外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 12 期, 页码:13 - 21
[1]ABC News.President Obama:America“not better off”today than four years ago[EB/OL].http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-obama-calls-underdog-2012-race-white-house/story?id=14656286#.UIY4am_Mhe8,2011-10-03.
[2]Ceci S J and Kain E L.Jumping on the bandwagon with the underdog:The impact of attitude polls on polling behavior[J].Public Opinion Quarterly,1982,46(2):228-242.
[3]Fehr E and Fischbacher U.The nature of human altruism[J].Nature,2003,425(6960):785-791.
[4]Fleitas D W.Bandwagon and underdog effects in minimal-Information elections[J].American Political Science Review,1971,65(2):434-438.
[5]Frazier J A and Snyder E E.The underdog concept in sport[J].Sociology of Sport Journal,1991,8(4):380-388.
[6]Gallup G and Rae S F.Is there a bandwagon vote?[J].Public Opinion Quarterly,1940,4(2):244-249.
[7]Goldschmied N.The underdog effect:Definition,limitations,and motivations.Why do we support those at a competitive disadvan-tage?[D].University of South Florida,Los Angeles,2005.
[8]Goldschmied N and Vandello J A.The advantage of disadvantage:Underdogs in the political arena[J].Basic and Applied Social Psychology,2009,31(1):24-31.
[9]Goldschmied N and Vandello J A.The future is bright:The underdog label,availability,and optimism[J].Basic and Applied Social Psychology,2012,34(1):34-43.
[10]Goot M.Underdogs,bandwagons or incumbency?Party support at the beginning and the end of Australian election campaigns,1983-2007[J].Australian Cultural History,2010,28(1):69-80.
[11]Griffith R M.Odds adjustments by American horse-race bettors[J].American Journal of Psychology,1949,62(2):290-294.
[12]Hodgon R and Maloney J.Bandwagon effects in British elections,1885-1910[J].Public Choice,2013,157(1-2):73-90.
[13]Kim J,et al.Rooting for(and then abandoning)the underdog[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2008,38(10):2550-2573.
[14]Lee A M C and Lee E B.The fine art of propaganda:A study of Father Coughlin’s speeches[M].New York:Harcourt Brace and Company,1939.
[15]Lerner M J.The justice motive in social behavior:Introduction[J].Journal of Social Issues,1975,31(3):1-19.
[16]Mcallister I and Studlar D T.Bandwagon,underdog,or projection?Opinion polls and electoral choice in Britain,1979-1987[J].Journal of Politics,1991,53(3):720-741.
[17]Mehrabian L.Effects of poll reports on voter preferences[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,1998,28(23):2119-2130.
[19]Michniewicz K S and Vandello J A.The attractive underdog:When disadvantage bolsters attractiveness[J].Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,2013,30(7):942-952.
[20]Paharia N,et al.The underdog effect:The marketing of disadvantage and determination through brand biography[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2011,37(5):775-790.
[21]Pierce W M.Climbing on the bandwagon[J].Public Opinion Quarterly,1940,4(2):241-243.
[22]Simon H A.Bandwagon and underdog effects and the possibility of election predictions[J].Public Opinion Quarterly,1954,18(3):245-253.
[23]Sobel R S and Ryan M E.Unifying the favorite-longshot bias with other market anomalies[A].Ziemba D H W(Ed.).Handbook of sports and lottery markets[C].Amsterdam:North Holland-Elsevier,2008:137-160.
[24]Vandello J A,et al.The appeal of the underdog[J].Personality Social Psychology Bulletin,2007,33(12):1603-1616.
[2]Ceci S J and Kain E L.Jumping on the bandwagon with the underdog:The impact of attitude polls on polling behavior[J].Public Opinion Quarterly,1982,46(2):228-242.
[3]Fehr E and Fischbacher U.The nature of human altruism[J].Nature,2003,425(6960):785-791.
[4]Fleitas D W.Bandwagon and underdog effects in minimal-Information elections[J].American Political Science Review,1971,65(2):434-438.
[5]Frazier J A and Snyder E E.The underdog concept in sport[J].Sociology of Sport Journal,1991,8(4):380-388.
[6]Gallup G and Rae S F.Is there a bandwagon vote?[J].Public Opinion Quarterly,1940,4(2):244-249.
[7]Goldschmied N.The underdog effect:Definition,limitations,and motivations.Why do we support those at a competitive disadvan-tage?[D].University of South Florida,Los Angeles,2005.
[8]Goldschmied N and Vandello J A.The advantage of disadvantage:Underdogs in the political arena[J].Basic and Applied Social Psychology,2009,31(1):24-31.
[9]Goldschmied N and Vandello J A.The future is bright:The underdog label,availability,and optimism[J].Basic and Applied Social Psychology,2012,34(1):34-43.
[10]Goot M.Underdogs,bandwagons or incumbency?Party support at the beginning and the end of Australian election campaigns,1983-2007[J].Australian Cultural History,2010,28(1):69-80.
[11]Griffith R M.Odds adjustments by American horse-race bettors[J].American Journal of Psychology,1949,62(2):290-294.
[12]Hodgon R and Maloney J.Bandwagon effects in British elections,1885-1910[J].Public Choice,2013,157(1-2):73-90.
[13]Kim J,et al.Rooting for(and then abandoning)the underdog[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2008,38(10):2550-2573.
[14]Lee A M C and Lee E B.The fine art of propaganda:A study of Father Coughlin’s speeches[M].New York:Harcourt Brace and Company,1939.
[15]Lerner M J.The justice motive in social behavior:Introduction[J].Journal of Social Issues,1975,31(3):1-19.
[16]Mcallister I and Studlar D T.Bandwagon,underdog,or projection?Opinion polls and electoral choice in Britain,1979-1987[J].Journal of Politics,1991,53(3):720-741.
[17]Mehrabian L.Effects of poll reports on voter preferences[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,1998,28(23):2119-2130.
[19]Michniewicz K S and Vandello J A.The attractive underdog:When disadvantage bolsters attractiveness[J].Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,2013,30(7):942-952.
[20]Paharia N,et al.The underdog effect:The marketing of disadvantage and determination through brand biography[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2011,37(5):775-790.
[21]Pierce W M.Climbing on the bandwagon[J].Public Opinion Quarterly,1940,4(2):241-243.
[22]Simon H A.Bandwagon and underdog effects and the possibility of election predictions[J].Public Opinion Quarterly,1954,18(3):245-253.
[23]Sobel R S and Ryan M E.Unifying the favorite-longshot bias with other market anomalies[A].Ziemba D H W(Ed.).Handbook of sports and lottery markets[C].Amsterdam:North Holland-Elsevier,2008:137-160.
[24]Vandello J A,et al.The appeal of the underdog[J].Personality Social Psychology Bulletin,2007,33(12):1603-1616.
钟科, 王海忠, 杨晨. 人们何时支持弱者?营销中的劣势者效应研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(12): 13–21.