外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 03 期, 页码:47 - 56
[1]Aaker J L.Dimensions of brand personality[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1997,34(3):347-356.
[2]Aboulian L and McBride A G.How easy is it to register your slogan?[J].Journal of Brand Management,2007,14(4):359-363.
[3]Batra R,et al.Brand love[J].Journal of Marketing,2012,76(3):1-16.
[4]Boush D M.How advertising slogans can prime evaluations of brand extensions[J].Psychology&Marketing,1993,10(1):67-78.
[5]Cave A.KFC abandons‘Finger Lickin Good’slogan in a bid to boost its image[EB/OL].The Telegraph,http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/8335439/KFC-abandons-finger-lickin-good-slogan-in-a-bid-to-boost-its-image.html,2012.
[6]Dahlén M and Rosengren S.Brands affect slogans affect brands?Competitive interference,brand equity and the brand-slogan link[J].Journal of Brand Management,2005,12(3):151-164.
[7]Glick P C.The family cycle[J].American Sociological Re-view,1947,12(2):164-174.
[8]Jaworski B J.On managerial relevance[J].Journal of Mar-keting,2011,75(7):211-224.
[9]Katz M and Rose J.Is your slogan identifiable?[J].Journal of Advertising Research,1969,9(1):21-26.
[10]Keiser S K.Awareness of brands and slogans[J].Journal ofAdvertising Research,1975,15(4):37-43.
[11]Keller K L.Strategic brand management-building,measuring and managing brand equity[M].New Jersey:Pearson Education,1998.
[12]Keller K L.Brand synthesis:The multidimensionality of brand knowledge[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2003,29(3):595-600.
[13]Keller K L and Lehmann D R.Brands and branding:Re-search findings and future priorities[J].Marketing Science,2006,25(6):740-759.
[14]Kiley D.Can you name that slogan?[EB/OL].Business-week online,http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dn-flash/oct2004/nf20041014_4965_db035.htm,2004.
[15]Kohli C,et al.Creating effective logos:Insights from theory and practice[J].Business Horizons,2002,45(3):58-64.
[16]Kohli C L,et al.Got slogan?Guidelines for creating effec-tive slogans[J].Business Horizons,2007,50(5):415-422.
[17]Laran J,et al.The curious case of behavioral backlash:Why brands produce priming effects and slogans produce re-verse priming effects[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2011,37(6):999-1014.
[18]Larson C M and Wales H G.Slogan awareness in the Chica-go market[J].Journal of Advertising Research,1970,10(6):38-41.
[19]Lehmann D R,et al.Sophistication in research in marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2011,75(7):155-165.
[20]MacInnis D J.A framework for conceptual contributions in marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2011,75(7):136-154.
[21]Mathur L K and Mathur I.The effect of advertising slogan changes on the market values of firms[J].Journal of Adver-tising Research,1995,35(1):59-65.
[22]McAlexander J H,et al.Building brand community[J].Journal of Marketing,2002,66(1):38-54.
[23]Miller S A,et al.The relationship of motivators,needs,and involvement factors to preferences for military recruit-ment slogans[J].Journal of Advertising Research,2007,47(1):66-78.
[24]Muniz A M and O’Guinn T C.Brand community[J].Jour-nal of Consumer Research,2001,27(3):412-432.
[25]Park C W,et al.Brand attachment and brand attitude strength:Conceptual and empirical differentiation of two criti-cal brand equity drivers[J].Journal of Marketing,2010,74(11):1-17.
[26]Petty R D,et al.Slogans:US and EU legal protection for slogans that identify and promote the brand[J].International Journal of Advertising,2010,29(3):473-500.
[27]Reece B B,et al.What makes a slogan memorable and who remembers it[J].Journal of Current Issues&Research in Advertising,1994,16(2):41-57.
[28]Reibstein D J,et al.Is marketing academia losing its way?[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(7):1-3.
[29]Rosengren S and Dahlén M.Brand-slogan matching in a clut-tered environment[J].Journal of Marketing Communica-tions,2006,12(4):263-279.
[30]Scheibehenne B,et al.Can there ever be too many options?A meta-analytic review of choice overload[J].Journal of Con-sumer Psychology,2010,37(10):409-425.
[31]Supphellen M and Nygaardsvik I.Testing country brand slo-gans:Conceptual development and empirical illustration of a simple normative model[J].Journal of Brand Management,2002,9(4/5):385-395.
[32]Theeuwes J.Cross-dimensional perceptual selectivity[J].Atten-tion,Perception,&Psychophysics,1991,50(2):184-193.
[2]Aboulian L and McBride A G.How easy is it to register your slogan?[J].Journal of Brand Management,2007,14(4):359-363.
[3]Batra R,et al.Brand love[J].Journal of Marketing,2012,76(3):1-16.
[4]Boush D M.How advertising slogans can prime evaluations of brand extensions[J].Psychology&Marketing,1993,10(1):67-78.
[5]Cave A.KFC abandons‘Finger Lickin Good’slogan in a bid to boost its image[EB/OL].The Telegraph,http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/8335439/KFC-abandons-finger-lickin-good-slogan-in-a-bid-to-boost-its-image.html,2012.
[6]Dahlén M and Rosengren S.Brands affect slogans affect brands?Competitive interference,brand equity and the brand-slogan link[J].Journal of Brand Management,2005,12(3):151-164.
[7]Glick P C.The family cycle[J].American Sociological Re-view,1947,12(2):164-174.
[8]Jaworski B J.On managerial relevance[J].Journal of Mar-keting,2011,75(7):211-224.
[9]Katz M and Rose J.Is your slogan identifiable?[J].Journal of Advertising Research,1969,9(1):21-26.
[10]Keiser S K.Awareness of brands and slogans[J].Journal ofAdvertising Research,1975,15(4):37-43.
[11]Keller K L.Strategic brand management-building,measuring and managing brand equity[M].New Jersey:Pearson Education,1998.
[12]Keller K L.Brand synthesis:The multidimensionality of brand knowledge[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2003,29(3):595-600.
[13]Keller K L and Lehmann D R.Brands and branding:Re-search findings and future priorities[J].Marketing Science,2006,25(6):740-759.
[14]Kiley D.Can you name that slogan?[EB/OL].Business-week online,http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dn-flash/oct2004/nf20041014_4965_db035.htm,2004.
[15]Kohli C,et al.Creating effective logos:Insights from theory and practice[J].Business Horizons,2002,45(3):58-64.
[16]Kohli C L,et al.Got slogan?Guidelines for creating effec-tive slogans[J].Business Horizons,2007,50(5):415-422.
[17]Laran J,et al.The curious case of behavioral backlash:Why brands produce priming effects and slogans produce re-verse priming effects[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2011,37(6):999-1014.
[18]Larson C M and Wales H G.Slogan awareness in the Chica-go market[J].Journal of Advertising Research,1970,10(6):38-41.
[19]Lehmann D R,et al.Sophistication in research in marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2011,75(7):155-165.
[20]MacInnis D J.A framework for conceptual contributions in marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2011,75(7):136-154.
[21]Mathur L K and Mathur I.The effect of advertising slogan changes on the market values of firms[J].Journal of Adver-tising Research,1995,35(1):59-65.
[22]McAlexander J H,et al.Building brand community[J].Journal of Marketing,2002,66(1):38-54.
[23]Miller S A,et al.The relationship of motivators,needs,and involvement factors to preferences for military recruit-ment slogans[J].Journal of Advertising Research,2007,47(1):66-78.
[24]Muniz A M and O’Guinn T C.Brand community[J].Jour-nal of Consumer Research,2001,27(3):412-432.
[25]Park C W,et al.Brand attachment and brand attitude strength:Conceptual and empirical differentiation of two criti-cal brand equity drivers[J].Journal of Marketing,2010,74(11):1-17.
[26]Petty R D,et al.Slogans:US and EU legal protection for slogans that identify and promote the brand[J].International Journal of Advertising,2010,29(3):473-500.
[27]Reece B B,et al.What makes a slogan memorable and who remembers it[J].Journal of Current Issues&Research in Advertising,1994,16(2):41-57.
[28]Reibstein D J,et al.Is marketing academia losing its way?[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(7):1-3.
[29]Rosengren S and Dahlén M.Brand-slogan matching in a clut-tered environment[J].Journal of Marketing Communica-tions,2006,12(4):263-279.
[30]Scheibehenne B,et al.Can there ever be too many options?A meta-analytic review of choice overload[J].Journal of Con-sumer Psychology,2010,37(10):409-425.
[31]Supphellen M and Nygaardsvik I.Testing country brand slo-gans:Conceptual development and empirical illustration of a simple normative model[J].Journal of Brand Management,2002,9(4/5):385-395.
[32]Theeuwes J.Cross-dimensional perceptual selectivity[J].Atten-tion,Perception,&Psychophysics,1991,50(2):184-193.
俞满娇. 西方品牌口号研究回顾与评析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(3): 47–56.