财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 05 期, 页码:42 - 53
[1]Calomiris C W,Wilson B.Bank capital and portfolio management:The 1930’capitalcrunch and scramble to shed risk[J].Journal of Business,2004,77(3):421-455.
[2]Charles A E Goodhart,Haizhou Huang.Thelender of last resort[J].Journal of Bankingand Fiance,2005,29:1059-1082.
[3]Ellis David M,Mark J Flannery.Does the debt market assess large banks’risk?[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1992,30:481-502.
[4]Erlend Nier,Ursel Baumann.Market discipline,information disclosure and moral hazardin Banking[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,2006,15:332-361.
[5]Flannery M,Rangan K.What caused the bank capital build-up of the 1990s?[R].Working Paper,FDIC Center for Financial Research,2004.
[6]Flannery Mark J,Sorin MSorescu.Evidence of bank market discipline in subordinateddebenture yields:1983-1991[J].Journal of Finance,1996,51:1347-1377.
[7]Gorton G,G Pennacchi.Financial intermediaries and liquidity creation[J].Journal ofFinance,1990,45:49-72.
[8]Gorton Gary,Athony MSantomero.Market discipline and bank subordinated debt[J].Journal of Money,Credit,and Banking,1990,22:119-128.
[9]J Daley K Matthews,K Whitfield.Too-big-to-fail:Bankfailure and banking policyin Ja-maica[R].Working Paper,Cardiff Business School,2006,4.
[10]Keeley MC.Deposit insurance,risk and market power in banking[J].American Eco-nomic Review,1990,80:1183-1200.
[11]Martinez Peria M,Schmukler S.Do depositors punish banks for bad behavior?[J].Journal of Finance,2001,56:1029-1051.
[12]Masami I mai.Market discipline and deposit insurance reformin Japan[J].Journal ofBanking&Finance,2006,30:3433-3452.
[13]Park S,Peristiani S.Market discipline by thrift depositors[J].Journal of Money,Credit,and Banking,1998,30(3):347-364.
[14]Park,Sangkyun.Market discipline by depositors:Evidence from reduced-form equa-tions[J].Quarterly Reviewof Economics and Finance,1995,35:497-514.
[2]Charles A E Goodhart,Haizhou Huang.Thelender of last resort[J].Journal of Bankingand Fiance,2005,29:1059-1082.
[3]Ellis David M,Mark J Flannery.Does the debt market assess large banks’risk?[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1992,30:481-502.
[4]Erlend Nier,Ursel Baumann.Market discipline,information disclosure and moral hazardin Banking[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,2006,15:332-361.
[5]Flannery M,Rangan K.What caused the bank capital build-up of the 1990s?[R].Working Paper,FDIC Center for Financial Research,2004.
[6]Flannery Mark J,Sorin MSorescu.Evidence of bank market discipline in subordinateddebenture yields:1983-1991[J].Journal of Finance,1996,51:1347-1377.
[7]Gorton G,G Pennacchi.Financial intermediaries and liquidity creation[J].Journal ofFinance,1990,45:49-72.
[8]Gorton Gary,Athony MSantomero.Market discipline and bank subordinated debt[J].Journal of Money,Credit,and Banking,1990,22:119-128.
[9]J Daley K Matthews,K Whitfield.Too-big-to-fail:Bankfailure and banking policyin Ja-maica[R].Working Paper,Cardiff Business School,2006,4.
[10]Keeley MC.Deposit insurance,risk and market power in banking[J].American Eco-nomic Review,1990,80:1183-1200.
[11]Martinez Peria M,Schmukler S.Do depositors punish banks for bad behavior?[J].Journal of Finance,2001,56:1029-1051.
[12]Masami I mai.Market discipline and deposit insurance reformin Japan[J].Journal ofBanking&Finance,2006,30:3433-3452.
[13]Park S,Peristiani S.Market discipline by thrift depositors[J].Journal of Money,Credit,and Banking,1998,30(3):347-364.
[14]Park,Sangkyun.Market discipline by depositors:Evidence from reduced-form equa-tions[J].Quarterly Reviewof Economics and Finance,1995,35:497-514.
许友传, 何佳. 隐性保险体制下城市商业银行的市场约束行为[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(5): 42–53.