外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 07 期, 页码:73 - 80
[1]Anand K S and Aron R.Group buying on the web:A compari-son of price-discovery mechanisms[J].Management Science,2003,49(11):1546-1562.
[2]Chen J,Chen X L and Song X P.Bidder’s strategy under group-buying auction on the Internet[J].IEEE Transactions on Systems,Man and Cybernetics,Part A:Systems and Hu-mans,2002,32(6):680-690.
[3]Chen J,Chen X L and Song X P.Comparison of the group-buying auction and the fixed pricing mechanism[J].Decision Support Systems,2007,43(2):445-459.
[4]Chen R R and Roma P.Group buying of competing retailers[J].Pro-duction and Operations Management,2011,20(2):181-197.
[5]Coulter K S and Roggeveen A.Deal or no deal?How number of buyers,purchase limit,and time-to-expiration impact pur-chase decisions on group buying websites?[J].Journal of Re-search in Interactive Marketing,2012,6(2):78-95.
[6]Ho C T,Kauffman R J and Lai H.Incentive mechanisms,fair-ness and participation in online group-buying auctions[J].E-lectronic Commerce Research and Applications,2010,9(3):249-262.
[7]Hsieh F S.Supporting decision in group buying based on com-binatorial reverse auction[R].Proceedings of International Conference on Information Society,NewYork,IEEE Xplore,2010:363-369.
[8]Hughes S and Beukes C.Growth and implications of social e-commerce and group buying daily deal sites:The case of Grou-pon and Livingsocial[J].International Business&Economics Research Journal,2012,11(8):921-934.
[9]Inman J J and McAlister L.Do coupon expiration dates affect consumer behavior?[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1994,31(3):423-428.
[10]Jing X Q and Xie J H.Group-buying:A new mechanism for selling social interactions[J].Management Science,2011,57(8):1354-1372.
[11]Kauffman R J,et al.Do textual comments and existing orders affect consumer participation in online group-buying?[R].Proceedings of the42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,NewYork,IEEE Xplore,2009:1-10.
[12]Kauffman R J and Wang B.New buyer arrival under dynamic pricing market microstructure:The case of group-buying dis-counts on the Internet[J].Journal of Management Informa-tion Systems,2001,18(2):157-188.
[13]Kauffman R J and Wang B.Bid together,buy together:On the efficacy of group-buying business models in Internet-based selling[A].Lowry P al(Eds.).The e-business hand-book[C].Boca Raton,FLO:CRC Press,2002:99-137.
[14]Liu Y and Sutanto J.Buyers’purchasing time and herd be-havior on deal-of-the-day group-buying websites[J].Electro-nic Markets,2012:22(2):83-93.
[15]Li C H,et al.Mechanism design for coalition formation and cost sharing in group-buying markets[J].Electronic Com-merce Research and Applications,2004,3(4):341-354.
[16]Li Y M,et al.Analysis of pricing strategies for community-based group buying:The impact of competition and waiting cost[J].Infor-mation Systems Frontiers,2010,14(3):633-645.
[17]McKechnie S,et al.Effects of discount framing in compara-tive price advertising[J].European Journal of Marketing,2012,46(11):1501-1522.
[18]Pi S M,et al.Factors influencing the behavior of online group-buying in Taiwan[J].African Journal of Business Manage-ment,2011,16(5):7120-7129.
[19]Payne J W,Bettman J and Johnson E J.Adaptive strategy selec-tion in decision making[J].Journal of Experimental Psychology:Learning,Memory,and Cognition,1988,14(3):534-552.
[20]Tan C H,Goh K Y and Teo H H.An investigation of online group-buying institution and buyer behavior[R].Proceedings of the12th International Conference on Human-Computer In-teraction:Applications and Services,2007.
[21]Tsai M T,Cheng N C and Chen K S.Understanding online group buying intention:The roles of sense of virtual communi-ty and technology acceptance factors[J].Total Quality Ma-nagement&Business Excellence,2011,22(10):1091-1104.
[22]Xiong L and Hu C.Hotel viral marketing via social net-works:A strategic pricing lesson from group buying[EB/OL].,2011.
[23]Yen B J M and Huang M Y.Retailer acceptance of consumer-led group buying from a stakeholder influence strategy per-spective[J].Management Science,2010,49(11):1546-1553.
[2]Chen J,Chen X L and Song X P.Bidder’s strategy under group-buying auction on the Internet[J].IEEE Transactions on Systems,Man and Cybernetics,Part A:Systems and Hu-mans,2002,32(6):680-690.
[3]Chen J,Chen X L and Song X P.Comparison of the group-buying auction and the fixed pricing mechanism[J].Decision Support Systems,2007,43(2):445-459.
[4]Chen R R and Roma P.Group buying of competing retailers[J].Pro-duction and Operations Management,2011,20(2):181-197.
[5]Coulter K S and Roggeveen A.Deal or no deal?How number of buyers,purchase limit,and time-to-expiration impact pur-chase decisions on group buying websites?[J].Journal of Re-search in Interactive Marketing,2012,6(2):78-95.
[6]Ho C T,Kauffman R J and Lai H.Incentive mechanisms,fair-ness and participation in online group-buying auctions[J].E-lectronic Commerce Research and Applications,2010,9(3):249-262.
[7]Hsieh F S.Supporting decision in group buying based on com-binatorial reverse auction[R].Proceedings of International Conference on Information Society,NewYork,IEEE Xplore,2010:363-369.
[8]Hughes S and Beukes C.Growth and implications of social e-commerce and group buying daily deal sites:The case of Grou-pon and Livingsocial[J].International Business&Economics Research Journal,2012,11(8):921-934.
[9]Inman J J and McAlister L.Do coupon expiration dates affect consumer behavior?[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1994,31(3):423-428.
[10]Jing X Q and Xie J H.Group-buying:A new mechanism for selling social interactions[J].Management Science,2011,57(8):1354-1372.
[11]Kauffman R J,et al.Do textual comments and existing orders affect consumer participation in online group-buying?[R].Proceedings of the42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,NewYork,IEEE Xplore,2009:1-10.
[12]Kauffman R J and Wang B.New buyer arrival under dynamic pricing market microstructure:The case of group-buying dis-counts on the Internet[J].Journal of Management Informa-tion Systems,2001,18(2):157-188.
[13]Kauffman R J and Wang B.Bid together,buy together:On the efficacy of group-buying business models in Internet-based selling[A].Lowry P al(Eds.).The e-business hand-book[C].Boca Raton,FLO:CRC Press,2002:99-137.
[14]Liu Y and Sutanto J.Buyers’purchasing time and herd be-havior on deal-of-the-day group-buying websites[J].Electro-nic Markets,2012:22(2):83-93.
[15]Li C H,et al.Mechanism design for coalition formation and cost sharing in group-buying markets[J].Electronic Com-merce Research and Applications,2004,3(4):341-354.
[16]Li Y M,et al.Analysis of pricing strategies for community-based group buying:The impact of competition and waiting cost[J].Infor-mation Systems Frontiers,2010,14(3):633-645.
[17]McKechnie S,et al.Effects of discount framing in compara-tive price advertising[J].European Journal of Marketing,2012,46(11):1501-1522.
[18]Pi S M,et al.Factors influencing the behavior of online group-buying in Taiwan[J].African Journal of Business Manage-ment,2011,16(5):7120-7129.
[19]Payne J W,Bettman J and Johnson E J.Adaptive strategy selec-tion in decision making[J].Journal of Experimental Psychology:Learning,Memory,and Cognition,1988,14(3):534-552.
[20]Tan C H,Goh K Y and Teo H H.An investigation of online group-buying institution and buyer behavior[R].Proceedings of the12th International Conference on Human-Computer In-teraction:Applications and Services,2007.
[21]Tsai M T,Cheng N C and Chen K S.Understanding online group buying intention:The roles of sense of virtual communi-ty and technology acceptance factors[J].Total Quality Ma-nagement&Business Excellence,2011,22(10):1091-1104.
[22]Xiong L and Hu C.Hotel viral marketing via social net-works:A strategic pricing lesson from group buying[EB/OL].,2011.
[23]Yen B J M and Huang M Y.Retailer acceptance of consumer-led group buying from a stakeholder influence strategy per-spective[J].Management Science,2010,49(11):1546-1553.
王海平, 刘树林. 网络团购研究现状述评及未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(7): 73–80.