外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 01 期, 页码:55 - 62
[1]Bateman T S and Crant J M.The proactive component of or-ganizational behavior:A measure and correlates[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,1993,14(2):103-118.
[2]Bedeian A G and Hunt J G.Academic amnesia and vestigial assumptions of our forefathers[J].Leadership Quarterly,2006,17(2):190-205.
[3]Cameron K S and Quinn R E.Organizational paradox and transformation[A].Quinn R E and Cameron K S(Eds.).Par-adox and transformation:Toward a theory of change in orga-nizations and management[C].Cambridge,MA:Ballinger,1988:12-18.
[4]Campbell D J.The proactive employee:Managing workplace initiative[J].Academy of Management Executive,2000,14(3):52-66.
[5]Cheung G W.Introducing the latent congruence model for im-proving the assessment of similarity,agreement,and fit in or-ganizational research[J].Organizational Research Methods,2009,12(1):6-33.
[6]Collinson D.Dialectics of leadership[J].Human Relations,2005,58(11):1419-1442.
[7]DeRue D S and Ashford S J.Who will lead and who will fol-low?Asocial process of leadership identity construction in or-ganizations[J].Academy of Management Review,2010,35(4):627-647.
[8]Edwards J R and Parry M E.On the use of polynomial regres-sion equations as an alternative to difference scores in organi-zational research[J].Academy of Management,1993,36(6):1577-1613.
[9]Edwards J R.The study of congruence in organizational beha-vior research:Critique and a proposed alternative[J].Organi-zational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1994,58(1):51-100.
[10]Edwards J R.Latent variable modeling in congruence re-search current problems and future directions[J].Organiza-tional Research Methods,2009,12(1):34-62.
[11]Fiol C M.Capitalizing on paradox:The role of language in transforming organizational identities[J].Organization Sci-ence,2002,13(6):653-666.
[12]Gemmill G and Oakley J.Leadership:An alienating social myth?[J].Human Relations,1992,45(2):113-129.
[13]Gronn P.Distributed leadership as a unit of analysis[J].Lea-dership Quarterly,2002,13(4):423-451.
[14]Gupta A K,et al.The interplay between exploration and ex-ploitation[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(4):693-706.
[15]Kristof-Brown A L,et al.Consequences of individuals’fit at work:A meta-analysis of person-job,person-organization,per-son-group,and person-supervisor fit[J].Personnel Psycho-logy,2005,58(2):281-342.
[16]Küpers W and Weibler J.Inter-leadership:Why and how should we think of leadership and followership integrally?[J].Leadership,2008,4(4):443-475.
[17]Lewis M W.Exploring paradox:Toward a more comprehen-sive guide[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(4):760-776.
[18]Li N,et al.The role of proactive personality in job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior:A relational perspective[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(2):395-404.
[19]Luthans F and Stewart T I.A general contingency theory of management[J].Academy of Management Review,1977,2(2):181-195.
[20]Meindl J R.The romance of leadership as a follower-centric theory:A social constructionist approach[J].Leadership Quarterly,1995,6(3):329-341.
[21]Morrison E.OB in AMJ:What is hot and what is not?[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(5):932-936.
[22]Pratt M G and Foreman P O.Classifying managerial respon-ses to multiple organizational identities[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Review,2000,25(1):18-42.
[23]Shanock L R,et al.Polynomial regression with response sur-face analysis:A powerful approach for examining moderation and overcoming limitations of difference scores[J].Journal of Business and Psychology,2010,25(4):543-554.
[24]Smith W K and Lewis M W.Toward a theory of paradox:A dynamic equilibrium model of organizing[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Review,2011,36(2):381-403.
[25]Thompson J A.Proactive personality and job performance:A social capital perspective[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2005,90(5):1011-1017.
[26]Tinsley H E A.The congruence myth:An analysis of the ef-ficacy of the person-environment fit model[J].Journal of Vo-cational behavior,2000,56(2):147-179.
[27]Tosi Jr H L and Slocum Jr J W.Contingency theory:Some suggested directions[J].Journal of Management,1984,10(1):9-26.
[28]Zhang Z,et al.Leader-follower congruence in proactive per-sonality and work outcomes:The mediating role of leader-member exchange[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(1):111-130.
[1]Bateman T S and Crant J M.The proactive component of or-ganizational behavior:A measure and correlates[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,1993,14(2):103-118.
[2]Bedeian A G and Hunt J G.Academic amnesia and vestigial assumptions of our forefathers[J].Leadership Quarterly,2006,17(2):190-205.
[3]Cameron K S and Quinn R E.Organizational paradox and transformation[A].Quinn R E and Cameron K S(Eds.).Par-adox and transformation:Toward a theory of change in orga-nizations and management[C].Cambridge,MA:Ballinger,1988:12-18.
[4]Campbell D J.The proactive employee:Managing workplace initiative[J].Academy of Management Executive,2000,14(3):52-66.
[5]Cheung G W.Introducing the latent congruence model for im-proving the assessment of similarity,agreement,and fit in or-ganizational research[J].Organizational Research Methods,2009,12(1):6-33.
[6]Collinson D.Dialectics of leadership[J].Human Relations,2005,58(11):1419-1442.
[7]DeRue D S and Ashford S J.Who will lead and who will fol-low?Asocial process of leadership identity construction in or-ganizations[J].Academy of Management Review,2010,35(4):627-647.
[8]Edwards J R and Parry M E.On the use of polynomial regres-sion equations as an alternative to difference scores in organi-zational research[J].Academy of Management,1993,36(6):1577-1613.
[9]Edwards J R.The study of congruence in organizational beha-vior research:Critique and a proposed alternative[J].Organi-zational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1994,58(1):51-100.
[10]Edwards J R.Latent variable modeling in congruence re-search current problems and future directions[J].Organiza-tional Research Methods,2009,12(1):34-62.
[11]Fiol C M.Capitalizing on paradox:The role of language in transforming organizational identities[J].Organization Sci-ence,2002,13(6):653-666.
[12]Gemmill G and Oakley J.Leadership:An alienating social myth?[J].Human Relations,1992,45(2):113-129.
[13]Gronn P.Distributed leadership as a unit of analysis[J].Lea-dership Quarterly,2002,13(4):423-451.
[14]Gupta A K,et al.The interplay between exploration and ex-ploitation[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(4):693-706.
[15]Kristof-Brown A L,et al.Consequences of individuals’fit at work:A meta-analysis of person-job,person-organization,per-son-group,and person-supervisor fit[J].Personnel Psycho-logy,2005,58(2):281-342.
[16]Küpers W and Weibler J.Inter-leadership:Why and how should we think of leadership and followership integrally?[J].Leadership,2008,4(4):443-475.
[17]Lewis M W.Exploring paradox:Toward a more comprehen-sive guide[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(4):760-776.
[18]Li N,et al.The role of proactive personality in job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior:A relational perspective[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(2):395-404.
[19]Luthans F and Stewart T I.A general contingency theory of management[J].Academy of Management Review,1977,2(2):181-195.
[20]Meindl J R.The romance of leadership as a follower-centric theory:A social constructionist approach[J].Leadership Quarterly,1995,6(3):329-341.
[21]Morrison E.OB in AMJ:What is hot and what is not?[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(5):932-936.
[22]Pratt M G and Foreman P O.Classifying managerial respon-ses to multiple organizational identities[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Review,2000,25(1):18-42.
[23]Shanock L R,et al.Polynomial regression with response sur-face analysis:A powerful approach for examining moderation and overcoming limitations of difference scores[J].Journal of Business and Psychology,2010,25(4):543-554.
[24]Smith W K and Lewis M W.Toward a theory of paradox:A dynamic equilibrium model of organizing[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Review,2011,36(2):381-403.
[25]Thompson J A.Proactive personality and job performance:A social capital perspective[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2005,90(5):1011-1017.
[26]Tinsley H E A.The congruence myth:An analysis of the ef-ficacy of the person-environment fit model[J].Journal of Vo-cational behavior,2000,56(2):147-179.
[27]Tosi Jr H L and Slocum Jr J W.Contingency theory:Some suggested directions[J].Journal of Management,1984,10(1):9-26.
[28]Zhang Z,et al.Leader-follower congruence in proactive per-sonality and work outcomes:The mediating role of leader-member exchange[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(1):111-130.
张军成, 凌文辁. 悖论视角下的领导者—追随者契合研究探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(1): 55–62.