财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 10 期, 页码:
[11]Acemoglu D. Labor and capitalaugmenting technical change[R]. NBER Working Paper No.7544,2000.
[12]Acemoglu D. Equilibrium bias of technology[J]. Econometrica, 2007, 75(5): 1371-1409.
[13]Bentolila S, SaintPaul G. Explaining movements in the labor share[J]. The BE Journal of Macroeconomics, 2003, 3(1): 1-33.
[14]Blanchard O J, Nordhaus W D, Phelps E S. The medium run[J]. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1997,1997(2): 89-158.
[15]Blanchard O, Giavazzi F. Macroeconomic effects of regulation and deregulation in goods and labor markets[J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2003, 118(3): 879-907.
[16]David P A, Van de Klundert T. Biased efficiency growth and capitallabor substitution in the US, 1899-1960[J]. American Economic Review, 1965, 55(3): 357-394.
[17]Daudey E, GarcíaPealosa C. The personal and the factor distributions of income in a crosssection of countries[J]. Journal of Development Studies, 2007, 43(5): 812-829.
[18]Decreuse B, Maarek P. FDI and the labor share in developing countries: A theory and some evidence[R]. University Library of Munich, 2008.
[19]Diwan I. Debt as sweat: Labor, financial crises, and the globalization of capital[R]. Working Paper, The World Bank, 2001.
[20]Giovannoni O. Functional distribution of income, inequality and the incidence of poverty: Stylized facts and the role of macroeconomic policy[R]. Background Paper for UNRISD Report on Combating Poverty and Inequality, 2008.
[21]Goldsmith R W. A perpetual inventory of national wealth[A]. NBER. Studies in income and wealth(Volume 14)[C].NBER, 1951.
[22]Harrison A E. Has globalization eroded labor’s share? Some crosscountry evidence[R]. University Library of Munich,2005.
[23]Hicks J R. The theory of wages[M]. London: Macmillan, 1932.
[24]Kaldor N. A model of economic growth[J]. Economic Journal, 1957,67(268): 591-624.
[25]Karabarbounis L, Neiman B. Capital depreciation and labor shares around the world: Measurement and implications[R]. NBER Working Paper No.20606, 2014.
[26]Klump R, McAam P, Willman A. Factor substitution and factoraugmenting technical progress in the United States: A normalized supplyside system approach[J]. Review of Economic and Statistic, 2007, 89(1): 183-192.
[27]Pick J B, Nishida T. Digital divides in the world and its regions: A spatial and multivariate analysis of technological utilization[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2015, 91: 1-17.
[28]Sato R, Morita T. Quantity or quality: The impact of labour saving innovation on US and Japanese growth rates, 1960-2004[J]. Japanese Economic Review, 2009, 60(4): 407-434.
[29]Zuleta H. Factor saving innovations and factor income shares[J]. Review of Economic Dynamics, 2008, 11(4): 836-851.
[11]Acemoglu D. Labor and capitalaugmenting technical change[R]. NBER Working Paper No.7544,2000.
[12]Acemoglu D. Equilibrium bias of technology[J]. Econometrica, 2007, 75(5): 1371-1409.
[13]Bentolila S, SaintPaul G. Explaining movements in the labor share[J]. The BE Journal of Macroeconomics, 2003, 3(1): 1-33.
[14]Blanchard O J, Nordhaus W D, Phelps E S. The medium run[J]. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1997,1997(2): 89-158.
[15]Blanchard O, Giavazzi F. Macroeconomic effects of regulation and deregulation in goods and labor markets[J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2003, 118(3): 879-907.
[16]David P A, Van de Klundert T. Biased efficiency growth and capitallabor substitution in the US, 1899-1960[J]. American Economic Review, 1965, 55(3): 357-394.
[17]Daudey E, GarcíaPealosa C. The personal and the factor distributions of income in a crosssection of countries[J]. Journal of Development Studies, 2007, 43(5): 812-829.
[18]Decreuse B, Maarek P. FDI and the labor share in developing countries: A theory and some evidence[R]. University Library of Munich, 2008.
[19]Diwan I. Debt as sweat: Labor, financial crises, and the globalization of capital[R]. Working Paper, The World Bank, 2001.
[20]Giovannoni O. Functional distribution of income, inequality and the incidence of poverty: Stylized facts and the role of macroeconomic policy[R]. Background Paper for UNRISD Report on Combating Poverty and Inequality, 2008.
[21]Goldsmith R W. A perpetual inventory of national wealth[A]. NBER. Studies in income and wealth(Volume 14)[C].NBER, 1951.
[22]Harrison A E. Has globalization eroded labor’s share? Some crosscountry evidence[R]. University Library of Munich,2005.
[23]Hicks J R. The theory of wages[M]. London: Macmillan, 1932.
[24]Kaldor N. A model of economic growth[J]. Economic Journal, 1957,67(268): 591-624.
[25]Karabarbounis L, Neiman B. Capital depreciation and labor shares around the world: Measurement and implications[R]. NBER Working Paper No.20606, 2014.
[26]Klump R, McAam P, Willman A. Factor substitution and factoraugmenting technical progress in the United States: A normalized supplyside system approach[J]. Review of Economic and Statistic, 2007, 89(1): 183-192.
[27]Pick J B, Nishida T. Digital divides in the world and its regions: A spatial and multivariate analysis of technological utilization[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2015, 91: 1-17.
[28]Sato R, Morita T. Quantity or quality: The impact of labour saving innovation on US and Japanese growth rates, 1960-2004[J]. Japanese Economic Review, 2009, 60(4): 407-434.
[29]Zuleta H. Factor saving innovations and factor income shares[J]. Review of Economic Dynamics, 2008, 11(4): 836-851.
王林辉, 赵 景, 李金城. 劳动收入份额“U形”演变规律的新解释:要素禀赋结构与技术进步方向的视角[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(10): 0.