财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 11 期, 页码:77 - 88
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[2]Caprio G,Honohan P.Beyond capital ideals:Restoring bank stability[R].World Bank,1998.
[3]Holmstrom B,Tirole J.Financial intermediation,loanable funds and the real sector[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1997,112:663~691.
[4]Kreuger Anne O.The political economy of the rent-seeking society[J].American Eco-nomic Review,1974,64(3):291~330.
[5]Minsky Hyman P.The financial instability hypothesis:Capitalist processes and the be-havior of the economy in financial crises:Theory,history and policy[M].Cambridge U-niversity Press,1982.
[6]Rochet,Jean-Charles.Macroeconomic shocks and banking supervision[J].Journal of Fi-nancial Stability,2004,1(1):93~110.
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