财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 10 期, 页码:135 - 144
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[10]O M,Aoms Jr.Unbalanced regional growth and regional income inequality in the latter sta-ges of development[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,1988,(4):549~566.
[11]S Coulombe,F C Lee.Convergence across Canadian provinces,1961to1991[J].Canadian Journal of Economics,1988,(4):886~898.
[12]Jian Chen,B MFleisher.Regional incomeinequality and economic growthin China[J].Jou-real of Comparative Economics,1996,(22):141~164.
[13]B Chen,Y Feng.Determinants of economic growthin China:Private enterprise,educa-tion and openness[J].China Economic Review,2000,(11):1~15.
[14]M Dilling,R Petersen,V Smith.Growth and convergence in Danish regional incomes[J].Scandinavian Economic History Review,1994(1):54~76.
[9]Williamson J G.Regional inequality and the process of national development:Adescription of the patterns[J].Economic Development and Cultural Change,1965,(4):3~45.
[10]O M,Aoms Jr.Unbalanced regional growth and regional income inequality in the latter sta-ges of development[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,1988,(4):549~566.
[11]S Coulombe,F C Lee.Convergence across Canadian provinces,1961to1991[J].Canadian Journal of Economics,1988,(4):886~898.
[12]Jian Chen,B MFleisher.Regional incomeinequality and economic growthin China[J].Jou-real of Comparative Economics,1996,(22):141~164.
[13]B Chen,Y Feng.Determinants of economic growthin China:Private enterprise,educa-tion and openness[J].China Economic Review,2000,(11):1~15.
[14]M Dilling,R Petersen,V Smith.Growth and convergence in Danish regional incomes[J].Scandinavian Economic History Review,1994(1):54~76.
李桢业, 汪贵浦. 我国的县域差距与公共政策——基于浙江省64县(市)统计数据的实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2006, 32(10): 135–144.