].Personnel Psychology,2008,61(2): 273-307.
[13]Nielsen K and Daniels K.Does shared and differentiated transformational leadership predict followers’ working conditions and wellbeing?[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(3): 383-397.
[14]Podsakoff P M,MacKenzie S B,Moorman R H and Fetter R.Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers’ trust in leader,satisfaction,and organizational citizenship behaviors[J].Leadership Quarterly,1990,1(2): 107-142.
[15]Schriesheim C A,Wu J B and Scandura T A.A meso measure? Examination of the levels of analysis of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire(MLQ)[J].Leadership Quarterly,2009,20(4): 604-616.
[16]Sparrowe R T and Liden R C.Process and structure in leadermember exchange[J].Academy of Management Review,1997,22(2): 522-552.
[17]Tse H and Chiu C K.Transformational leadership and job Performance: A social identity perspective[J].Journal of Business Research,2014,67(1): 2827-2835.
[18]Wang H,Law K S,Hackett R D,Wang D and Chen Z X.Leadermember exchange as a mediator of the relationship between transformational leadership and followers’ performance and organizational citizenship behavior[J].Academy of Management Journal,2005,48(3): 420-432.
[19]Wang XH and Howell J M.Exploring the duallevel effects of transformational leadership on followers[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(6): 1134-1144.
[20]Wang XH and Howell J M.A multilevel study of transformational leadership,identification,and follower outcomes[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(5): 775-790.
[21]Wu J B,Tsui A S and Kinicki A J.Consequences of differentiated leadership in groups[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(1): 90-106.
[22]Yammarino F J and Bass M B.Transformational leadership and multiple levels of analysis[J].Human Relations,1990,43(10): 975-995.
[23]Yammarino F J,Dionne S D,Chun J U and Dansereau F.Leadership and levels of analysis: A stateofthescience review[J].Leadership Quarterly,2005,16(6): 879-919.
[24]Yammarino F J and Dansereau F.Multilevel nature of and multilevel approaches to leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2008,19(2): 135-141.
[25]Zhang X A,Li N,Ullrich J and van Dick R.Getting everyone on board:The effect of differentiated transformational leadership by CEOs on top management team effectiveness and leaderrated firm performance[J].Journal of Management,Published online on January 18,2013,http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0149206312471387.
[26]蔡亚华,贾良定,尤树洋,张祎,陈艳露.差异化变革型领导对知识分享与团队创造力的影响: 社会网络机制的解释[J].心理学报,2013,45(5): 585-598.
[27]冯镜铭,刘善仕,吴坤津,王红椿.谦卑型领导研究探析[J].外国经济与管理,2014,36(3): 38-44.
[28]姜定宇,张寇真.华人差序式领导与部署效能[J].本土心理学研究,2010,32(6): 109-177.
[29]王震,仲理峰.领导—成员交换关系差异化研究评述与展望[J].心理科学进展,2011,19(7): 1037-1046.
[30]郑伯埙.差序格局与华人组织行为[J].本土心理学研究,1995,17(3): 142-219.
张艳清, 王晓晖, 张秀娟. 差异化变革型领导研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(8): 0.