外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 11 期, 页码:71 - 81
法国经济学家让·梯若尔(Jean Tirole)因其对市场势力及其规制分析的贡献荣膺2014年度诺贝尔经济学奖。本文首先概述了梯若尔的学术生涯及其主要论著;其次着重阐述了梯若尔运用博弈论和机制设计理论拓展产业组织理论和新规制经济学研究的卓越贡献;最后探讨了梯若尔主要理论的意义及其对我国经济改革与发展问题研究的借鉴价值。
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[7]Fudenberg D,et al.Preemption,leapfrogging and competition in patent races[J].European Economic Review,1983,22(1):3-31.
[8]Fudenberg D and Tirole J.Capital as a commitment:Strategic investment to deter mobility[J].Journal of Economic Theory,1983,31(2):227-250.
[9]Fudenberg D.and Tirole J.Preemption and rent equalization in the adoption of new technology[J].Review of Economic Studies,1985,52(3):383-401.
[10]Laffont J J and Tirole J.Competition in telecommunications[M].Boston:MIT press,2001.
[11]Laffont J J A theory of incentives in procurement and regulation[M].Boston:MIT press,1993.
[12]Laffont,J J and Tirole J.Using cost observation to regulate firms[J].Journal of Political Economy,1986,94(3):614-641.
[13]Laffont,J J and Tirole J.The dynamics of incentive contracts[J].Econometrica,1988,56(5):1153-1175.
[14]Laffont,J J and Tirole J.The regulation of multiproduct firms[J].Journal of Public Economics,1990,43(1):1-66.
[15]Laffont,J J and Tirole J.The politics of government decision making:A theory of regulatory capture[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1991,106(4):1089-1127.
[16]Lerner J and Tirole J.Some simple economics of open source[J].Journal of Industrial Economics,2002,50(2):197-234.
[17]Lerner J and Tirole J.Efficient patent pools[J].American Economic Review,2004,94(4):691-711.
[18]Maskin,E and Tirole J.A theory of dynamic oligopoly,II:Price competition,kinked demand curves,and Edgeworth cycles[J].Econometrica,1988,56(3):571-599.
[19]Maskin,E and Tirole J.Markov perfect equilibrium:I.Observable actions[J].Journal of Economic Theory,2001,100(2):191-219.
[20]Stigler G.The economic theory of regulation[J].Bell Journal of Economics,1971,2(1):3-21.
[21]Rochet J C and Tirole J.Platform competition in two-sided markets[J].Journal of the European Economic Association,2003,1(4):990-1029.
[22]Spence A M.Investment strategy and growth in a new market[J].Bell Journal of Economics,1979,10(1):1-19.
[23]Tirole J.Hierarchies and bureaucracies:On the rule of collusion in organizations[J].Journal of Law,Economics,and Organization,1986,2(2):181-214.
[2]Bain J.Industrial organization[M].New York:Wiley,1956.
[3]Baron D and Myerson R.Regulating a monopolist with unknown costs[J].Econometrica,1982,50(4):911-930.
[4]Bowles S.Microeconomics:Behavior,institutions,and evolution[M].Princeton and Oxford:Princeton University Press,2009.
[5]Dewatripont M,et al.Balancing the banks:Global lessons from the financial crisis[M].Princeton and Oxford:Princeton University Press,2010.
[6]Dixit A.The role of investment in entry-deterrence[J].Economic Journal,1980,90(357):95-106.
[7]Fudenberg D,et al.Preemption,leapfrogging and competition in patent races[J].European Economic Review,1983,22(1):3-31.
[8]Fudenberg D and Tirole J.Capital as a commitment:Strategic investment to deter mobility[J].Journal of Economic Theory,1983,31(2):227-250.
[9]Fudenberg D.and Tirole J.Preemption and rent equalization in the adoption of new technology[J].Review of Economic Studies,1985,52(3):383-401.
[10]Laffont J J and Tirole J.Competition in telecommunications[M].Boston:MIT press,2001.
[11]Laffont J J A theory of incentives in procurement and regulation[M].Boston:MIT press,1993.
[12]Laffont,J J and Tirole J.Using cost observation to regulate firms[J].Journal of Political Economy,1986,94(3):614-641.
[13]Laffont,J J and Tirole J.The dynamics of incentive contracts[J].Econometrica,1988,56(5):1153-1175.
[14]Laffont,J J and Tirole J.The regulation of multiproduct firms[J].Journal of Public Economics,1990,43(1):1-66.
[15]Laffont,J J and Tirole J.The politics of government decision making:A theory of regulatory capture[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1991,106(4):1089-1127.
[16]Lerner J and Tirole J.Some simple economics of open source[J].Journal of Industrial Economics,2002,50(2):197-234.
[17]Lerner J and Tirole J.Efficient patent pools[J].American Economic Review,2004,94(4):691-711.
[18]Maskin,E and Tirole J.A theory of dynamic oligopoly,II:Price competition,kinked demand curves,and Edgeworth cycles[J].Econometrica,1988,56(3):571-599.
[19]Maskin,E and Tirole J.Markov perfect equilibrium:I.Observable actions[J].Journal of Economic Theory,2001,100(2):191-219.
[20]Stigler G.The economic theory of regulation[J].Bell Journal of Economics,1971,2(1):3-21.
[21]Rochet J C and Tirole J.Platform competition in two-sided markets[J].Journal of the European Economic Association,2003,1(4):990-1029.
[22]Spence A M.Investment strategy and growth in a new market[J].Bell Journal of Economics,1979,10(1):1-19.
[23]Tirole J.Hierarchies and bureaucracies:On the rule of collusion in organizations[J].Journal of Law,Economics,and Organization,1986,2(2):181-214.
李宝良, 郭其友. 产业组织理论与新规制经济学的拓展和应用——2014年度诺贝尔经济学奖得主让·梯若尔主要经济理论贡献述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(11): 71–81.