财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 06 期, 页码:35 - 44
[4]Fama,Eugene F,Kenneth R French.The equity premium[J].The Journal of FinanceLVII,2002:637~659.
[5]Giannetti,Yrj Koskinen.Investor protection and equity-holdings:An explanation of two puz-zles?[R].SSRN Working Pape,2003.
[6]Guiso Luigi,Michael Haliassos,Tullio Jappelli.Household stockholding in Europe:Wheredo we stand and where do we go?[J].Economic policy,2002,18:123~170.
[7]Heaton John,Deborah J Lucas.Evaluating the effects of incomplete markets on risksharing and asset pricing[J].Journal of Political Economy,1996,104:443~87.
[8]Hong Harrison,Jeffrey D Kubik,Jeremy C Stein.Social interaction and stock-marketparticipation[J].Journal of Finance,VOL LIXNo1,2004,2:137~163.
[9]Jeffrey R Brown,Zoran Ivkovi c′,Paul A Smith,Scott Weisbenner.The geography ofstock market participation:The influence of communities and local firms[R].NBERWorking Paper,No.10235,2003.
[10]Kaufmann Daniel,Aart Kraay,Pablo Zoido-Lobatón.Overnance matters II-Updatedindicators for 2000/01[R].World Bank Policy Research Department Working PaperNo.2772,Washington,D.C.,2002.
[11]La Porta,Rafel Florencio Lopez-de Silance,Andrei Shleifer,Robert W Vishney.Lawand Finance[J].Journal of Political Economy,1998,106:1113~1150.
[12]La Porta,Rafel Florencio Lopez-de Silance,Andrei Shleifer.Corporate ownership a-round the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54:471~518.
[13]Mankiw N G,Zeldes S P.The consumption of stock holders and nonstockholders[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1991,29:97~112.
[14]Mehra R E,C Prescott.The equity premium:A puzzle[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics 1985,15:145~161.
[15]Rajan Roghoram G,Luigi Zingales.What do we know about capital structure?Someevidence from international data[J].Journal of Finance,1997,50:1421~1460.
[16]Shleifer Andrei,Daniel Wolfenzon.Investor protection and equity markets[J].Journalof Financial Economics,2002,66:3~27.
[17]Tokuo Iwaisako.Household portfolios in Japan[R].NBER Working Paper No.9647,2003.
[18]Venkat R Eleswarapu,Kumar Venkataraman.The impact of legal and political institutionson equity trading costs:A cross-country analysis[Z].14th Annual Conference on FinancialEconomics and Accounting(FEA);5th Annual Texas Finance Festiva,2003.
[19]Vissing-Jorgensen A.Towards an explanation of household portfolio choice heteroge-neity:Nonfinancial income and participation cost structures[R].NBER Working Pa-per No.8884,2002.
[20]Claessens Stijn,Simeon Djankov,Joseph P H Fan,Larry H P Lang.Disentangling theincentive and entrenchment effects of lange shareholding[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57:2741~2771.
[4]Fama,Eugene F,Kenneth R French.The equity premium[J].The Journal of FinanceLVII,2002:637~659.
[5]Giannetti,Yrj Koskinen.Investor protection and equity-holdings:An explanation of two puz-zles?[R].SSRN Working Pape,2003.
[6]Guiso Luigi,Michael Haliassos,Tullio Jappelli.Household stockholding in Europe:Wheredo we stand and where do we go?[J].Economic policy,2002,18:123~170.
[7]Heaton John,Deborah J Lucas.Evaluating the effects of incomplete markets on risksharing and asset pricing[J].Journal of Political Economy,1996,104:443~87.
[8]Hong Harrison,Jeffrey D Kubik,Jeremy C Stein.Social interaction and stock-marketparticipation[J].Journal of Finance,VOL LIXNo1,2004,2:137~163.
[9]Jeffrey R Brown,Zoran Ivkovi c′,Paul A Smith,Scott Weisbenner.The geography ofstock market participation:The influence of communities and local firms[R].NBERWorking Paper,No.10235,2003.
[10]Kaufmann Daniel,Aart Kraay,Pablo Zoido-Lobatón.Overnance matters II-Updatedindicators for 2000/01[R].World Bank Policy Research Department Working PaperNo.2772,Washington,D.C.,2002.
[11]La Porta,Rafel Florencio Lopez-de Silance,Andrei Shleifer,Robert W Vishney.Lawand Finance[J].Journal of Political Economy,1998,106:1113~1150.
[12]La Porta,Rafel Florencio Lopez-de Silance,Andrei Shleifer.Corporate ownership a-round the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54:471~518.
[13]Mankiw N G,Zeldes S P.The consumption of stock holders and nonstockholders[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1991,29:97~112.
[14]Mehra R E,C Prescott.The equity premium:A puzzle[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics 1985,15:145~161.
[15]Rajan Roghoram G,Luigi Zingales.What do we know about capital structure?Someevidence from international data[J].Journal of Finance,1997,50:1421~1460.
[16]Shleifer Andrei,Daniel Wolfenzon.Investor protection and equity markets[J].Journalof Financial Economics,2002,66:3~27.
[17]Tokuo Iwaisako.Household portfolios in Japan[R].NBER Working Paper No.9647,2003.
[18]Venkat R Eleswarapu,Kumar Venkataraman.The impact of legal and political institutionson equity trading costs:A cross-country analysis[Z].14th Annual Conference on FinancialEconomics and Accounting(FEA);5th Annual Texas Finance Festiva,2003.
[19]Vissing-Jorgensen A.Towards an explanation of household portfolio choice heteroge-neity:Nonfinancial income and participation cost structures[R].NBER Working Pa-per No.8884,2002.
[20]Claessens Stijn,Simeon Djankov,Joseph P H Fan,Larry H P Lang.Disentangling theincentive and entrenchment effects of lange shareholding[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57:2741~2771.
余劲松, 梁红英. 法律、股权结构对证券市场参与影响的实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2006, 32(6): 35–44.