财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 06 期, 页码:91 - 103
[1]Belussi F,Sammarra A,Sedita S R.Learning at the boundaries in an“open regional in-novation system”:Afocus on firms’innovation strategies in the Emilia Romagna lifescience industry[J].Research Policy,2010,39:710-721.
[2]de Jong J P J,Freel M.Absorptive capacity and the reach of collaboration in high tech-nology small firms[J].Research Policy,2010,39:47-54.
[3]Frenz M,Ietto-Gillies G.The i mpact on innovation performance of different sources ofknowledge:Evidence fromthe UKcommunity innovation survey[J].Research Policy,2009,38:1125-1135.
[4]Narula R,Santangelo G D.Location,collocation and R&Dalliances in the European ICTindustry[J].Research Policy,2009,38:393-403.
[5]T dtling F,Lehner P,Kauf mann A.Do different types of innovation rely on specifickinds of knowledge interactions[J].Technovation,2009,29:59-71.
[6]Tsai K H,Wang J C.External technology sourcing and innovation performance in LMTsectors:An analysis based on the Tai wanese Technological Innovation Survey[J].Re-search Policy,2009,38:518-526.
[7]Weterings A,Boschma R.Does spatial proxi mity to customers matter for innovative per-formanceEvidence fromthe Dutch software sector[J].Research Policy,2009,38:746-755.
[2]de Jong J P J,Freel M.Absorptive capacity and the reach of collaboration in high tech-nology small firms[J].Research Policy,2010,39:47-54.
[3]Frenz M,Ietto-Gillies G.The i mpact on innovation performance of different sources ofknowledge:Evidence fromthe UKcommunity innovation survey[J].Research Policy,2009,38:1125-1135.
[4]Narula R,Santangelo G D.Location,collocation and R&Dalliances in the European ICTindustry[J].Research Policy,2009,38:393-403.
[5]T dtling F,Lehner P,Kauf mann A.Do different types of innovation rely on specifickinds of knowledge interactions[J].Technovation,2009,29:59-71.
[6]Tsai K H,Wang J C.External technology sourcing and innovation performance in LMTsectors:An analysis based on the Tai wanese Technological Innovation Survey[J].Re-search Policy,2009,38:518-526.
[7]Weterings A,Boschma R.Does spatial proxi mity to customers matter for innovative per-formanceEvidence fromthe Dutch software sector[J].Research Policy,2009,38:746-755.
吕萍. 知识来源和创新联系的地理分布对创新绩效的影响研究[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(6): 91–103.