外国经济与管理 2006 年 第 28 卷第 09 期, 页码:8 - 15
在复杂产品系统(complex product and systems,CoPS)背景下,专利系统的演化已呈现出与技术系统演化不同的特征和规律。专利自身的战略问题研究不仅是理论上的需要,更已成为产业界的迫切需求。“创新与垄断”这个困扰经济学家和法学家的专利悖论问题却造就了专利竞争优势的时空特性。因此,专利战略的核心在于“定位”。同传统的定位学派和资源基础观相比,组织生态位理论在定位研究方面具有独特的优势,而新兴的专利引文网络分析也为其研究提供了技术保障。
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[7]P itkethly,R.Intellectual property strategy in Japanese and UK compan ies:patent licensing decisions and learn ing opportun ities[J].Research Policy,2001,30:425-442.
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[10]Reitzig,M.Strategic managem ent of intellectual property[J].M IT S.M.Review,2004,45(3):35-40.
[11]Scherer,F M.Nordhaus’theory of optimal patent life:a geom etric reinterpretation[J].Am erican Econom ic Review,1972,62:422-427.
[13]Jaffe,B.Characterizing the‘technological position’of firm s,w ith application to quantifying technological opportun ity and re-search sp illovers[J].Research Policy,1989,18:87-97.
[14]Hannan M T,and Carroll G R.The organ izational n iche[J].Sociological Theory,2003,(4):309-332.
[15]Podolny,M J,Stuart,E T,and Hannan,M T.Networks,know ledge,and n iches:competition in the worldw ide sem iconductorindustry,1984-1991[J].The Am erican Journal of Sociology,1996,102(3):659-689.
[16]Van Zeebroeck N,de la Potterie B V,and HanW.Issues in m easuring the degree of technological specialisation w ith patent da-ta[J].Scientom etrics,2006,(3):481-492.
[2]Teece,D J,and P isano,G.Dynam ic capab ilities and strategic managem ent[J].SM J,1997,18(7):509-533.
[3]Bessen,J.Patent th ickets:strategic patenting of complex technology[EB/OL].W ork ing Paper down loadab le at http://www.re-searchon innovation,2003.
[4]Hall,B H,and Z iedon is,R M.The patent paradox revisited:an emp irical study of patenting in the sem iconductor industry,1979-1995[J].RAND Journal of Econom ics,2001,32(1):101-128.
[5]Shap iro,C.Navigating the patent th icket:cross licenses,patent pools,and standard setting[A].In Adam Jaffee,J L,andScott Stern(eds.).Innovation policy and the economy[C].Cambridge,Mass.:M IT Press,2001.
[6]R ivette,K G,and K line,D.D iscovering new value in intellectual property[J].Harvard Business Review,2000,(1):2-12.
[7]P itkethly,R.Intellectual property strategy in Japanese and UK compan ies:patent licensing decisions and learn ing opportun ities[J].Research Policy,2001,30:425-442.
[9]Rum elt,R P.Towards a strategic theory of the firm:competitive strategic managem ent[M].New Jersey:Prentice-Hall,1984.
[10]Reitzig,M.Strategic managem ent of intellectual property[J].M IT S.M.Review,2004,45(3):35-40.
[11]Scherer,F M.Nordhaus’theory of optimal patent life:a geom etric reinterpretation[J].Am erican Econom ic Review,1972,62:422-427.
[13]Jaffe,B.Characterizing the‘technological position’of firm s,w ith application to quantifying technological opportun ity and re-search sp illovers[J].Research Policy,1989,18:87-97.
[14]Hannan M T,and Carroll G R.The organ izational n iche[J].Sociological Theory,2003,(4):309-332.
[15]Podolny,M J,Stuart,E T,and Hannan,M T.Networks,know ledge,and n iches:competition in the worldw ide sem iconductorindustry,1984-1991[J].The Am erican Journal of Sociology,1996,102(3):659-689.
[16]Van Zeebroeck N,de la Potterie B V,and HanW.Issues in m easuring the degree of technological specialisation w ith patent da-ta[J].Scientom etrics,2006,(3):481-492.
刘林青, 夏清华. 复杂产品系统背景下的专利战略基本逻辑研究[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2006, 28(9): 8–15.