财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 12 期, 页码:18 - 26
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[5]Duarte.Rosa,Sánchez-Chóliz Julio,Bielsa Jorge.Water use in the Spanish economy:Aninput-output approach[J].Ecological Economics,2002,(43):71~86.
[6]Kumiko Kondo.Economic analysis of water resources in Japan:using factor decomposi-tion analysis based on input-output tables[J].Environmental Economics and PolicyStudies,2005,(7):109~129.
[7]Li Wang,Heather L MacLean,Barry J Adams.Water resources management in Beijingusing economic input-output modeling[J].Can.J.Civ.Eng.2005,(32):753~764.
[8]Okadera Tomohiro,Watanabe Masataka,Xu Kaiqin.Analysis of water demand and wa-ter pollutant discharge using a regional input-output table:An application to the City ofChongqing,upstream of the Three Gorges Dam in China[J].Ecological Economics,2006,(2):221~237.
[2]Carter H O,Ireri D.Linkage of california-arizona input-output models to analyze watertransfer pattern[A].Carter A P,Brody A.Applications of input-output analysis[C].Amsterdam:North-Holland Publishing Co.,1972:139~168.
[3]Thoss R,Wiik K.A linear decision model for the management of water quality in theruhr[A].Rothenberg J,Heggie I G.The management of water quality and the environ-ment[C].London:Mac-Millan,1974:104~141.
[4]Hendrickls D W.Modeling of water supply/demand in the south platte river basin,1970~2020[J].Water Resource Bulletin,1982,2(18):279~287.
[5]Duarte.Rosa,Sánchez-Chóliz Julio,Bielsa Jorge.Water use in the Spanish economy:Aninput-output approach[J].Ecological Economics,2002,(43):71~86.
[6]Kumiko Kondo.Economic analysis of water resources in Japan:using factor decomposi-tion analysis based on input-output tables[J].Environmental Economics and PolicyStudies,2005,(7):109~129.
[7]Li Wang,Heather L MacLean,Barry J Adams.Water resources management in Beijingusing economic input-output modeling[J].Can.J.Civ.Eng.2005,(32):753~764.
[8]Okadera Tomohiro,Watanabe Masataka,Xu Kaiqin.Analysis of water demand and wa-ter pollutant discharge using a regional input-output table:An application to the City ofChongqing,upstream of the Three Gorges Dam in China[J].Ecological Economics,2006,(2):221~237.
许长新, 田贵良. 社会水资源利用的投入产出研究[J]. 财经研究, 2006, 32(12): 18–26.