外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 06 期, 页码:
[1]Aguilera V and Jackson G. The crossnational diversity of corporate governance: Dimensions and determinants[J]. Academy of management review,2003,28(3): 447-465.
[2]Aldrich H E and Fiol C M. Fools rush in? The institutional context of industry creation[J]. Academy of management review,1994,19(4): 645-670.
[3]Baum J A C and Oliver C. Institutional embeddedness and the dynamics of organizational populations[J]. American Sociological Review,1992: 540-559.
[4]Bell G,et al. Corporate governance and investors' perceptions of foreign IPO value: An institutional perspective[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2014,57(1): 301-320.
[5]Bell R G,et al. Country of origin and foreign IPO legitimacy: Understanding the role of geographic scope and insider ownership[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2008,32(1): 185-202.
[6]Blass A and Yafeh Y. Vagabond shoes longing to stray: Why foreign firms list in the United States[J]. Journal of Banking & Finance,2001,25(3): 555-572.
[7]Bruner R,et al. USbound IPOs:Issue costs and selective entry[J]. Financial Management,2004: 39-60.
[8]Bruton G D,et al. Founders,private equity investors,and underpricing in entrepreneurial IPOs[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(4): 909-928.
[9]Bruton G D,et al. Institutional theory and entrepreneurship: Where are we now and where do we need to move in the future? [J]. Entrepreneurship theory and practice,2010,34(3): 421-440.
[10]Certo S T,et al. Wealth and the effects of founder management among IPOstage new ventures[J]. Strategic Management Journal,2001,22(6): 641-658.
[11]Certo S T,et al. IPO research in management and entrepreneurship: Moving the agenda forward[J]. Journal of Management,2009,35(6): 1340-1378.
[12]Deeds D L,et al. The influence of firms’ and industries’ legitimacy on the flow of capital into hightechnology ventures[J]. Strategic Organization,2004,2(1): 9-34.
[13]Fischer H M and Pollock T G. Effects of social capital and power on surviving transformational change: The case of initial public offerings[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2004,47(4): 463-481.
[14]Frieder L and Subrahmanyam A. Brand perceptions and the market for common stock[J]. Journal of financial and Quantitative Analysis,2005,40(01): 57-85.
[15]He L. Do founders matter? A study of executive compensation,governance structure and firm performance[J]. Journal of Business Venturing,2008,23(3): 257-279.
[16]Hofstede G. Cultures and organizations [M]. London: McGrawHill,1991.
[17]Hsu D H. What do entrepreneurs pay for venture capital affiliation?[J]. The Journal of Finance,2004,59(4): 1805-1844.
[18]Hursti J and Maula M V J. Acquiring financial resources from foreign equity capital markets: An examination of factors influencing foreign initial public offerings[J]. Journal of Business Venturing,2007,22(6): 833-851.
[19]Kroll M,et al. The impact of board composition and top management team ownership structure on postIPO performance in young entrepreneurial firms[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(5): 1198-1216.
[20]Kynaston D. The city of London: A club no more,1945-2000[M]. Random House,2002.
[21]Liu S,et al. Why US firms delist from the Tokyo stock exchange: An empirical analysis[J]. International Review of Economics & Finance,2012,24: 62-70.
[22]Moore C B,et al. Institutions and foreign IPO firms: The effects of “home” and “host” country institutions on performance[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2010,34(3): 469-490.
[23]Moore C B,et al. Foreign IPO capital market choice: Understanding the institutional fit of corporate governance[J]. Strategic Management Journal,2012,33(8): 914-937.
[24]Pagano M,et al. The geography of equity listing: Why do companies list abroad?[J]. The Journal of Finance,2002,57(6): 2651-2694.
[25]Peng M W and Luo Y. Managerial ties and firm performance in a transition economy: The nature of a micromacro link[J]. Academy of management journal,2000,43(3): 486-501.
[26]Ravasi D and Marchisio G. Going public and the enrichment of a supportive network[J]. Small Business Economics,2003,21(4): 381-395.
[27]Reuber A R and Fischer E. The influence of the management team’s international experience on the internationalization behaviors of SMEs[J]. Journal of International Business Studies,1997: 807-825.
[28]Scott W R. Institutions and organizations. Foundations for organizational science[M]. London: A Sage Publication Series,1995.
[29]Stuart T E,et al. Interorganizational endorsements and the performance of entrepreneurial ventures[J]. Administrative science quarterly,1999,44(2): 315-349.
[30]Stulz R M. Golbalization,corporate finance,and the cost of capital[J]. Journal of applied corporate finance,1999,12(3): 8-25.
[31]Subrahmanyam A and Titman S. The goingpublic decision and the development of financial markets[J]. The Journal of Finance,1999,54(3): 1045-1082.
[32]Tihanyi L,et al. Composition of the top management team and firm international diversification[J]. Journal of Management,2000,26(6): 1157-1177.
[33]Tihanyi L,et al. The effect of cultural distance on entry mode choice,international diversification,and MNE performance: A metaanalysis [J]. Journal of International Business Studies,2005,36(3): 270-283.
[34]Wright M,et al. International venture capital research: From crosscountry comparisons to crossing borders[J]. International Journal of Management Reviews,2005,7(3): 135-165.
[35]唐福勇. 全球IPO活跃度大增[N]. 中国经济时报,2014-12-09003.
[36]唐鹏程,朱方明. 创业机会的发现与创造——两种创业行为理论比较分析[J]. 外国经济与管理,2009,05:15-22.
[37]余晓东,秦玲. 信息不对称性与创业资本的核心能力分析[J]. 外国经济与管理,2001,12:8-12.
[38]张玉洁. 海外中概股主动退市不罕见[N]. 中国证券报,2014-07-07A03.
[2]Aldrich H E and Fiol C M. Fools rush in? The institutional context of industry creation[J]. Academy of management review,1994,19(4): 645-670.
[3]Baum J A C and Oliver C. Institutional embeddedness and the dynamics of organizational populations[J]. American Sociological Review,1992: 540-559.
[4]Bell G,et al. Corporate governance and investors' perceptions of foreign IPO value: An institutional perspective[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2014,57(1): 301-320.
[5]Bell R G,et al. Country of origin and foreign IPO legitimacy: Understanding the role of geographic scope and insider ownership[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2008,32(1): 185-202.
[6]Blass A and Yafeh Y. Vagabond shoes longing to stray: Why foreign firms list in the United States[J]. Journal of Banking & Finance,2001,25(3): 555-572.
[7]Bruner R,et al. USbound IPOs:Issue costs and selective entry[J]. Financial Management,2004: 39-60.
[8]Bruton G D,et al. Founders,private equity investors,and underpricing in entrepreneurial IPOs[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(4): 909-928.
[9]Bruton G D,et al. Institutional theory and entrepreneurship: Where are we now and where do we need to move in the future? [J]. Entrepreneurship theory and practice,2010,34(3): 421-440.
[10]Certo S T,et al. Wealth and the effects of founder management among IPOstage new ventures[J]. Strategic Management Journal,2001,22(6): 641-658.
[11]Certo S T,et al. IPO research in management and entrepreneurship: Moving the agenda forward[J]. Journal of Management,2009,35(6): 1340-1378.
[12]Deeds D L,et al. The influence of firms’ and industries’ legitimacy on the flow of capital into hightechnology ventures[J]. Strategic Organization,2004,2(1): 9-34.
[13]Fischer H M and Pollock T G. Effects of social capital and power on surviving transformational change: The case of initial public offerings[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2004,47(4): 463-481.
[14]Frieder L and Subrahmanyam A. Brand perceptions and the market for common stock[J]. Journal of financial and Quantitative Analysis,2005,40(01): 57-85.
[15]He L. Do founders matter? A study of executive compensation,governance structure and firm performance[J]. Journal of Business Venturing,2008,23(3): 257-279.
[16]Hofstede G. Cultures and organizations [M]. London: McGrawHill,1991.
[17]Hsu D H. What do entrepreneurs pay for venture capital affiliation?[J]. The Journal of Finance,2004,59(4): 1805-1844.
[18]Hursti J and Maula M V J. Acquiring financial resources from foreign equity capital markets: An examination of factors influencing foreign initial public offerings[J]. Journal of Business Venturing,2007,22(6): 833-851.
[19]Kroll M,et al. The impact of board composition and top management team ownership structure on postIPO performance in young entrepreneurial firms[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(5): 1198-1216.
[20]Kynaston D. The city of London: A club no more,1945-2000[M]. Random House,2002.
[21]Liu S,et al. Why US firms delist from the Tokyo stock exchange: An empirical analysis[J]. International Review of Economics & Finance,2012,24: 62-70.
[22]Moore C B,et al. Institutions and foreign IPO firms: The effects of “home” and “host” country institutions on performance[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2010,34(3): 469-490.
[23]Moore C B,et al. Foreign IPO capital market choice: Understanding the institutional fit of corporate governance[J]. Strategic Management Journal,2012,33(8): 914-937.
[24]Pagano M,et al. The geography of equity listing: Why do companies list abroad?[J]. The Journal of Finance,2002,57(6): 2651-2694.
[25]Peng M W and Luo Y. Managerial ties and firm performance in a transition economy: The nature of a micromacro link[J]. Academy of management journal,2000,43(3): 486-501.
[26]Ravasi D and Marchisio G. Going public and the enrichment of a supportive network[J]. Small Business Economics,2003,21(4): 381-395.
[27]Reuber A R and Fischer E. The influence of the management team’s international experience on the internationalization behaviors of SMEs[J]. Journal of International Business Studies,1997: 807-825.
[28]Scott W R. Institutions and organizations. Foundations for organizational science[M]. London: A Sage Publication Series,1995.
[29]Stuart T E,et al. Interorganizational endorsements and the performance of entrepreneurial ventures[J]. Administrative science quarterly,1999,44(2): 315-349.
[30]Stulz R M. Golbalization,corporate finance,and the cost of capital[J]. Journal of applied corporate finance,1999,12(3): 8-25.
[31]Subrahmanyam A and Titman S. The goingpublic decision and the development of financial markets[J]. The Journal of Finance,1999,54(3): 1045-1082.
[32]Tihanyi L,et al. Composition of the top management team and firm international diversification[J]. Journal of Management,2000,26(6): 1157-1177.
[33]Tihanyi L,et al. The effect of cultural distance on entry mode choice,international diversification,and MNE performance: A metaanalysis [J]. Journal of International Business Studies,2005,36(3): 270-283.
[34]Wright M,et al. International venture capital research: From crosscountry comparisons to crossing borders[J]. International Journal of Management Reviews,2005,7(3): 135-165.
[35]唐福勇. 全球IPO活跃度大增[N]. 中国经济时报,2014-12-09003.
[36]唐鹏程,朱方明. 创业机会的发现与创造——两种创业行为理论比较分析[J]. 外国经济与管理,2009,05:15-22.
[37]余晓东,秦玲. 信息不对称性与创业资本的核心能力分析[J]. 外国经济与管理,2001,12:8-12.
[38]张玉洁. 海外中概股主动退市不罕见[N]. 中国证券报,2014-07-07A03.
陈炳亮, 王彩虹, 湛 军. 创业企业海外IPO研究综述、未来展望及实践启示[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(6): 0.