财经研究 2005 年 第 31 卷第 05 期, 页码:6 - 17
[9]AbelA B Asset pricing under habit formation and catching up with theJoneses[J]AmericanEconomicReview,1990,80:38~42
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[16]Svensson,L E O Portfolio choice withNon expected utility in continuous time[J]EconomicsLetters,1989,30:313~317
[17]Weil,P The equity premium puzzle and the risk free rate puzzle[J]Journal ofEco nomics,1989,24:401~421
[18]Weber,M M The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism[M]NewYork:CharlesScribner’sSons,1958
[9]AbelA B Asset pricing under habit formation and catching up with theJoneses[J]AmericanEconomicReview,1990,80:38~42
[10]Bakshi,G S, andChen,Z The spirit of capitalism and stock market prices[J ]AmericanEconomicReview,1996,86(1):133~157
[11]EpsteinL G andZinS E Substitution, risk aversion, and the temporal behavior ofconsumption and asset returns: an theoretical framework[J]Econometrica,1989,57:937~969
[12]EpsteinL G andZinS E Substitution, risk aversion, and the temporal behavior ofconsumption and asset returns:an empirical analysis[J]Journal ofPoliticalEconomy,1991,99:263~286
[13]KahnemanD andTverskyA Prospect theory:An analysis decision under risk[J]Econometrica,1979,47(2):263~291
[14]MehraR,andPrescottE C The equity premium:A puzzle[J]Journal ofMonetaryEconomics,1985,15:145~161
[15]Obstfeld,M Risk taking, global diversification, and growth[J]AmericanEconomicReview,1994,84(5):1310~1329
[16]Svensson,L E O Portfolio choice withNon expected utility in continuous time[J]EconomicsLetters,1989,30:313~317
[17]Weil,P The equity premium puzzle and the risk free rate puzzle[J]Journal ofEco nomics,1989,24:401~421
[18]Weber,M M The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism[M]NewYork:CharlesScribner’sSons,1958
邓可斌, 何问陶. 个体理性、风险偏好、社会地位与我国消费增长——基于跨期替代资产选择理论模型的研究[J]. 财经研究, 2005, 31(5): 6–17.