外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 10 期, 页码:52 - 61
[1]Aljukhadar M,Senecal S and Ouellette D.Can the mediarichness of a privacy disclosure enhance outcome?A multifa-ceted view of trust in rich media environments[J].Interna-tional Journal of Electronic Commerce,2010,14(4):103-126.
[2]Beldad A,Menno D J and Michael S.How shall I trust thefaceless and the intangible?A literature review on the ante-cedents of online trust[J].Computers in Human Behavior,2010,26(5):857-869.
[3]Benlian A and Hess T.The signaling role of IT features in in-fluencing trust and participation in online communities[J].International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2011,15(4):7-56.
[4]CasalóL V,Flavian C and Guinaliu M.Antecedents and con-sequences of consumer participation in on-line communities:The case of the travel sector[J].International Journal of E-lectronic Commerce,2010,15(2):137-167.
[5]Chen Jin,Zhang Cheng and Xu Yunjie.The role of mutualtrust in building members’loyalty to a C2Cplatform provider[J].International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2009,14(1):147-171.
[6]Choi J,Lee H J and Kim Y C.The influence of social pre-sence on customer intention to reuse online recommender sys-tems:The roles of personalization and product type[J].In-ternational Journal of Electronic Commerce,2011,16(1):129-153.
[7]Cyr D.Modeling web site design across cultures:Relation-ships to trust,satisfaction and e-loyalty[J].Journal of Ma-nagement Information Systems,2008,24(4):47-72.
[8]Cyr D,et al.Exploring human images in website design:Amulti-method approach[J].MIS Quarterly,2009,33(3):539-566.
[9]Dimoka A,Pavlou P A and Davis F D.Research commentar-y—NeuroIS:The potential of cognitive neuroscience for in-formation systems research[J].Information Systems Re-search,2011,22(4):687-702.
[10]Gefen D,Karahanna E and Straub D W.Trust and TAM inonline shopping:An integrated model[J].MIS Quarterly,2003,27(1):51-90.
[11]Gefen D,Benbasat I and Pavlou P A.A research agenda fortrust in online environments[J].Journal of Management In-formation Systems,2008,24(4):275-286.
[12]Gómez J M,et al.Introduction to the special issue:Miningsocial media[J].International Journal of Electronic Com-merce,2011,15(3):5-8.
[13]Greiner M E and Wang Hui.Building consumer-to-consumertrust in e-finance marketplaces:An empirical analysis[J].In-ternational Journal of Electronic Commerce,2010,15(2):105-136.
[14]Hong I B and Cho H.The impact of consumer trust on atti-tudinal loyalty and purchase intentions in B2Ce-marketpla-ces:Intermediary trust vs.seller trust[J].InternationalJournal of Information Management,2011,31(5):469-479.
[15]Kim D J,Ferrin D L and Rao H R.Trust and satisfaction,two stepping stones for successful e-commerce relationships:A longitudinal exploration[J].Information Systems Re-search,2009,20(2):237-257.
[16]Kim E and Tadisina S.A model of customers’trust in e-businesses:Micro-level inter-party trust formation[J].Jour-nal of Computer Information Systems,2007,48(1):88-104.
[17]Komiak S Y X and Benbasat I.The effects of personalizationand familiarity on trust and adoption of recommendation a-gents[J].MIS Quarterly,2006,30(4):941-960.
[18]Liu B Q and Goodhue D L.Two worlds of trust for potentiale-commerce users:Humans as cognitive misers[J].Informa-tion Systems Research,2012,23(4):1246-1262.
[19]McKnight D H,Choudhury V and Kacmar C.Developingand validating trust measures for e-commerce:An integrativetypology[J].Information Systems Research,2002,13(3):334-359.
[20]Pizzutti C and Fernandes D.Effect of recovery efforts onconsumer trust and loyalty in e-tail:A contingency model[J].International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2010,14(4):127-160.
[21]Premazzi K,et al.Customer information sharing with e-cen-dors:The roles of incentives and trust[J].InternationalJournal of Electronic Commerce,2010,14(3):63-91.
[22]Riedl R,Hubert M and Kenning P.Are there neural genderdifferences in online trust?An fMRI study on the perceivedtrustworthiness of EBay offers[J].MIS Quarterly,2010,34(2):397-428.
[23]Schlosser A E,White T B and Lloyd S M.Converting website visitors into buyers:How web site investment increasesconsumer trusting beliefs and online purchase intentions[J].Journal of Marketing,2006,70(2):133-148.
[24]Shi Yani,Sia Choon Ling and Chen Huaping.Leveragingsocial grouping for trust building in foreign electronic com-merce firms:An exploratory study[J].International Journalof Information Management,2013,33(3):419-428.
[25]Sia Choon Ling,et al.Web strategies to promote Internetshopping:Is cultural-customization needed?[J].MIS Quar-terly,2009,33(3):491-512.
[26]Utz S,Kerkhof P and Van den Bos J.Consumers rule:Howconsumer reviews influence perceived trustworthiness of on-line stores[J].Electronic Commerce Research and Applica-tions,2012,11(1):49-58.
[27]Wang Weiquan and Benbasat I.Recommendation agents forelectronic commerce:Effects of explanation facilities on trus-ting beliefs[J].Journal of Management Information Systems,2007,23(4):217-246.
[28]Xiao Bo and Benbasat I.E-commerce product recommenda-tion agents:Use,characteristics,and impact[J].MIS Quar-terly,2007,31(1):137-209.
[2]Beldad A,Menno D J and Michael S.How shall I trust thefaceless and the intangible?A literature review on the ante-cedents of online trust[J].Computers in Human Behavior,2010,26(5):857-869.
[3]Benlian A and Hess T.The signaling role of IT features in in-fluencing trust and participation in online communities[J].International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2011,15(4):7-56.
[4]CasalóL V,Flavian C and Guinaliu M.Antecedents and con-sequences of consumer participation in on-line communities:The case of the travel sector[J].International Journal of E-lectronic Commerce,2010,15(2):137-167.
[5]Chen Jin,Zhang Cheng and Xu Yunjie.The role of mutualtrust in building members’loyalty to a C2Cplatform provider[J].International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2009,14(1):147-171.
[6]Choi J,Lee H J and Kim Y C.The influence of social pre-sence on customer intention to reuse online recommender sys-tems:The roles of personalization and product type[J].In-ternational Journal of Electronic Commerce,2011,16(1):129-153.
[7]Cyr D.Modeling web site design across cultures:Relation-ships to trust,satisfaction and e-loyalty[J].Journal of Ma-nagement Information Systems,2008,24(4):47-72.
[8]Cyr D,et al.Exploring human images in website design:Amulti-method approach[J].MIS Quarterly,2009,33(3):539-566.
[9]Dimoka A,Pavlou P A and Davis F D.Research commentar-y—NeuroIS:The potential of cognitive neuroscience for in-formation systems research[J].Information Systems Re-search,2011,22(4):687-702.
[10]Gefen D,Karahanna E and Straub D W.Trust and TAM inonline shopping:An integrated model[J].MIS Quarterly,2003,27(1):51-90.
[11]Gefen D,Benbasat I and Pavlou P A.A research agenda fortrust in online environments[J].Journal of Management In-formation Systems,2008,24(4):275-286.
[12]Gómez J M,et al.Introduction to the special issue:Miningsocial media[J].International Journal of Electronic Com-merce,2011,15(3):5-8.
[13]Greiner M E and Wang Hui.Building consumer-to-consumertrust in e-finance marketplaces:An empirical analysis[J].In-ternational Journal of Electronic Commerce,2010,15(2):105-136.
[14]Hong I B and Cho H.The impact of consumer trust on atti-tudinal loyalty and purchase intentions in B2Ce-marketpla-ces:Intermediary trust vs.seller trust[J].InternationalJournal of Information Management,2011,31(5):469-479.
[15]Kim D J,Ferrin D L and Rao H R.Trust and satisfaction,two stepping stones for successful e-commerce relationships:A longitudinal exploration[J].Information Systems Re-search,2009,20(2):237-257.
[16]Kim E and Tadisina S.A model of customers’trust in e-businesses:Micro-level inter-party trust formation[J].Jour-nal of Computer Information Systems,2007,48(1):88-104.
[17]Komiak S Y X and Benbasat I.The effects of personalizationand familiarity on trust and adoption of recommendation a-gents[J].MIS Quarterly,2006,30(4):941-960.
[18]Liu B Q and Goodhue D L.Two worlds of trust for potentiale-commerce users:Humans as cognitive misers[J].Informa-tion Systems Research,2012,23(4):1246-1262.
[19]McKnight D H,Choudhury V and Kacmar C.Developingand validating trust measures for e-commerce:An integrativetypology[J].Information Systems Research,2002,13(3):334-359.
[20]Pizzutti C and Fernandes D.Effect of recovery efforts onconsumer trust and loyalty in e-tail:A contingency model[J].International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2010,14(4):127-160.
[21]Premazzi K,et al.Customer information sharing with e-cen-dors:The roles of incentives and trust[J].InternationalJournal of Electronic Commerce,2010,14(3):63-91.
[22]Riedl R,Hubert M and Kenning P.Are there neural genderdifferences in online trust?An fMRI study on the perceivedtrustworthiness of EBay offers[J].MIS Quarterly,2010,34(2):397-428.
[23]Schlosser A E,White T B and Lloyd S M.Converting website visitors into buyers:How web site investment increasesconsumer trusting beliefs and online purchase intentions[J].Journal of Marketing,2006,70(2):133-148.
[24]Shi Yani,Sia Choon Ling and Chen Huaping.Leveragingsocial grouping for trust building in foreign electronic com-merce firms:An exploratory study[J].International Journalof Information Management,2013,33(3):419-428.
[25]Sia Choon Ling,et al.Web strategies to promote Internetshopping:Is cultural-customization needed?[J].MIS Quar-terly,2009,33(3):491-512.
[26]Utz S,Kerkhof P and Van den Bos J.Consumers rule:Howconsumer reviews influence perceived trustworthiness of on-line stores[J].Electronic Commerce Research and Applica-tions,2012,11(1):49-58.
[27]Wang Weiquan and Benbasat I.Recommendation agents forelectronic commerce:Effects of explanation facilities on trus-ting beliefs[J].Journal of Management Information Systems,2007,23(4):217-246.
[28]Xiao Bo and Benbasat I.E-commerce product recommenda-tion agents:Use,characteristics,and impact[J].MIS Quar-terly,2007,31(1):137-209.
王玮, 陈蕊. 互联网情境下的信任研究评介及展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(10): 52–61.