财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 07 期, 页码:93 - 103
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[5]Florida R.The economic geography of talent[J].Annals of the Association of AmericanGeographers,2002b,92(4):743-755.
[6]Markusen A.Targeting occupations in regional and community economic development[J].Journal of the American Planning Association,2004,70(3):253-268.
[7]Florida R Mellander C.Sto larick K.Inside the black box of regional development:Hu-man capital,the creative class and tolerance[J].Journal of Economic Geography.2008,8(5):615-649.
[8]Marlet G,van Woerkens C.Skills and creativity in a cross-section of Dutch cities[R].Working Paper,2004.
[9]Glaeser E.Review of Richard Florida’s the rise of the creative class[DB].http://www.creativeclass.com/rfcgdb/articles/GlaeserReview.pdf,2004.
[10]Scott A J.Creative Cities:Conceptual issues and policy questions[J].Journal of UrbanAffairs,2006,28(1):1-17.
[11]Qian H.Talent,creativity and regional economic performance:The case of China[J].The Annals of Regional Science,2010,45(1):133-156.
[12]Jacobs J.The economy of cities[M].New York:Random House,1969.
[4]Florida R.The rise of the creative class[M].New York:Basic Books,2002a.
[5]Florida R.The economic geography of talent[J].Annals of the Association of AmericanGeographers,2002b,92(4):743-755.
[6]Markusen A.Targeting occupations in regional and community economic development[J].Journal of the American Planning Association,2004,70(3):253-268.
[7]Florida R Mellander C.Sto larick K.Inside the black box of regional development:Hu-man capital,the creative class and tolerance[J].Journal of Economic Geography.2008,8(5):615-649.
[8]Marlet G,van Woerkens C.Skills and creativity in a cross-section of Dutch cities[R].Working Paper,2004.
[9]Glaeser E.Review of Richard Florida’s the rise of the creative class[DB].http://www.creativeclass.com/rfcgdb/articles/GlaeserReview.pdf,2004.
[10]Scott A J.Creative Cities:Conceptual issues and policy questions[J].Journal of UrbanAffairs,2006,28(1):1-17.
[11]Qian H.Talent,creativity and regional economic performance:The case of China[J].The Annals of Regional Science,2010,45(1):133-156.
[12]Jacobs J.The economy of cities[M].New York:Random House,1969.
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